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Blog The Jade Host: Mayan Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Skink Heroes

    Finally got the members of the Skink Priest Council painted/fully based.

    warden201706_completed skink priests 01.jpg
    Otowik, Q'uq'umatz, and Yax Kuk'mo

    Otowik, the Red Skink Priest, fanatic of the Cult of Sotek:

    warden201706_completed skink priests 02 red skink.jpg
    Yax Kuk'mo, the Green Priest, devoted of Tzunki, also my first skink priest:

    warden201706_completed skink priests 03 green skink.jpg
    and Q'uq'umatz, the Yellow Priest with his javelin, Recorder of the Long Count. Also my first conversion.

    warden201706_completed skink priests 04 yellow skink.jpg

    And threw in a picture of my skink chiefs, I couldnt find any good picture of the two of them together:

    warden201706_completed skink chiefs 04.jpg
    Ubah Kan ("feathered serpent," also the Coatl Rider) and Chac Xook (the "rain shark," and the Troglodon Rider).
    Lizerd, Ritual, Jorgik and 1 other person like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Chameleon Skinks

    Glad these guys are finally based. They might have never been successful in an actual battle (they tend to get eaten up by wood-elf skirmishers) but they are characterful and fun. Super skinks that can become invisible, definitely a psychological weapon.

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 05.jpg
    I also enjoyed fitting these guys into the backgrounds of my recent photos, that was fun. It reminded me of all the pictures in the "collecting" section of the 6th edition army book, where the authors had fitted chameleon skinks into the backgrounds of almost all the pictures in the section.

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 01.jpg
    More shots of them lurking in my jungle terrain.

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 02.jpg

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 03.jpg

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 04.jpg

    warden201705_completed chameleon skinks 06.jpg

    It would be pretty simple to resin cast these guys, especially the two in the back with no blowpipe. I tried once, I will probably try again to at least bring this unit up to ten instead of just having nine, it almost seems incomplete this way.
    Lizerd, Ritual, Jorgik and 1 other person like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I am currently working my way through some Bretonnian terrain, but I started some more casting recently in conjunction with my continued work on my temple guard, and started a new project:

    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 02.jpg

    The four temple guard's bodies are cast resin; the cast didnt go quite as well as I wanted because most of the spikes are gone :(, but ultimately that was for the best because they probably wouldnt have fit onto the base otherwise.

    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 01.jpg

    Each of their non-litter carrying arms will eventually hold a shield. I based my inspiration from the samurai lizardmen over at Warhead.


    The model is beautiful, I doubt mine will look quite this epic. I am going to place one of my cast slann on top, but I want to add a bit to him first. I am considering giving him a headdress, maybe even something like Mazdamundi in total war 2, but that might be beyond my skill at the moment.

    For the palanquin I was thinking to make some sort of a mayan-lizardman stela, similar to a sketch I did a while ago.

    02 Slann Throne Stelae.JPG

    Maybe not quite that big, but I did make a few quick test stela not to long ago, so it might be possible.

    warden201705_min stela.jpg
    Lizerd, HeirofCarnage, Aginor and 4 others like this.
  4. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Definitely looks possible! Make it happen!
    Aginor, Warden and Captaniser like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Small step forward on painting the slann-carrying temple guard.

    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 04.jpg

    I have decided to name these four after the Four Bacabs of Mayan mythology; they are the Atlas-like gods who were tasked with holding up the sky at the four corners of the earth. Seemed fitting.
    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 03.jpg

    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 05.jpg
    Started painting their shields and shield-arms:

    warden201706_temple guard litter carriers WIP 06 shields.jpg

    Also did some more casting, lots of new barrels to add to the Bretonnian jousting terrain taking up most of my modeling time at the moment. But I also took the time to cast three chameleon skinks to add to my unit, bringing their total up from the unremarkable nine to a more respectable unit of twelve (and for a much cheaper price... :shifty:)

    warden201706_chameleon skink casting.jpg

    They are partially camoflaged on the white paper at the moment. The cast turned out well, with the tail missing and a few gaps, but nothing some clay and paint can't fix. This also gives me the confidence to try my hand at casting regular skink skirmishers at some point.

    (Edit: also you can see in the background the poor temple guard that was torn apart as a sacrifice to cast the previous three slann-carrying guards. Fortunately the dismemberment was temporary, and he is healing his wounds in this picture :hurting:)
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Project Burial Mound has commenced. Right now I have two small WIP constructions:

    warden201707_small burial mound WIP 3.jpg
    warden201707_small burial mound WIP 1.jpg

    warden201707_small burial mound WIP 2.jpg

    The first one just has some leftover bits, it could potentially be the burial place of an ancient saurus warrior.

    The second was much more foam-detail heavy, meant to look like the Serpent Mouth at Chicanna.
    The Serpent Mouth:


    And some burial mounds. Lots of good stuff, definately looks like old barrows, but mostly Vampire Counts themed.




    I also posted up my sketches in my art thread, I am hoping to make a third burial mound that is much bigger. These two are just quick tests.
  7. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Awesome stuff!
    LizardWizard, Aginor and Warden like this.
  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, that's really a promising project. Thumbs up!
    LizardWizard, Aginor and Warden like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Painting the burial mounds grey really helped. Especially the snake-mouthed mound.

    warden201707_small burial mound WIP 4.jpg

    Got a bit more panting to do with these two, plus the jungle plants. This does give me the confidence to start bigger plans... :artist:
    LizardWizard, Lizerd, Aginor and 5 others like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    As it should, they look great!
    LizardWizard, Aginor and Warden like this.
  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Project Burial Mound, Phase 2 has commenced, starting with a huge base with all the plans sketched out on top of it.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 1.jpg

    The plan is to make multiple doorways, for multiple points of entry.

    Its just made out of old floral foam that I still have unused from my jungle fortress. I have about 6 blocks that I can cut through to make this new terrain piece.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 2.jpg

    And here it is more or less taking shape!

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 3.jpg

    Three levels of pyramid steps, four doors (one which is to be boarded up), and a poorly foam-sculpted dino skull in the corner missing its teeth. the inner walls will come later.
    Ultimately I plan to put snake-carvings out of foam around each of the main doorways, similiar to burial mound #2. Plus there will be a magnetized roof, and several rooms with varying bits of treasure, and maybe a skink skeleton or too if I can figure out how to make some out of clay.

    I also want to add a row of lizardmen glyphs around the entire top pyramid row of the temple, I just haven't decided what they will say yet.

    warden201707_burial mound sketches 3 zoomed.jpg
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Holy cow this is going to be awesome!
    As the one who suggested the burial mound idea I am immensely pleased by your plans and efforts! :)
    LizardWizard, tom ndege and Warden like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I hope I am doing your suggestion justice!

    Pictures are bad due to lighting, but I started placing some of the decorative foam.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 4.jpg

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 5.jpg

    I also added a stone-and-wood pile to the blocked doorway. Hard to see, but you get the idea for now.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 6.jpg
  14. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Lovely details! :)
    LizardWizard, Warden and Aginor like this.
  15. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    That thing is HUGE!!! :jawdrop:
    Warden likes this.
  16. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Awesome stuff!
    Warden likes this.
  17. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    @Warden you're definitely a master of foam and glue! Such an amazing piece of terrain! If it wasn't a fun challange I would give up right now...
    LizardWizard and Warden like this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks for the compliments! Got a bit more progress, all the fine detail is slowing me down.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 7.jpg

    So far I have gotten the base of the structure mostly complete, with all the glyphs around the decorated step complete, and sand added to the base. These pics are prior to the black basecoat.
    After several combinations, I finally decided on the phrase "Serpent Mouth Temple- Sotek is Good, Sotek is Great." Originally is was supposed to read either "Serpent-Mouth Burial Mound" or "House of the Serpent Mouth" but I couldn't get the glyphs to line up the way I wanted them too in a way that looked good. The second half of the phrase, "Sotek is Good, Sotek is Great" is something I figured the cultists of Sotek would invoke within the Lizardmen ranks whenever they fought in battle, or else spoke the name of their serpent god.

    Here are the pics showing the hieroglyphs:

    "Serpent Mouth"

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 8.jpg

    "Temple" (also a good shot of the ruined/boarded up entrance)

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 9.jpg

    "Sotek is Good"

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 10.jpg

    "Sotek is Great"

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 11.jpg

    Also note since the full glyph spelling for Sotek would have been five glyphs long, I shortened the word to its shorthand hieroglyph, found in the 6th ed Lizardmen book, back when they still did sacred spawnings:

    spawning of sotek.png

    I also added the cracked paving stones to the roads leading up to the doorways and the interior of the structure.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 12 interior.jpg
    Also added some extra details to the paving stones, you can see two lizard heads.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 13 interior.jpg

    One of the entrances:

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 14.jpg

    This one was based on a lizard-design I used in my previous plaza terrain.

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 15 interior detail.jpg
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Yeah... and its giving me lots of problems because of it. Thankfully it means that the details are "slightly" easier to do, but because of its size now I realize I have no storage boxes for it anymore, I will need to invest in something bigger for when I move next. On the plus size, I can finally make a structure large enough for models to really "explore" inside it, perfect for potential Mordheim shenanigans I think.

    Some scale shots with a lone saurus spearman:

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 17 scale.jpg

    Also another major problem is the material I used. The floral foam, while super easy to cut into the shapes I want, it very brittle even after its first coat of spray paint. I am finding that before I can start adding grey paint, I will have to go over the ENTIRE structure again in another preemptive coat of black paint, just to prevent the bricks from flaking off every time I use a soft brush. Granted, this means more character and more age-damage to the bricks to make them look older, but I don't want the whole thing to collapse on me before I am finished! I am salvaging it slowly, but it is much slower than I wanted it to go...

    warden201707_large burial mound pyramid WIP 16 scale.jpg


    Thanks for the compliment! Honestly though, please don't give up.

    I love these contest the forum does, mostly because they are for fun. For instance, all the short story contests. I haven't had the time for writing recently, but each contest has afforded me the opportunity (and a timeline to beat) for me to sit down and work on a project that I had in the back of my mind for a long time but never had the proper motivation to go and complete. The Golden Serpent was another great example; I had always wanted to do my swimming troglodon, but never had the bravery to start until the contest made me take the plunge! This contest, since it is a fun one, lets me do something I always wanted to try but never had the chance to try before.

    Plus look at all the inspiration we get every time we do one of these contests. That awesome engine-of-the-gods monster brontosaurus beast that @NIGHTBRINGER crafted is a great example. Someday I want to do something like that... someday... :blackalien:
  20. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Excellent terrain!

    I have yet to start mine!!!!!!
    LizardWizard, Lizerd and Warden like this.

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