After a narrow defeat given out by some Skaven, I had a few ideas to fix my issues. This list heavily drawn from @LizardWizard but with more...
Leaders Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (240) - General - Warblade - Trait: Mighty Warleader - Artifact: Incandescent Rectrices Skink Priest...
Hi everyone! So... As the title suggests i have some questions i would love your answers to! All help is really appritiated. How would you run a...
@Ustyk recently asked me on my list tutorial thread to make an Eternal Starhost list. After some brief theory craft I now think this once shunned...
Hey guys, I'm realitively new to the game. Seraphon was my first army choice. I'm playing in an escalation league and the first objective is...
Hey everyone, The local Games Workshop is doing a casual escalation event. Today was 1k, next months it will be 1.5k, than 2k. Today, I did a...
So this is a new adventure for me, as I've never played a tournament before. Hopefully, I'm posting this in the proper forum (didn't seem to make...
UPDATED INFO FOR SERAPHON BATTLETOME 2020 Here's the discussion based around the new tome. Here's a work in progress spreadsheet of condensed...
Hey I wanted feedback on a shadowstrike list idea I had. It is skink starpriest, 20 skinks (two squads) 1 razordon, 6 ripper, bastiladon....
Decided that I should make a thread about the army lists that I frequently post. Each list will have a limited overview of how they are intended...
Hi, I'm Fairly new to Warhammer let alone AoS but I picked up seraphon and did decent in my first month with a Shadowstrike list. Now I'm figuring...
This is the list that I am currently using. I am using two astrolith to accompany the Skinks units and take advantage of their benefits in shots....
hey I’m buying 5 chameleon skinks and one chameleon skink stalker. I have 3 rippers or terradons. Would a shadowstrike list work with these units?
I'm new to the seraphon scene but I love the minis and lore, I have a list that I'd be interested in trying out and wanted some feedback before I...
I am totally new to AoS, and I love skinks and the Ripperdactyls. Therefor a 1000 point Shadowstrike army seems tempting to me. Would something...
Hi guys! I have come up with an idea to make a swift and magicly-supporting army. They will probably make only cosmetic changes with points after...
Allright boys, The next big tournament in my region is at the end of April, and I intend on taking my Seraphon this time. Finished last one in...
There is a rampant power gamer that is playing Archaon(on horse) with the tzeentch battletome and thus spaming the siphon life drain in a super...
Following up from Darren's excellent showing at SCGT and the fact that he did it with a non-filthy Seraphon list I thought it might be fun so see...
Hey fellow spawnlings. During the train ride to work today I was trying to figure out a playstyle that would fit me. Earlier on this forum, I...