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Let's Get Motivated - June 2019

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Crowsfoot, May 31, 2019.

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  1. Xicohtencatl

    Xicohtencatl Member

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    I will finish the scar-vet on carnosaur just the vet is left (and he got his base coat and shade today) i manage to finish his seat :) 710C3A3C-7E74-4B16-AE79-B7703996447B.jpeg
  2. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    This upcoming Saturday I have at least an 8 hour stretch, of which 90% of suxhh where I will be able to paint without interruption.
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  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nothing done this month yet.
    Between a lot of work, family, and Warhammer Chaosbane (yeah I know) my days are just full.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Whats Chaosbane like?
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  5. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    It is kinda like Diablo, an ARPG.
    I'd say the story is a bit generic and cheesy (well, Warhammer) but not really bad.
    The classes are really cool and all play different while still pretty balanced overall.
    Gameplay wise I'd say the game is pretty smooth, although it lacks the skill variety of Diablo or Path of Exile (the latter is the king of the genre IMO, I never was a big fan of Diablo)

    My biggest points of critique are
    - lack of endgame content. There are four big bosses that you can repeat on 9 difficulty levels, and some randomly generated levels. Farming for gear and fragnents (used for the skill tree) is relatively easy once you know how to play your character, and then you run out of things to do.
    - levels are a bit boring, there are four tile sets and each has, like, 10 different rooms that repeat all over the level in different orders, only rotated.

    That being said, there will be some content patches pretty soon, introducing a fifth class and a whole new area to play in.
    The game has a lot of potential I think.
    The lack of endgame content doesn't bother me right now because until they get some more content in I can just play the other three characters some more.

    My main is the high elf mage, which is max level (50) now, has a full skill tree and is wearing a heroic armor set, fully upgraded. I played through the whole story in multiplayer with my buddy @Mesandres who plays the imperial soldier.

    Solo I also played all other characters, at least for a bit (Dwarf Slayer is level 11, Soldier is level 27 and the Wood Elf is level 24).
    I am a fan of ranged DPS builds so both the mage and the elf are a lot of fun to me, as expected. But the Slayer and the Soldier are far from boring as well.

    I am 60 hours in and paid 55€ (we pre-ordered the game and spent the 5€ or so more to play a few days early since that coincided with a long weekend in Germany that we could spend playing)
    I estimate that even without new content I can spend at least another 30 hours not getting bored, which does justify the 55€ in my view. I have spent way more money for way less fun.

    Another plus point for me is the Warhammer universe. Sure, it is the old world, but the enemies are all kinds of Chaos Daemons and the enemies are quite well done. Very atmospheric and inspiring. I almost bought some Chaos Daemons for AoS (but I have too much backlog).

    I'd still recommend waiting before buying.
    If you are a real fan of the ARPG genre then the game is a bit shallow right now, and you might not consider it worth the money at all. Otherwise it is a solid game IMO.

    Graphics are nice and it runs on five year old hardware just fine, still looking good.

    If it was 25 or 30€ I'd recommend it in a heartbeat.
    LizardWizard and Crowsfoot like this.
  6. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I loved D3 and still have it installed, probably get this pre owned for xbox one
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  7. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I gave up on Diablo2 in act...2 I think. Never touched D3, especially because of the controversy back then. And because I am actually not that big of an ARPG fan anyway. If Chaosbane wasn't Warhammer I'd probably not play it either.
    But Path of Exile really made the genre interesting for me again. A great game, and free to boot. I played it hundreds of hours.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I played PoE for a while, currently playing Raid shadow legends on mobile.
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  9. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Very nearly finished my club Saurus, just have the basing to finish and I should have pics of them up by this evening or tomorrow. Also while waiting for various painting on them to dry I've been painting the couple of extra 5th Edition Skinks I had lying around since September, and have nearly finished those (they're pretty quick and easy to paint).
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  10. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I painted something last night, just so I have painted at all this month.
    Nothing finished. Maybe next month.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
  11. Acrocanth

    Acrocanth Well-Known Member

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    Let's see its the end of the month what have I done....

    Finished painting my inquisitor with a few custom bits. Needed practice painting oranges so I worked on some cultists I'd picked up and customized. Painted them with some autumn browns, blacks, greys and oranges. Painted up a tide caller for the fiancee building on my orange painting skills.

    Finished the 4 terminals from rogue trader and I'm happy with about 9/10 doors from that set. They were a test bed for some industrial metal ideas for when I tackle some terrain. If I can finish the last door I'll have that boxed set finished. Just painted my spindle drones last night for blackstone fortress, need to figure out how I want to base them.

    Picked up some of the new base and layer paints (still haven't tried painting with contrast) really digging the sons of horus and burgundy colours. Maybe my terradons or carnosaur need to try them on. Didn't get around to updating the painting blog though they weren't really any lizards in there anyway :p
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2019
    Crowsfoot and LizardWizard like this.
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