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The path of the chosen.

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Lord-Marcus, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Lord-Marcus

    Lord-Marcus Sixth Spawning

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    As some of you may know I have recently come across and started playing again on the private server for Warhammer online called The Return of Reckoning server. Warhammer online originally ended in 2012. Now that I'm back and find that the private server client is stable and everything that made Warhammer online fun to play is still there I've decided to pick it up again a little bit. This thread will document my journey from taking a chosen of tzeentch from zero to Hero of the darkness.

    In my first two and a half hours of gameplay I met some wacky people that were leveling newbies and at a hell of a lot of fun bashing through some public quests.

    Upon spawning in:


    Images of my first few hours

    Tcharzak_002.jpg Tcharzak_005.jpg Tcharzak_006.jpg Tcharzak_007.jpg Tcharzak_008.jpg Tcharzak_009.jpg

    I have since played about an hour of PvP and have upgraded some gear. I'll snap a screenshot to show when I get home.

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