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AoS At what point would you rework a list to reach points?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Archkyrie11, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Archkyrie11
    Cold One

    Archkyrie11 Active Member

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    I come to this all to often when I am list building where I will, lets say 2000 points, end up 20, 30, or even 40 points short of the 2k points. At what point does everyone start reworking their list to get closer to the 2k, and what do people feel is acceptable to be short by. I know there's no definite answer and would come down to the list, but I'm curious what everyone's opinions are.
    Aginor and Ritual like this.
  2. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    I generally go with 40 points either way and no one is going to mind too much (unless its a tournament or something)... If it gets to 60 points below then I'll rethink that I'm doing.
    Aginor likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    At 10 I mourn over 10 wasted points.

    At 20 I mourn over wasted points.

    At 30 I moan loudly over wasted points.

    At 40 the choice is easy for me:
    Check if ditching Seraphon allegiance is an option. If it is the case (when not using Guards as Battleline, but Skinks for example) I'll play four Gryph Hounds. If I cannot ditch it and ho for Order I'll consider using a group of Skink Handlers, which can be used to deny a move or charge at least. With a bit of luck they might even survive a battle round and thus act as chaff.

    With 50 points left I do the same as above but mourn over 10 wasted points.

    At 60 I will probably add a Skink Chief if it serves any purpose. If not I'll rebuild my list.

    At 70 I will do the same as for 60 plus what I would do for 10

    At 80 I add 10 Skinks.

    All above that is a non-issue.
    Archkyrie11 and Ritual like this.

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