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Blog JORGIK´s work table

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Jorgik, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. khaine
    Jungle Swarm

    khaine New Member

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    Nais, looks like u got some inspiration from the avatar movie.
    Still curious to see some pics of the stegadon (heavy conversions?) and the big guy!
  2. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    OK so here the second bunch of close ups for you, this time the stegadon and the dread saurian

    So with the stegadon. First of all I have to tell you this big conversion I did here was not my idea, it was @Rikard ´s, so again i got inspired. I first saw what he was doing here (also is there the inspiration picture he used and all the process he did). After seeing it I went "oh yes, i don´t really like the look of the stegadon", and I decided to wait for him to finish to see how it would look when finished. But I was stupid then and didn´t know how long did green stuff take (this was my first real serious go at greenstuff), so got inpatient and decide to start my own, following the same inspiration picture as him. It is obviously not finished, still about half of the greenstuff to do, but well, getting there.


    So far I changed all of the legs (only the rear ones finished), repositioned the head and added the long tail. The head was just turned to the left and the crest was raised, and on the tail I still need to add texture. The two front legs need some muscles added and the whole body is gonna get a scale "upgrade".

    The head

    And a close up of the leg, the part I´m most proud about. For being the first time trying to actually sculpt a whole limb and add to scales I think it turned out pretty good from my point of view :p:D.

    About the castle it carries, I magnetized all the possible options of it except the skink priest, I just could´t sort a possible way with my magnets of being able to place the chair with the engine and without it.


    So I´ll explain all the numbers, everything is magnetized except some of the skinks:
    • 1 - Obviously the basic castle. On b go two skinks and on a all the rest
    • 2 - The stuff that can go at the front of the castle, either the crossbow (a) or the decoration for ancient stegadon (b). I just realized I forgot to mark out the giant blow pipes on the pic, at the sides of the crossbow. I also magnetized the decorations at the right of the main castle so I could attach the arrows or not ,depending on the weapon.
    • 3 - The options to go on 1a, the machine of the gods (I put a plastic sheet in it so I could paint some freehand work)(a), and the chair (b) for the Skink chief (4).
    • 4 - The skink chief. Optional weapons are spear (a), javelin (c) or hand weapon (b). I still need to make a blowpipe for him and a base so he can fight on foot.
    • 5 - All the skinks. I added the place where they will approximately be glued. 5a, 5b, and 5c will be glued down on their places and so they have a pin. 5e is magnetized (still have to hide the magnets) and 5d will be magnetized to ocuppy the crossbow gunner´s place in case they´ll be riding an ancient stegadon.

    An the dread saurian!! Not really a lot of conversion on this one. I only made the base, which I don´t think fits the rocks it has on its feet. I also hate the paint job applied. When I get around to painting him I´ll scratch all the paint off and start again.

    The stegadon is on its side for comparison


    So here some pics of my stegadon and the big one. I hope you liked them.
    Same as always, comments, feedback, ideas, whatever tell me ;)

    Have a nice day

    Last edited: May 21, 2016
  3. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Wow! Good job on the steg! I'm still just doing some small conversions... And am attempting to make some gnomes as scratch builds, but just the easy and simple way...
    Jorgik likes this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Very nice work, I really like how your doing the conversions.

    I don't like the dread saurion model it just looks clumsy and awkward, not your model just the model in general but seeing it on that base and converted slightly it has potential to be a great model.
    Jorgik likes this.
  5. khaine
    Jungle Swarm

    khaine New Member

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    Thanks for all the pics, the stegadon is awesome!

    I dont like the dread saurian too, especially the head looks kindy weird in my opinion and doesnt fit to the rest of the model.

    Ur paint job is okay, but i think the weakest part of the model is your base. It doesnt look like u put a lot of effort into it. When i see all your conversions, u can probably create a better fitting base for the big guy aswell!
    Jorgik likes this.
  6. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I agree. I was way too exited to wait and actually think about it. I might do a total redo of it when I get to it again. (plus I was 13 when I got it, so obviously I wanted to finish it as fast as I could ;)). Thanks for the feedback!!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  7. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    You have done an amazing job! I hope you're proud, because you should be, wonderful work!

    I really should finish mine.
    Jorgik likes this.
  8. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    awesome work as usual on the steg. And very nice greenstuff scales ^^
    Jorgik likes this.
  9. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Wow thanks guys It seems the stegadon is good :D
  10. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Not good, Very good :)
    Toltecatl, Jorgik and tom ndege like this.
  11. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    Jorgik likes this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Amazing! Your conversions for the rippers and the stegadon are really well done, how do you plan to paint them?

    Also at some point please post more pictures with those ruins! That temple looks very impressive. Thanks for the inspiration
  13. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! Well painting-wise I still have no idea. I have thought about the ripperdactyls but none of the paint schemes I thought do actually fit. I want something bright, to set them apart from the riders (which will be dark) and something that looks deadly, so like patterns of some kind. For now I´m thinking about painting them like the avatar ones (thanks @khaine for the idea). And the stegadon I haven´t thought about it yet. I have a dinosaur book which briefly describes many dinosaurs, and there are some cool painting schemes in there, and maybe modify them to get some more fantasy colors.
    Something like this for the ripperdactyls?


    And just to let you know, the temple wasn´t my idea, I saw it by the terrain wench on youtube :)

    Edit: pic added
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2016
  14. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hello again.
    First off sorry for taking forever to post again about the trees, but I finally managed to advance and I think the trees look pretty good now :). A bit of a long post (like if my other posts were´t long :p) to get back on track.

    I have now finished the building of the trees. I got all the clay done, added sand on the base and lianas hanging off the tree branches. Now I am missing the painting (still deciding on it) and then the foliage. This is how they look right now:

    I just realized the lianas look tilt in this picture :eek:

    The process


    Once I had finished the clay work and added the basing sand I thought they looked quite empty and decided I´d add lianas. At first I thought about making them out of clay but then realized the hanging parts would be way too likely to snap off if I dropped the tree, if I hit if too hard or basically anything that could happen to it, so I thought about making them out of a small rope. The problem of that was that it was too light and hung curved, so I invented a weight :headphone:.


    The weights are basically the small tree fail wires (which I obviously removed) with balls of clay on both ends to add extra pull. Once I had set up the whole thing like above, I stuck some spots of the rope with liquid super glue, and then poured a drop of liquid super glue so it´d run down the liana to strengthen it. Then I moved the glue around with a stick to spread it evenly and avoid the formation of small glue bubbles. I let it dry overnight and then added another layer of super glue to make sure it would hold in place, and when that had dried I cut off the weight and try the liana´s strength and it was perfect: hard and elastic so it if fell or was hit the glue would "absorb" the shock. I also bent it very far back to see it the dried glue would chip and fall off, but it held in place :D.

    So then I got excited and tried the other version of liana: the one that drops in a curve, and then comes back up. You can see it on the big tree at the right. Basically it´s adding another weight in between.


    Painting-wise, as I said, I have not decided yet how I´m going to do it, but I thought one way I could. I searched some inspiration and this is what I found: (here)

    Ejemplo copa lichen.jpg

    So I thought I´d paint the trees this way:
    1. Basecoat - A dark brown for a start. No way this will be citadel as it would be way too expensive.
    2. Drybrush - Some lighter brown but not too much, just to bring out texture, I won´t try to get shadows from this one.
    3. Wash - A very light wash with a reddish colour
    4. Stippling - The same color used in the dry brush, and a second coat of an almost-white brown
    5. Wash - Spot green wash
    6. Wash - A brown, probably agrax earthshade
    7. Drybrush - Final drybrush of a light brown to kick out the details
    8. Stippling - Some green colours to represent moss growth, mostly on the roots
    And the foliage, lichen like in the picture. I think it looks real cool like that, although I have no airbrush to colour it, so probably I´d add some brown wash to help it tie with the trunk. I might add some small plant too.

    So that´s it for today, I also started to work on the second path (the sharpest of you will have noticed it under my trees ;)), but that will be for another time.
    Anyways, same as always, comments, feedback, whatever please post it. Hope you enjoyed it.

    Lizerd, LizardWizard, Sudaj and 8 others like this.
  15. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Sorry I posted this twice but only managed to edit it, not delete o_O
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    wow thanks for posting that link! I think your trees are on a great course to looking as good as the ones in that diorama. I hope you add plenty of vines (and maybe a snake or two hidden amongst them).

    Lots of other amazing pictures in that link despite me not being able to read any of it! And that slann!

    epic slann palanquin.jpg

    thanks for the continued inspiration!
    Lizerd, Sudaj, NIGHTBRINGER and 3 others like this.
  17. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    I agree, that threat is impressive, I got so much inspiration from it. What it says, is basically the guy saying "I did this until now" and everyone else says "WOW, OMG" and that kind of stuff ;).
    And yes, I´ll be adding plastic bits to them. :)

    And thank you for the support!!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
    Bowser and Warden like this.
  18. Zenard
    Cold One

    Zenard Active Member

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    Holy fucking shit that Slann! Saved the threat for the future!

    Sweet work Jorqik! Really looking forward to seeing how those trees gonna end up!
    Jorgik likes this.
  19. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hello again, small update!
    So started to work on the "plastic bits" for the trees as @Warden suggested. A unlucky empire explorer who wondered too deep into Lustria :hungover::


    In this picture I´m still missing the green stuff to fill in the gaps, just to show you the overall as I already started the sculpting, and this is what I came up with...


    A little vein marking as a result of poison in the blood system :eek:. He should have been more careful about some flying darts ;)
    I already want to paint it some black red discussing skin :p. I still need to add the actual dart, but well, I wanted to show you this...

    Enjoy :angelic:

  20. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That's amazing detail on the dead explorer! This is brilliant! I can't wait for the final product! This is already incredible!
    Jorgik likes this.

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