Hi guys, im Dakash and im spanish (sorry for bad english). I collected lizardmen years ago (5 ed) and recently i have started with seraphons. I love this page and i have learning a lot so i want to introduce myself. See you in the posts!
Nice to see someone that comes back to the hobby, I'll wait to see you in AoS section! and now, the official greetings... Welcome to the jungle we got fun and games!
Hi. It's fine if your English isn't that good, we won't judge. I have an important question to ask you:Who would win, Bastet or Darth Sidious?
But you proved nothing. Not one piece of evidence or logical support for your argument. You merely found one person to agree with you... a person who self admittedly choose your side for the "laugh" factor.
It's one more person than the people who agree with you. Besides, the laugh factor is the most important factor of all.
Most of the world disagreed with Einstein when he published his theories... just saying! Must I deliver a severed cat's head to your front door? Proof that even a mere human can defeat a cat.
Cats usually are not demigods. Anyway, this was so intriguing that i had to find the thread-source of this debate. Luckily for me, it hasn't been difficult.
Hahaha! Just a general piece of wisdom as it pertains to life: if an unhinged person delivers a decapitated cat's head to your door... it is probably best not to provoke that person further if at all possible. Especially since they were clearly able to defeat a cat, which you have argued could take down a sith. This conversation is getting a "little" bit weird.