AoS Worcester War Games Tournament 22/05/16

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Gorgerak, May 27, 2016.

  1. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Worcester War Games AoS tournament 22/05/16

    This was a one-day, 3 game tournament, run using the Cheltenham Warchief (CWC) comp system. My army for this tournament was as follows:

    Skink Starseer (General)

    Skink Starpriest

    Battlemage - human

    Saurus Astrolith Bearer

    10x Saurus Guard

    6x Ripperdactyls

    Bastiladon (Basil)

    Bastiladon (Basil’s little brother)

    Dread Saurian

    10x Chameleon Skinks

    My general strategy with this army was relatively straight-forward: The ‘Basil bros’ would sit on objectives and provide ranged support with their solar engines. The saurus guard provide a bunker for my characters whilst being able to hold a position if needed due to high save and ignore -1 rend. The Dread Saurian was my main monster hunter - it’s crazy powerful and if I can keep him 8 wounds remaining his combat prowess is not affected. The ripperdactyls had 2 main tasks - scare the s#!t out of my opponents and give me a second very hard hitter. The chameleon skinks are a great way of harassing the opponents back line and teleporting onto lone objectives.

    My characters were chosen very specifically chosen - the starseer’s re-rolls are not to be underestimated and would prove very useful indeed. The starpriest gives me another caster and the serpent staff allows jaw attacks to do double damage on a wound of 6. The dread saurians massive jaws do D6 damage, the possibility of being able to deal 4 lots of 2D6 damage would be insane. The battlemage was being used with the lore of beasts so his wildform spell gives +1 to wound. The aim was to combine this with the serpent staff on either the rippers or the dread saurian for double damage on a 5+ wound roll getting the combo off on either would be devastating (in theory)
  2. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    So onto scenario 1

    This scenario was 5 objectives on the board in a X formation - one towards each corner, and a fifth in the centre. The main objective was to hold the objectives, scoring 1 point for each object held at the end of each battle round. The twist is that from the start of battle round 2 one of the outer objectives explodes and is removed from play. So in round 5 everyone is fighting over the central objective.

    I was drawn to play a chap called edward in this game, also playing seraphon. He had a much more conventional list: Slann Starmaster, Skink Priest, Saurus Oldblood, 20x Saurus Warriors, 20x Saurus Guard, 10 skinks with javelins, 10 skinks with blowpipes, Bastiladon, Engine of the Gods and a cheeky salamander. My main concern with this force was the saurus guard; I only took 10 because I know how hard they are to shift in combat and Ed had 20 of them!

    So onto deployment, I dropped one bastiladon onto each of the outer objectives on my side of the board - I knew full well I could rely on them to stay there all game. The saurus guard deployed in the centre around my characters with the Rippers and Dread Saurian between them and Basil’s little brother on the right flank.

    Ed deployed his saurus and saurus guard in the centre of the board, slann, oldblood and skink priest behind them. Javelin skinks took his right flank objective and the bastiladon took the left one (how was I going to shift that?) The engine, salamander and blowpipe skinks took up position between the saurus warriors and the bastiladon to complete the battleline.

    I placed my blot toad right on the central objective, If Ed put either unit of saurus on it, My rippers would make short work of them with the blot toad’s help. So I gave Ed the first turn and he moved the battleline forward, not much else for him to do except pop a mystic shield so it was over to me. My saurus bunker shuffled forward slightly but that was just to make sure they weren’t left behind. The basil bros also shuffled forwards making sure to keep within 3” of their objectives so they could capture them this turn. The rippers swooped forward their full 14”, closely followed by the Dread Saurian. I realised at this point that I was within range to make a turn one charge with both of these units, so I hopped the blot toad over to the saurus unit. I had managed to get my double damage and +1 to wound off on the Ripperdactyls along with a mystic shield on them and another on the dread saurian (from here on I shall refer to the dread saurian as Dave - its quicker to type!). The chameleon skinks popped up on Ed’s far right flank - the javelin skinks were largely on their own and the chameleons spied an easy objective claim. A quick salvo of darts later and the skinks were reduced to 3 models. As they were down below 5 wounds remaining in the unit, they could no longer claim the objective allowing my chameleons to capture it without bother. Bastiladon shooting was ineffective, but I really wanted to just get to the combat phase.

    Both Rippers and Dave made their charges. The rippers hit the saurus warriors as intended and Dave managed to get the blowpipe skinks - not my intended target but I was within 3” of the engine of the gods, drawing it into combat and allowing me to hit it as I wanted. On the other side of the board the chameleons charged the 3 remaining skinks, further distancing themselves from the rest of the army. The rippers swooping dive plus bonuses made them a devastating force and they dispatched all 20 saurus in a single round before they could strike back! Dave wasn’t as devastating - I took a risk and split my attacks - gargantuan jaws on the engine of the gods and raking claws on the skinks. Hoping I would be able to dispatch the engine in one fell swoop but unfortunately I only took 7 wounds off it - possibly a tactical error but you win some you lose some. I rolled badly for the raking claws and only managed to down 4 skinks. In return dave took a couple of wounds back.

    End of round 1 and I held 4 objectives to Ed’s 1.

    Start of round 2 and the objective on my left flank exploded, taking a wound off Basil in the process, But it did at least free him up to go stomping around the battlefield. Ed took the initiative and wasted no time in bringing his saurus guard across to face the rippers and avenge their fallen brethren. The slann buffed them with a mystic shield - as if they wouldn’t be hard enough to deal with! In the shooting phase his bastiladon tried to take a few wounds off Basil’s little brother but to no effect. The salamander however, did manage to take 4 wounds off Dave - I would have to kill it in my next turn before it did too much more damage! Drama in the combat phase as the saurus oldblood charged headlong into the rippers but the saurus guard failed their charge with a double1! The rippers didn’t need asking twice and tore the oldblood apart for his troubles. More death for Ed as Dave brutally dispatched the engine and squashed the salamander in his activation, healing a further 2 wounds in the process.

    In my turn the rippers didn’t need asking twice and threw themselves into the saurus guard, bringing the blot toad with them. My saurus guard moved up to secure the middle objective should the rippers suffer from the fickle dice gods. The shooting phase saw the chameleons take a few wounds off the slann whilst locked in combat with the javelin skinks. Basil downed a saurus guard and his little brother tried to damage his opposing bastiladon but with no success. In combat, the swooping ripperdactyls took a full 13 saurus guard off the table losing two of their number for the privilege dam their 2+ re-rollable save! I will have to do something about that next turn. Dave also finished eating the blowpipe skinks, healed another wound and freeing him up to spy the bastiladon as his next target.

    End of round 2 and I held 3 objectives to Ed’s 1.

    Round 3 and the next objective to explode was the object on my right flank, held by Basil’s little brother, no wounds suffered in the process thankfully. I took the initiative this round and wasted no time in stomping the basil bros towards the centre of the table. The chameleons lined up their blowpipes against the skink priest, ending the small creature and loosing the re-rollable save for the saurus guard. Basil took aim at the Slann, dealing 4 wounds to the toad, enough to kill it. Dave meanwhile, charged headlong into the bastiladon. The giant dinosaur dealt 3 wounds thanks to the bastiladons ability to ignore rend. In the centre of the field the rippers found the now un-buffed saurus guard much easier to deal with, but even so, some poor rolling saw a small number of saurus guard survive the onslaught. Another ripperdactyl fell in the melee. On the far side of the board, my chameleons and the 3 javelin skinks continued their handbag fest. Not a single model dying on either side in 4 combat phases!

    Over to Ed, who didn’t have a huge amount to do at this point, his bastiladon did manage to take a couple of wounds of dave in the shooting phase, but he had healed back to almost full wounds so this was of little consequence. In the combat phase I was unable to deal any more damage to the bastiladon, but I was able to finish off the saurus guard and take out two of the javelin skinks down (finally).

    End of round 3 and I held 2 objectives with the third being contested between Dave and the Bastiladon.

    At the start of round 4 the objective next to Dave exploded dealing a wound to both Dave and the bastiladon. Ed took the objective and with just a couple of models left on the board, had a relatively quick turn. The lone skink tried to throw his javelin, but failed. The bastiladon once again took aim at Dave, taking another two wounds off him. In the combat phase the lone skink succumbed to the chameleons and Dave managed to deal enough damage to kill the bastiladon, who fluffed his armour save rolls.

    At this point, with nothing left on the board, Ed conceded the battle. Final result, a resounding victory for the seraphon!

    Next post will be Scenario 2…
    crab, Ecozh, Seraphage and 3 others like this.
  3. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Scenario 2 was garrison the buildings. 2 buildings, setup 9” to the left and right of the table centre. Scoring is only from the end of battle round 2 onwards and it’s 1 point per building garrisoned at the end of each battle round. To garrison a building, your entire unit must be within 6” of the building at the start of the movement phase and any unit can garison (yes this includes bastiladon! The problem is that you cannot enter a building if an enemy unit is within 3” of the building, this would prove pivotal during the game.

    My opponent was an ogre player, he fielded a Tyrant, Hunter, 2 Butchers, Firebelly, Iron Blaster, 4 mournfang cavalry in 2 units of 2, 2 units of 10 grots, a Giant and a Stonehorn. This final beast was my biggest concern - its ability to halve damage taken would mean I would need to deal 24 damage to kill it, whilst it was able to destroy any one of my units and stand toe to toe with Dave. Deployment was a bit one-sided - my left flank only consisted of Basil’s little brother in line with the left hand building. Basil deployed in line with the right hand building along with the saurus guard bunker and characters. Dave deployed just to their right, facing down the iron blaster, a unit of mournfang cav, the giant and the dreaded stonehorn. The rippers took up position on the right flank.

    I took the initiative in the first turn, in hindsight a mistake, but you live and learn. a mysitc shield and +1 wound was popped onto dave but the mystic shield on the rippers failed to cast. The chameleon skinks popped up inside the left hand building, the basil’s advanced towards their respective buildings and the saurus guard bunker moved right up to the right hand building. THe rippers and Dread saurian both moved forward slightly, the blot toad in front of them, expecting a charge forwards by the ogiers. Only one action in the shooting phase and that was Basil against one of the grot units, 6 were killed by the solar engine and the other 4 fled during the battleshock phase.

    Ogier turn 1 and the battle line shuffled forwards, the surviving grots made for the chameleon building and the firebelly ran towards the second building, beginning a standoff with the saurus guard that would last nearly all game. The tyrant, hunter and mournfang on my left flank moved round to threaten the chameleon building. The Stone horn lumbered forwards stopping 3” away from Dave - was it too much to ask for a double 1 charge roll? What I hadn’t seen was the Giant’s move; instead of marching forwards to join in the fight against the dread saurian, he circled around the far right hand board edge towards the ripper unit. A charge from him there would probably wipe out the ripperdactyls who were unbuffedand away from their blot toad.

    The Mournfang cavalry charged the chameleon building but the tyrant failed his charge roll. The giant and the stonehorn also made their charges. Unsurprisingly the stonehorn was the first to act and took 7 wounds off the dread saurian, had it taken any more wounds and his damage output would’ve halved! The rippers suffered as well, I only had two in range to attack the giant and, thanks to some poor rolling only managed 2 wounds, in return the giant downed 3 of the flyers. Dave’s attacks back at the stonehorn resulted in a decent 10 wounds being dealt, rounded down to 5 but still only 7 remaining on monster. In addition Dave healed 3 of his lost wounds. In the right hand building 5 chameleons fell to the mournfang, but I did manage to inflict two wounds back.

    At the end of round 1 there was no scoring for buildings garrisoned.

    Round 2 - I won the priority roll and immediately siezed my opportunity. the Basil bros stomped forwards and readied their solar engines. Basil fired at the stonehorn, dealing 4 damage and halved to 2 wounds (down to 5 left). Basil’s little brother fired into the mournfang assaulting the building and managed to deal 6 damage - enough to kill both of them. The chameleons shot at the tyrant, inflicting a single wound. However the main event of the turn was the dread saurian - stonehorn fight. Dave attacked first inflicting 3 wounds and 3d6 damage I rolled a 12 and this was enought to finish off the beast. I honestly thought that fight would last longer and be more deadly for me - as it was Dave healed another two wounds and came out of that fight only having lost 2 wounds! The ripperdactyls fared less well - the giant clubbed two of thewinged reptiles to the ground and then stuffed the third into his pants for good measure. Both of us had lost a powerful unit so the game was still pretty even.

    Ogier turn 2 started with the gorger, who had appeared last turn but not charge anything, making his way towards the dread saurian with the giant approaching too - this was looking like another difficult fight for Dave. The hunter ran towards basil’s little brother, hurling his hunting spear as he did. It crash through the beasts carapace, dealing 5 wounds, luckily the tyrants pistol didn’t wound the bastiladon. The grots managed to kill off one of the chameleons and the Iron blaster remained stationary in its little woodland hidey spot but missed the dread saurian.

    In combat, the gorger and giant combined their efforts to charge the dread saurian. The giant went first and inflicted 4 wounds on the massive dinosaur with its club and kick. The head butt hit and wounded - the 3 damage from this would drop me below the threshold for halving my damage, amazingly I passed the 6+ save to prevent from doing so! Right time for some payback - I decided to split my attacks here, gargantuan jaws against the giant and raking claws against the gorger. If I rolled well I could kill both of them this turn. Unfortunately the best laid plans go to pot when you start rolling dice. I took the gorger down to a single wound and caused another 5 on the giant but both models were still standing. Finally, dave healed another 2 wounds and the gorger failed inflict any more. One the other side of the field the hunter and tyrant both charged Basil’s little brother, the tyrant caused a sinlge wound and the hunter caused two bringing the bastiladon down to two wounds left. The bastiladon caused 2 wounds to the hunter.

    At the end of round two neither of us held any of the buildings - the chameleons were down to less than 5 models and as such coudn’t capture.

    At the start of round 3 the Ogiers won the initiative for their double turn. Magic wasn’t proving to be hugely effective this game through a combination of excellent dispell rolls and poor casting rolls, only a handful of spells were actually being cast. The firebelly was also proving to be unimpressive, but he was stopping my saurus guard from garrisoning the building. The grots managed to kill off another 2 chameleons and the tyrant shot the final one to wipe the unit out. In the combat phase the giant once again went first, but his reduced capabilities, thanks to lost wounds meant he only caused 2 wounds on Dave. Again he tried to headbutt the dread saurian, but again I managed to make the 6+ save roll to keep him from sufering the 3 damage. I told the ogier player - dont headbutt a dread saurian, it will just piss him off! but did he listen? In return I split my attacks again, killing the gorger with ease and smacking the giant for 6, sending him toppling to the ground as well. I believe the words out of my mouth at this point were “HULK SMASH!” Sadly Basil’s little brother succumbed to the fighting and had his final wounds taken away by the hunter and the tyrant.

    Insensed by the loss of his brother, Basil turned round and stomped across the battlefield blowing the tyrant into smithereens with his solar engine and then charging the hunter. Dave turned away from the bloody remnants of his former foes to stare down the Iron Blaster and mournfang cavalry unit setup in front of him. They hadn’t moved since turn one and it was about time they saw some fighting. So I moved the dread saurian forwards, buffed up with a mystic shield and +1 to wound. In combat he chargerd into the Mournfang cavalry unit - in hindsight, this was another tactical error, I should’ve charge the firebelly as he was stopping me from garisoning the building. But I wanted to kill the mournfang before the could charge me and inflict their D3 mortal wounds. With all the buffs this wasn’t a dificult task - I hit with all 4 attacks, wounded with all 4, the -3 rend negated their armour saves and I inflicted 12 damage, enough to wipe them both out! Over on the left, Basil took the hunter down to 3 wounds but was unable to kill him.

    At the end of round 3 neither force was able to garrison any building.

    Start of round four and it dawned on both of us that this game was most likely going to end up a draw, unless we did something different. The Ogiers took the initiative and wasted no time trying to bring down the maw on the dread saurian. Happily though it only caused a single wound then stopped, clearly the maw was not hungry this day! The grot unit jumped into the left hand building hoping to score a cheeky objective point - if they did, this might well give the ogiers a win. The Iron blaster lined up an almost point blank shot on the dread saurian, but somehow missed the gigantic dinosaur stood right in front of him! In combat the hunter caused a single wound on basil who unfortuantely was unable to cause a wounds back. The iron blaster tried his best to take on the dread saurian, causing 3 wounds. But this only made Dave angry and he took 8 of the iron blasters 9 wounds off.

    In my turn I contemplated moving my saurus guard around the building to try and charge the firebelly, but to do so would expose my very squishy characters to ogre character charges, plus I was unlikely to kill the firebelly outright and I would have to do so if I wanted a chance of garisoning the building in turn 5. So I decided to stay put, let Dave romp around causing havoc. I did try and put a couple of arcane bolts on one of the butchers but both attempts were dispelled. Basil used the shooting phase to shoot the grots in the building, he killed 4 of them which wasn’t enough to stop them scroing but the battleshock phase was sure to see a few more turn tail and run which would hopefully finish the job for me. In combat Dave finished off the iron blaster and Basil squashed the hunter into the mud with his club tail. In the battle shock phase, 3 more grots ran for the hills, meaning the unit was no longer a scoring unit.

    At the end of round 4 neither force was able to garrison a building.

    Round 5 started with the realisation that each of us only had a sinlge way of ensuring victory, magic. Again the Ogiers won the initiative and managed to cast Maw on the saurus guard - remember what I sadi about the maw not being hungry? - well now it was and it ate 9 out of the 10 temple guard! That hurt. I did manage to dispell his other spells and the firebelly again failed to make any impact. the two butchers and the firebelly threw caution to the winds and stormed round the building before charging into my 3 wizards, one wound was suffered by the star priest and another by the starseer, the final saurus guard was also killed int he melee. I inflicted a single wound onthe firebelly in return.

    In my final turn of the game, I knew I couldn’t win the scenario so It was all down to trying to kill as much as possible whilst loosing as little as possible. My wizards teamed up to arcane bolt the firebelly to death and then all retreated from combat in an attempt to stay alive. Basil fired his solar engine up at the remaining grots, killing them off. and I charged the dread saurian into the butchers, positioning him so that he could split his attacks - my only opportunity of killing them both. The gargantuan jaws made short work ofthe first butcher, but the 2D6 attacks from the raking claws only came up as a 5 meaning I would need to hit and would with all to kill him. Unfortuantely one attack missed and the butcher survived.

    Final score at the end of the game was a full fat 0 - 0, a draw - but I had, at least nearly tabled my opponent.

    Next post will be scenario 3….
    crab, Ecozh, Seraphage and 3 others like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Great strategies and planning all around! This sounds so awesome!
    Valjeanthebeast and Gorgerak like this.
  5. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Scenario 3 - the battle for the pass. This scenario is played longways on the board with 3 objective markers and 2 large pieces of impassable terrain. The two large terrain pieces are setup in th middle of the board, making the ‘pass’ for which we would be fighting. One objective sits between these two pieces in the direct centre of the board. The other objectives sit either side of the terrain pieces along the halfway line of the battlefield. At the end of turn 5 the player who holds the most objectives, out of the three is the winner. The twist is that at the start of every HERO phase, all units within D6” of each large terrain piece suffers D3 mortal wounds, making the objectives tricky to get to.

    I was playing against stormcast in this game. I have never beaten a stormcast force in Age of sigmar so I was pretty nervous. I was also concerned about his Celestant Prime, they have caused me nothing but grief in previous meetings. Along with the Prime, his army consisted of 5 protectors, 2 units of 10 judicators, 2 units of 10 liberators, 2 units of 3 Prosecutors, 2 battlemages, Lord Celestant, Lord Castellant, Lord Relictor and 2 gryph hounds.

    I was thankful to see no retributors - those things are the bane of my existence! I deployed each bastiladon on a flank, the idea being that they would make their way to each of the outer objectives and sit on them. The rippers joined Basil’s little brother on the left flank and Dave joined Basil on the right. The saurus guard took up position in the centre of the battlefield and the characters deployed in a wood, behind the front line. The idea with the saurus was to hold back and then race to the central objective on the last turn. The rippers and dread saurian would be tasked with running down the extreme flanks, before heading back towards the centre once they reach the stormcast battleline. I can rely on them to distract my opponent with their destruction.

    I opted to take the first turn - I wanted to buff my dread saurian and rippers then move them forwards and try to tempt the prosecutors into an early charge so I could start picking off his army piecemeal. So each unit received a mystic shield and the rippers also got +1 to wound. They moved forwards, supported by the Basil bros. The chameleon skinks popped up in a hut behind the stormcast lines. They fired a salvo at the protectors, I didn’t need them ripping my monsters apart, one protector was killed. With no combats that was turn over.

    Stormcast turn 1 and the battle line shuffled forwards. Each flank had one unit of prosecutors, judicators and liberators, with the protectors on the same flank as my rippers and the characters in the centre. The prosecutors did exactly what I had hoped for and flew forwards towards my rippers and dread saurian. The judicators caused a wound on the rippers but failed to make a dent on the dread saurians armour. In combat the prosecutors against the rippers went first, killing one reptile and wounding another. Dave then struck out against the other unit and killed all 3 in one go, the rippers then struck back, killing the 3 prosecutors they were facing. The look of shock on my opponent's face was quite amusing.

    Start of round two and the Stormcast got the initiative, the liberators on each flank moved forwards towards the outer objectives supported on my left flank by the protectors. the judicator shooting finished off the wounded ripperdactyl and put 2 wounds on the dread saurian. In combat the liberators charged Basil on my right flank (staying well clear of Dave) and Basil’s little brother on my left flank. The protectors charged into the ripperdactyls who this time managed to get the support of the blot toad. Basil dropped one of the liberators facing him for the loss of two wounds. Basil’s little brother also dropped a liberator but took no wounds back. One more ripperdactyl died and 3 of the prosecutors were also killed in the swirling melee of teeth, talons and blades. I like to think the blot toad sat calmly in the middle of all of this, happily eating flies, blissfully unaware of the carnage surrounding him.

    My turn two and the impassable terrain started to make its mark on the battle a wound was dealt to each liberator unit and another to Basil. One of the gryph hounds bought it and the Lord Castellant also took 2 wounds. My main decision at this point was: do I sit the dread saurian on the objective or do I launch him into the liberators around Basil? Another option would be to simply throw Dave at the judicators on the hill a bit further down the board. I decided in the end to put the dread saurian as close to the judicators as possible whilst still being within 3” of the objective in case the charge roll failed.

    There was little else to do in my turn as most other units were already tied up in combat. But the Basil bros fired their solar engines at the liberators surrounding them killing another couple. In the combat phase the dread saurian failed to make his charge, the rippers finished off the protectors without difficulty and Basil’s little bother took the liberator unit down to a single model. On the right flank, Basil managed to finish off his liberator unit but took another wound in the process.

    Turn 3 and its high time for prime time! Down came the beast himself and surprisingly he was placed next to Basil on my right flank. I was expecting him to come down right next to my squishy pool of characters in their little wood, but I wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth! I now Basil can take a kicking and remain standing. The judicators on the right flank launched another salvo on the dread saurian, inflicting another 2 wounds and their sister unit on the left flank took a wound off the ripperdactyls.

    The main combat was the prime against Basil, the prime went first and took basil down to 3 wounds, in return Basil to 2 wounds off the prime. Bastiladon aren’t nown for their combat prowess and it was starting to look like this would be another handbag fest.

    The seraphon turn three started with a couple of arcane bolt at the prime, causing another 3 wounds to the jumped up hippy. Basil shot at him as well causing another 2 wounds and the dread saurian abandoned the objective in favour of eating sme judicators. The ripper were falling short on number but they were now free to continue working their way towards the stormcast heros cowering in the centre of their battle line. The chameleon skinks shot at the Lord relictor, taking him out of the game with some extremely well placed shots.

    In combat, Dave charged into the judicators who simply evaporated before his mighty wrath. The rippers charged into the other unit of judicators, also defeating them thanks to a very active blot toad who had just made his way to within 2” of the archers. Most importantly however, Basil inflicted the final wound to club the Prime into the middle of next week. The fight had however, cost the bastiladon his option of capturing the right hand objective. With the Dread saurian off eating stormcast I would need to run one of my Heros all the way across the board, in two turns, to claim this objective. Easier said than done - the battle mage was the prime target as he was close enough but even with his 6” move he would need to make an extra 7” of running in the two movement phases left to get within the magical 3”.

    Turn 4 started well enough with the seraphon gaining the initiative, the battle mage wasted no time in rolling a full 6” for his run move to hike him across the board, Basil’s little brother wasted no time in blasting the final liberator away in a beam of solar light. He was already standing next to the left objective so I could count that as mine, the 2 surviving ripperdactyls made their way towards the lord celestant, the dread saurian approached the battle mages and the saurus guard formed up ready to make a last minute dash to the central objective next turn. Finally the chameleon skinks left their little hut and made a b-line for the stormcast table edge. There was a secondary objective in the scenario to get one of your units off the opponent’s short table edge and I had checked with the TO’s before hand that units which start off the table can still qualify for this objective.

    There was little to do in the shooting phase, Basil’s little brother burnt the final gryph hound to ashes and the Basil tried his luck against the Lord Castellant, who had made a death or glory charge through the central pass towards the objective - 4 wounds were dealt by the solar engine. Incredibly Dave rolled a double 1 for his charge roll, sparring the battlemages for this turn. The lord celestant felt the impact of 2 swooping ripperdactyls, they were only 2 in number, but they took 5 wounds off the hero, by way of a response he clubbed one of the reptiles to death with his hammer.

    At the start of the Stormcast turn 4 my opponent said to me: “You know, I’m not sure that there was any way I was going to be able to kill your army!” He had 4 models left on the board - but before he had got to his hero phase, the impassible terrain had taken the life of his lord castellant - make that 3 models. The rest of the turn was short, the two mages piled mystic shields on each other for want of better targets and the Lord celestant downed the final ripperdactyl with his hammers.

    Round 5 was pretty straightforward - march the Saurus Guard onto the central objective, run the battle mage anothe 8” to confirm caputre of the right objective. Basil’s little brother was stood on the left objective. He also shot the lord celestant and burnt a hole straight through his armoured form, banishing his spirit from the mortal realm in the process. The dread saurian charged the two battle mages and wasted no time in proving that a mystic shield is no match for massive teeth!

    Final result of this game was a major victory for the Seraphon.

    Final result of the tournament was a second place finish for me and my lizards! My highest result in a tournament to date and very pleased with how my army performed. The winner of the the tournament won his second scenario and was the only person in the tournament to win that game! If you guys want i’ll post up the scenarios and the comp pack for the tournament so you can play them yourselves if you want to?

    Hope you guys enjoyed reading these! I certainly enjoyed writing them, however brief they may be :)
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This sounds like so much fun! Please do postthe scenarios and comp pack!
    Valjeanthebeast and Gorgerak like this.
  7. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Documents as requested - I know the comp pretty well (didn't design it) so I will try to answer any questions you guys have :)

    1) Comp Rules document
    2) Comp ratings document
    3) Tournament Scenarios document
    4) Tournament Pack document

    The scenarios are great fun to play - as always with AoS, the scenarios really bring the game to life.

    Attached Files:

    Warden and Bowser like this.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Thank you! This is great! I can't wait to try this out.
    Gorgerak likes this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    A thrilling report! And kudos to you for your excelent result. :)

    and now, I really feel the urge to take a Dread Saurian...
    Valjeanthebeast and Bowser like this.
  10. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    The first match with Ed seems quite unbalanced! What were the rules for picking armies?
    Valjeanthebeast likes this.
  11. Otzi'mandias

    Otzi'mandias Well-Known Member

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    Aaargh I missed the tournament! No! I knew that it was soon, and forgot! Aaargh!!
    Dammit, I even put it on my calendar. :mad::mad:
    <lots more shouting and raging>

    Huhh, kudos for the use of Dread Saurian. Does the Worcester shop allow you to use conversions then? I might start joining more tournaments.
    Valjeanthebeast likes this.
  12. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    The armies were all picked using the Cheltenham WarChief (CWC) comp pack - I've attached the comp system a few posts above. Its all based off a mathematical equation (I didn't design the comp so cant comment any further detail than that) - this gives each warscroll two values, the first is a 'warscroll value' which is based off attributes like number of wounds, types of ranged attacks etc. The second is a 'comp value' which gives an indication of how powerful the warscroll is.

    The size of the battle is defined by putting limits on these two values (the tournament was run off a limit of 16 warscrolls and 24 comp - 16/24). The armies are then built to these values - like all comp systems you can make powerful lists and fluffier lists.

    Ahhh that sucks! would've been great to see more lizards on the day :) - I can't speak for the shop but I contacted the TO's and they said that as long as the rep model was obvious as to what it was supposed to represent then it would be allowed. There were plenty of really cool conversions for various units on the day.
    Valjeanthebeast likes this.
  13. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    So you mean I should have used my initiative and looked at the rules myself, PFFT! A busy man like me doesn't have time for that, haha :D. Seems fair enough I supposed, I guess I would argue that you should equalise points in monsters and heroes. Say a basti is 4 points and 10 skinks are 1 point, 40 skinks against one basti would be a blood bath! Some of these points systems don't account for stuff like this and I think this would make for more balanced games.
    Valjeanthebeast and Bowser like this.
  14. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    Plenty of comp packs do limit the number of warscrolls that you can take of a given type - the CWC comp limits the number of wizard warscrolls that you can take as well as war machine warscrolls. In an earlier version there were also limits on Hero scrolls and Monster scrolls - these were removed as it was deemed that a pure monster stomp army is a valid army in Age of Sigmar, there are also other valid army compositions that will tear a monster stomp apart.
    Valjeanthebeast and Bowser like this.
  15. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    I'm interested in how this would turn out now :p

    so 40 skinks (armed with javelins) - 5+ to hit = 13 hits - 4+ to wound = 6 wounds - 3+ save = 2 damage being dealt (2/6 saves failed)

    Bastiladon 2d6 attacks (assume 7) - 4+ to hit = 3 hits - 3+ to wound = 2 wounds - 6+ save = 4 damage being dealt (2/2 saves failed)

    so after turn 1 its 36 skinks vs 6 wound basti

    36 skinks - 5+ to hit = 12 hits - 4+ to wound = 6 wounds - 3+ save = 2 damage being dealt (2/6 saves failed)

    bastiladon 7 attacks - 4+ to hit = 4 hits - 3+ to wound = 3 wounds - 6+ save = 4 damage being dealt (2/3 saves failed)

    so after turn 2 its 32 skinks vs 4 wound basti

    32 skinks - 5+ to hit = 11 hits - 4+ to wound = 5 wounds - 3+ save = 1 damage being dealt (1/5 saves failed)

    bastiladon 7 attacks - 4+ to hit = 4 hits - 3+ to wound = 3 wounds - 6+ save = 6 damage being dealt (3/3 saves failed)

    so after turn 3 its 26 skinks vs 3 wound basti

    26 skinks - 5+ to hit = 9 hits - 4+ to wound = 4 wounds - 3+ save = 1 damage being dealt (1/4 saves failed)

    bastiladon 7 attacks - 4+ to hit = 3 hits - 3+ to wound = 2 wounds - 6+ save = 4 damage being dealt (2/2 saves failed)

    so after turn 4 its 22 skinks vs 2 wound basti

    22 skinks - 5+ to hit = 7 hits - 4+ to wound = 4 wounds - 3+ save = 1 damage being dealt (1/4 saves failed)

    bastiladon 7 attacks - 4+ to hit = 3 hits - 3+ to wound = 2 wounds - 6+ save = 2 damage being dealt (1/2 saves failed)

    so after turn 5 its 20 skinks vs 1 wound basti

    granted you could roll a 12 when attacking with the bastiladon and hit and wound with all of them, killing 24 in one turn and shattering the skinks in one go but average dice would indicate that weight of attrition would grind the bastiladon down before the skinks were all burnt to smitherens
    Valjeanthebeast, scubrat and Bowser like this.
  16. Gorgerak
    Cold One

    Gorgerak Active Member

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    I've just realised that that is based off both units attacking at the same time - if the bastiladon attacked before the skinks every turn then the skinks would deal less damage - but I reckon it would still be worth having a small flutter on the skinks winning out

    on a side note - your point about the bloodbath ensuing is completely correct though :p there would be lots of blood!
    Valjeanthebeast, scubrat and Bowser like this.
  17. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Ah great minds think alike, for a brief second I thought about doing the math to figure out how much of a bloodbath it really would be!

    You could also argue that they would start 20 inches apart, the basti could shoot then the skinks would have to either run and not shoot or walk and not be in range for an attack. Then the basti could move back another 5 inches next turn before shooting and the skinks might still not be in range the next attack.
    Valjeanthebeast likes this.
  18. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    These reports made my day, please keep them coming every time you play.
    Description was so lovely that I felt I was taking part in those epic battles !
    As a newb that still is painting towards his first battle, your strategic insight is more than appreciated !

    Kudos for your 2nd place also !

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