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AoS Seraphon WARCRY: the thread

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Killer Angel, Feb 15, 2020.

  1. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    That's true. It depends what u want to hava in a band. I have almost only skinks and in this way having Starseer is a big decrease of damage and survivability. Take it only when u truly need additional 65 points. I play with Starseer model (better) but count it as a Slann :D 4A S4, 12R - massive DMG! Worth it
  2. rickyslams
    Jungle Swarm

    rickyslams New Member

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    Hey all, I'm just getting into Seraphon and starting with Warcry, and I was wondering what I need to buy exactly to get the rules for all the models. I have the original card pack but I know a bunch of stuff got added - is it in Sentinels of Order or Tome of Champions? I'm finding this weirdly hard to figure out on my own!
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  3. Smok55555

    Smok55555 New Member

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    SoO is quiet important for stats. The rest are just miniatures: I play 10 skinks with pipes, 1 terradon chief, 1 ripperdactyl chief, 1 slann, 1 saurus on cold one and 1 saurus guard alpha (rarely). That's the rooster -> u take 2 champs for some mission and add as many skinks with pipes as You can. High Sentinel is quiet a good ally for Lizardmen -> I proxy it with skink oracle or priest : )
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  4. rickyslams
    Jungle Swarm

    rickyslams New Member

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    Thank you!
  5. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    So for a basic warband I’m thinking a Slann and a guard alpha, then a couple of ripperdactyl/terradon and filling the rest of the list with range skinks. For that, what’s a good ratio of flying monsters to skinks? And is there a terradon vs ripperdactyl preference or do they both have merits?
  6. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Both rippers and terradons are good. Teradons have speed, longer range and better ability, but rippers have better toughness, so better survivability. And don't go heavy on flyers. With slaan and alpha, u don't have pints for that - one flayer would be enogh, as you need bodies to claim objectives.
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  7. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I got a couple of preowned rippers for cheap after they got nerfed so I might try one of those out along with the bolt spitter skinks.

    just having one is narratively fun too!
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  8. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    That's the most important part! Lol
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  9. Michael Bernstein
    Jungle Swarm

    Michael Bernstein New Member

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    I am thinking of getting into Warcry and had some questions so sorry if these have already been asked, but I can't seem to find answers anywhere:

    1. Are the core rules affected by AoS 3.0? Will they be releasing new Warcry Core Rules? I ask because I can't seem to find the book in the webstore anymore and I am wondering what the deal is

    2. When do the Tome of Champions get updated? I.e. when will Tome of Champions 2021 drop? And should I wait or pick up Tome of Champions 2020?

    3. I only need the Sentinels of Order book and not the cards to get all of the Seraphon info right?
  10. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    Warcry is completely unaffected by 3.0 because it’s rules and points aren’t attached to the main game (though I imagine the new units will gets cards pretty quick). Remember the rules for Warcry are in the Boxed Game set of the site, too, if that might’ve been the issue.

    Sentinels of Order is the thing you need, yeah, the cards are outdated in some of their details and they don’t contain the war scrolls of all the Seraphon options
  11. Michael Bernstein
    Jungle Swarm

    Michael Bernstein New Member

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    Sorry if this has already been asked, but does anyone know of any tutorials or the like for making Warcry terrain? Like what all is needed to be able to play? I don't really want to have to buy a starter set to get it.
  12. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    @Michael Bernstein if you're using the set up terrian deployment cards you'd need the terrain but if you are just using the other stuff I think you'd be fine!
    Cuetzpal Pilli likes this.
  13. Michael Bernstein
    Jungle Swarm

    Michael Bernstein New Member

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    Got it. Is there a set of terrain that specifically goes with the cards?
  14. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    @Michael Bernstein there are a few now that I think about it. Idk if they're for sale or not anymore but there is a Wyldwood one and some Sigmarite ruin one, possibly more.
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  15. Michael Bernstein
    Jungle Swarm

    Michael Bernstein New Member

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    Alrighty, so it seems like I should just make my own and have a good variety? haha
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  16. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    @Michael Bernstein lol you might get lucky and find them at some comic shops and stuff but making your own terrain is always pretty cool!
  17. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    With the new stormcast dominion units having warcry cards now, are any of them worth allying in? We’re already pretty spoiled for choice, but some of them seem like interesting picks, if the points can be spared

    The lord imperitant specifically seems like it might be decent choice in some lists, but it’s real power is in its triple so it might clash with some of our better fighters
  18. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Overall, all of them are strong. Imperitant is nice, but his ability is limited only up to 3 fighters and yes, it is a triple. My favorites are banner of apotheosis - d3 heal for a double is mighty, if you have some tough units, and vigilor prime- good shooting and great ability, also double. The question is: are they worth including in your warband? Probably yes, they are tough, have good ability and are cheap for what they offer. Also, there is a stormcast for every role, so you can strengthen a position you feel is most important/ your warband i lacking the most.
    Honestly, tho, they lack excellence. Little to expensive, little to round to actually fill a niche. While i would hate to play against them, i don't see them in my warband. Which doesn't mean that they won't be useful in other bands.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2021
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  19. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    With the underworlds warband now useable in Warcry, are they finally strong in something? From my cursory knowledge it looks like they're fairly alright, in just being a load of buffed skinks and a slightly stronger non-hero version of an oldblood, but i'm not too sure how great they are in general. Since you can ally the leader in and take any other members along with them, it seems like a pretty good choice to just grab the couple that're uniquely strong and leave most of the skinks at home
  20. Grumpy One

    Grumpy One Member

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    Actually, you can take any bloodmarked fighter as long as he have a right runemark. As all starblood stalkers have a seraphon runemark, you can take any of them as part of your warband. If you take a leader from an underword band as an ally, then you can include others members ot that band to your roster. Good way to make thematically interesting bands - ad kharadrons to dispossessed warband, mix daughter of khaine with dark elfes, add some chaos warriors to your demons of khorne etc. Nevertheless, the question is - are new warriors worth taking? So, from the beginning:
    Kixi-Taka - the priest - is surprisingly good. Have profile of a starpriest, yet is 40 points cheaper. Cannot use tide of serpens, but have acces to new ability- on triple you can incerase speed and toughness of friendly fighters within 9'' by 1. Great on skinks, great on saurus, great overal. If you would like to have some support, don't look further.
    Klaq-Trok - the oldblood - is ok. Slightly better than generic version, but only for 5 poins more you could have a sunblood with one more damage on crit and with acces to cold-blooded commander. If you need a heavy hitter, i would recommend the second one, or a guardian alpha. Yet, if you don't have points/ leader slots to spare, he is a viable option. And allows us to to have three tanky, heavy-hitting sauruses on field, if you would like to try ironjaws style of play.
    otapatl - chameleon - is interesting option. With 1/5 blowpipe profile he hits slightly harder than normal skink, yet sucks in close cobat. Generally, you don't want to have a skink in close cobat, so it won't make much of a difference, and he still have acces to nimble retreat. What makes him actually useful is his new ability - chameleon ambush. On a double, with no visible enemy fighters within 12'', he can make an additional move. That makes him great for grabbing treasures and capturing an objective. For 80 points you get a unit which can move 18'' during one activation. Not bad, especially if you don't have points to spend on flyers.
    Tok, Huachi end Xepic - guys with blowpipe, javelin and club. For 5 poins more than normal version, you recive 2 wounds more. If you have a 5 point to spare, you may took one, otherwise, don't bother. And DO NOT take a javelin version - it's still a trash.

    What is actually important in this book, is a point change. Blowpipe skinks went up to 75 points, yet most of our heroes recived a slight discount. A much as i would like to see only discounts in seraphon section, I must agree with most of this changes. Althou I have no idea why slaan went up - he was little to slow and exepensive to begin with (yes, i know that few posts earlier i was prasing him), so this change will make him much harder to fit into a roster. But lorewise he never should have been availible, so...
    Togetic likes this.

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