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Fiction GAME OF SCALES (Part 2)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by spawning of Bob, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    While I still really love these posts, I think they may warrant a TL;DR or general summary sections because so much happens and the main focus is the witty dialogue. So that everyone's on the same page, in this chapter:

    Y'ttar returns with Iyskyth as a "prisoner", closing the portal and trapping bowser and Qupakoco on another continent with the dark elves. Iyskyth is revealed as Rose Thorn, Esurc's evil twin. Their fighting unleashes a tear in reality and daemons being to pour through, threatening the defenceless city where the council of wise-plus-discomute (which city is this again?). Bob is dispatched with assorted companions to visit the temple of tzunki, hoping that that water god will flood the city, which would allow Warden's river-dwelling sea monsters to deal with the daemons. Simple!
  2. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    Heheh I like the irony of Y'ttar actually advancing the plot...instead of just describing light fixtures for best part of a page...

    Great work Bob and ghost-thing writer. :)
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Look out, TDF!

    The Ghost-Synopsis-er has hacked your account!
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I like it, starting to get confused one exactly where this is going... but then again half the dialogue is lampooning the fact that we don't know which direction the plot of going!

    Thanks for the explanation @thedarkfourth
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Well, you are dead, so we aren't expecting too much from you (except maybe some little treasure hunters... Hint). Nice touch filling the Panaa-Manaa canal with deadly aquatic monsters and reptiles BTW. Just the thing to inspire a side quest.
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Has anyone got an explanation for this paranormal phenomenon for Lord-Marcus?
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Warden like this.
  7. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    From the Xlanhuapec Lustrian Dictionary:

    Writer, Ghost. n.

    A mythical ectoplasmic being said to haunt the threads of L-O and submit written material under the guise of other authors. The Ghost Writer is best known for for its contributions to the Destroyer of Fourth Walls, "Game of Scales", in which Xolankha the Lost One posted story chapters that some forumites alleged were written, or co-written, by someone else. One lizard found on the scene, Bob, was particularly adamant that he had sighted an ethereal entity who was responsible; his repeated insistence that "Game of Scales" is written by the Ghost Writer has lead many to associate him with the true identity of the supposed "ghost". While no one has yet been able to get to the bottom of the affair, it has been speculated that the Ghost Writer's schemes might only be foiled by a team of four meddling young adventurers and a talking hound.
  8. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    The Spectre Unveiled

    So far no daemons had noticed the little group as they made their way towards the Temple of Tzunki. Y'ttar scurried through the streets of the city, furtively looking in all directions for signs of danger. Bo’b followed hot on his strangely thin tail. @JamJar the kroxigor kept pace with his massive paces. Lord Dar’k-IV was also there.


    Who are we kidding? Lord Dar’k-IV left glistening eddies of magical interference dissipating from the intricate stonework of his palanquin as it cruised through the streets like a shark, the slann’s rubbery skin vibrating with each new turn, as the winds coursed past, his bulging eyes shielded from their vehemence by a flabby wrist.

    “Jamjar have joke,” said the kroxigor.

    “I think you mean, ‘Jamjar has a joke’, although really you should use the first person when...oh nevermind.”

    “A slann, a kroxigor, a saurus and a rat walk into a daemon-infested city-”

    “Lies! Lies!”

    “Jamjar not know why, but Jamjar always think you are rat.”

    Y'ttar stopped looking around the streets in terror for signs of daemons and instead looked at Jamjar in terror.

    “Jamjar does not know why,” said Bo’b.

    “Lies! Li- no! Truth! Truth!”

    “Anyway,” continued the kroxigor, amicably, as Y'ttar relaxed slightly. “A slann, a kroxigor, a saurus and a skink-rat thing walk into a daemon-infested city-”

    “Temple City PD! Nobody make a move!”

    “Who the heck are you?” Bo’b asked the sudden newcomer, a skink in a large trench-vestment and fehd-or’ah hat.

    “Name’s Mer-fi, Priest Department. This here’s my city.”

    “I can read your thoughts,” said Lord Da’rk-IV. All eyes turned to him.

    “You can...talk? What happened to show don’t tell?” inquired Bo’b

    “Oh, it’s perfectly fine to provide exposition if it’s done dramatically,” explained the slann. “Or if it’s in the service of a cheap laugh. I will now project Priestective Mer-fi’s thoughts into your minds.”

    Of all the temple-precincts in Lustria, Chaos spawn just had to walk into mine. My head still felt like it was infested with a host of daemons of its own after what happened with the fiery dame last night. And now this chorus of jokers, as if I didn’t have enough on my plate with the case, and now the daemon infestation…

    “A bit cliche, for a genre,” opined Bo’b.

    “Jamjar prefer romcom. Or anything with jars.”

    “What case-thing is policeman talk-thinking about?” inquired Y'ttar with his best attempt at sounding innocent. “If it is the issue-problem of the suspicious tunnel-passages appearing all around-underneath city, Y'ttar assures-promises you Y'ttar knows nothing about it. Y'ttar was staying with clan-family in Scavenbl- Scalenblight at the time it happened, Y'ttar has witnesses! Y’ttar also had nothing to do with poisoning the spawning pool of Kara.”

    Mer-fi glared at him.

    I didn’t trust the guy for a second - looked like just another weasel to me, or something close to weasel at least. Could be a useful informant though. And what was with this spawnofabtich projecting all my thoughts? It was really getting on my-

    “I’m not working that case, sonny,” Mer-fi interrupted himself, trying to hide his irritation. “I’m on the case of the mysterious ghost writer.”

    The others gasped.

    “Not the mysterious ghost writer!” squealed Bo’b, suddenly looking as shifty as Y'ttar.

    “We’ve all been wondering about the mysterious ghost writer,” said Da’rk-IV. “How about we help you crack it if you help us avoid the daemons and get to the Temple of Tzunki?”

    The Priestective narrowed his eyes. “I work alone.”

    Jamjar raised his knife.

    “What is it, big guy?”

    “Is that him?” asked the kroxigor earnestly. He pointed at a suspicious shadow, which could be clearly seen holding a typewriter. The ghost looked up, saw it had been spotted, and bolted around a corner.

    “Well damn.” said Mer-fi. “Let’s get him!”

    At the same moment there was a hideous shriek in the opposite direction. Everyone looked to the other end of the street. A roiling horde of daemons was coming into view, the foremost riding living disk-creatures.

    “Quick! Onto my palanquin!” ordered Mer-fi. Bo’b, Y'ttar and Jamjar squeezed on, with Da’rk-IV following behind on his own.

    “It’s a three-way chase!” said Bo’b.

    “Now you’re just telling for the sake of it. We can clearly see it’s a three-way chase,” whined Da’rk-IV. “The proceedings shall be henceforth described in clear, concise language that says nothing explicit about the characters’ emotions:”

    Bo’b’s ears filled with the roar of onrushing wind, clutching his eggshell tight with one claw to prevent it flying off, its muted, creamy colours providing a stark contrast to the lurid cacophony of sights, sounds and smells among the screeching daemons. Meanwhile the shadowy form of the ethereal ghost writer was coming into view up ahead-

    “Jamjar bored.”

    “Yes I think we get the idea, my Lord,” said Bo’b, testily. “Let’s skip to the end, shall we?”

    Da’rk-IV sulked.

    The chase ended. They had evaded the daemons and caught the ghost writer, conveniently, on the very steps of the Temple of Tzunki.

    “Finally, time to unmask this spawnofabitch,” said Mer-fi, tugging at the ghost’s costume. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this-”

    “Wait!” cried Bo’b. “Uh, I uh, we need to complete our urgent mission at the temple of Tzunki.” He glanced around nervously, and then sprinted off up the steps towards the distant summit. Now it was Y'ttar who looked nervous...or at least even more nervous than usual.

    “I have to be with Bo’b! Must complete very important assass- mission for the Great Horn- Old Ones! Yes! Ciao!” He too scurried off.

    “You know what,” said Da’rk-IV. “I think we’ve had too much action for one story. I’m off as well.” He floated away in an unspecified direction, the subtle features of his face forming a somewhat melancholy-

    “Huh, no one wants to see the ghostwriter unmasked?” said Mer-fi to himself.

    “Jamjar still here. Jamjar curious,” stated the kroxigor.

    “Fair enough.” The Priestective pulled off the ghost’s mask.

    “Oh,” said Jamjar. “It’s-”

  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    No! Not a cliffhanger! That's alright, I know who the ghost writer is....
    It's Red Herring!
  10. RoseThorn

    RoseThorn Active Member

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    ...? What did I just read?
  11. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    Every single LO personality in one story.
    It's as insane as it sounds.
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  12. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    RoseThorn, I think we are better of not knowing.
    Also I thought it was just bob's final plea for mental help.
    And @Wolfwerty33 it is far crazier than it sounds.
  13. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    That's it! You got the point! :p
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  14. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    nothing to see here
    Last edited: May 4, 2017
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  15. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    So typical for an Old One... First release chaos into the world and the watch things burn from a save distance... ;):p
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    And proof that I am not the Ghost Writer

    Chapter... I have no idea

    The sacred chamber at the heart of the Temple of Tzunki echoed with the faint, muffled sound of weeping. Even protected by huge stone walls, the sound was intermingled with the distant cacophony of screeching daemon hordes outside. Bo’b was crying, on his knees before a very shallow dish of water.

    A furry hand grasped his shoulder and he flinched.

    “Oh, Y’ttar, it’s you. You’re still here.”

    “Indeed-of course,” squeaked the owner of the hand. “Y’ttar would never abandon-betray his fellow rode- lizard-reptile. Why is it crying?”

    “Oh, it’s this blasted ritual, this was our last hope to stop the daemons. It’s not working.”

    “Aren’t you supposed to do-conduct the ritual-spell at the Font of Tzunki?”

    “This is the Font of Tzunki!”

    “It’s only two inch-lengths deep.”

    “I know, it’s pathetic, just like me. I couldn’t get the ritual to work just like I couldn’t get my stupid cryptic author guesses to work. I’m a failure. I couldn’t even get Discomute’s plot twist in the last story comp.”

    Y’ttar’s expression didn’t so much soften as fill with insane glee.

    “Well maybe your friend-ally Y’ttar can help-end you, Bo’b, yes-yes. Scalanex suggest-ordered a different ending for the ritual-thing!”

    Bo’b turned mournfully and looked up into the shadowy and suddenly not-so-friendly-looking form of Y’ttar, noticing for the first time the glint of the horrible, serrated and hideously comfy pillow he held poised to strike.

    “Y’ttar?” said Bo’b nervously, possibly his last utterance in this life. “I never noticed before that you have whiskers.”
  17. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure the two had a jolly pillow fight which was just the right ritual to banish the daemons and save the day. Truly Y'ttar is a very noble and wise friend-thing to the cause of the Lizard folk. Also those weren't whiskers...those were...erm...facial decoration for a play-thing Y'ttar has written and is starring in. It's called...erm...the Dange-Danger of Mighty-Great Skaven hiding in Foolish Lizard-thing Councils. I may-may need to work on the title...

    In completely unrelated news, apparently comfy pillows are one of the deadliest weapons of the Skavenblight Inquisition. The fiend-things.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nobody expects the skavenblight inquisition.
  19. Y'ttar Scaletail

    Y'ttar Scaletail Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure if it's a sad claim to fame that I had an Inquisirat in an rpg who after swimming through the stomach juices of a dead Nurgle (and somehow not contracting a horrific disease but having all his clothing and equipment bar sword being destroyed) confronted the Horned Rat who'd built a throneroom inside Nurgle and had gone utterly insane from eating all the other minor gods' essences. The discussion was brief with my disillusioned Inquisirat charging the Horned Rat with a sword and completely in the nude. Only to be sent flying away. Good times.

    But yes-yes amongst our chief weapon-things are surprise and fear...and a fanatical devotion to the Horned One...and really nice red unifor...curse-curse it! I'll come in again.
  20. Xholankha the lost one
    Chameleon Skink

    Xholankha the lost one Well-Known Member

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    Bob if you need to send me YOU KNOW WHATS to edit I'm free
    Paradoxical Pacifism and Bowser like this.

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