The time has come, the big man needs a base. Since it is no longer in production, is a centerpiece, and a model I care about I think it needs...
Where are you find base for dread saurian? Tell me please
I have been using a proxy Dreadsaurian and found it to be awesome, specifically in Thunder Lizards. I never see it around and I'm guessing the...
Hello fellow followers of the Great Plan, esteemed Children of the Old Ones I was wondering if anyone had any tips/insight on whether or not it...
So I have a question regarding what I should get for the Holidays. So to the point, should I get either A. A dread saurian B. Two boxes of temple...
Hey everyone, I plan on buying a Dread Saurian soon and I wanted to ask, based off it's stats & point cost, is the unit a fun inclusion into the...
DISCLAIMER: never show these to your kids. Book one: the very hungry carnosaur (a repost from just for laughs) “The very Hungry Carnosaur” with...
Hey just made up this build what do you guys think? Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Trait: Great Rememberer...
UPDATED INFO FOR SERAPHON BATTLETOME 2020 Here's the discussion based around the new tome. Here's a work in progress spreadsheet of condensed...
[ATTACH] Hey guys today for Christmas I got a Dread Saurian. It is amazing! I’ve assembled it using superglue and greenstuff (for extra support...
I have a recently acquired Dread, which i'm still in the process of painting. Wanted to know of there are any tips for using it. I know it can...
[ATTACH] Excited to join the community!
Hello 1 silly question about dread saurian Glyphs of Hunger: The Dread Saurian is bedecked in glyph plates containing the arcane power of the...
Hi guys, I'm new to the forum but decided to share something I've been working on lately. So I thought my Seraphon army needed a big beastie...
I was playing a game vs a friend. My dread saurian is in combat with his archaon and he attacks with his sword and gets 2 wound roles of 6....
Hey, I've recently joined the AoS hype and got my lizards army started. A dopey slann summoned my little dudes and forgot to send them back to the... This model is about $50 Canadian ...if the...