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So Disney Plus, it's a thing now

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Scalenex, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I got the trial. I am getting my nostalgia fix on shows and movies I enjoyed as a child and a teenager.

    It's not enough material to keep me subscribing forever, but it's enough material to keep me busy for a month. I don't like to subscribe to multiple streaming services at the same time, so I think I might put Disney + in my rotation.

    Anyone on it, I recommend Gargoyles. My all time favorite animated show. I own the DVDs, so I don't need Disney + to watch it, but hopefully more people will discover this show (except for season 3). I like a bunch of Disney cartoons. Much of my fondness for these cartoons is through nostalgia colored glasses. I believe Gargoyles is of such a high quality that it would qualify as timeless (except for season 3). I could be wrong. I hope not.

    Rescue Rangers and Darkwing Duck will alwyas have a place in my heart, but I don't think they qualify as timeless. I will still binge watch them.

    Gravity Falls is pretty recent. I think that will be a cartoon to stand the test of the ages. I noticed their creator Alex Hirshman is clearly ery angry at Disney. He is doing shows for Netflix now. I look forward to seeing what he makes, but I don't think he can save Netflix. Especially since Netflix picked up Abrams and the D&D duo who ruined Game of Thrones.

    Simpsons is kind of half-assedly put up in an incomplete format, so that's annoying.

    Two problems, one if that early episodes have been stretched and chopped to full screen, so if there is visual gags on the edge of the screen it's cut off.

    Second, they cut the Michael Jackson episode. Did Michael Jackson molest children? I don't know. The risk is high enough that I wouldn't want my children near him, but based on what I now, if I were on a hypothetical jury I wouldn't convict him. The accusations against him do not seem proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Either way, the Simpsons episode he was apart of did not commit any crimes. I'm 100% sure of this.

    Disney is a very big company with a very big history. They have a lot of great shows and movies, and they made a lot of garbage too.

    Let the Streaming Wars commence! Hopefully the competition will push all the media companies to produce better and better shows....and hopefully CBS All Access can die a horrible death so a competant company can salvage the Star Trek franchise before it is killed.

    Speaking of franchises. Reviewers I trust say the Mandalorian okay. Not great, but okay. Certainly not an insult to the Star Wars franchise like the two most recent movies. It does sound like the attempt to mesh classic Star Wars with the gritty Western genre is an awkward fit. Not my cup of tea.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2019

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