I'm looking to get back into the miniature hobby after 7 years of absence, so I'm in need for some paint advice! I've been thinking of choosing a totally new color scheme to my old Lizardmen when I take them into the battlefield as Seraphon, and so far I'm leaning into an albino army color scheme similar to the pictures below! The thing is... I need to do some paint shopping, but I have no clue which paints I should be investing in (back in the day there weren't this many types available), so I'd be very glad to hear any advices on how I might be able to pull off a color scheme similar to this!
Welcome back! I like both of these colour scheme options, but I think I prefer the teal shields/ feathers etc. as it stands out a bit more. With regards to paint ranges, it depends a bit which are easy for you to get in your country as not all are readily available everywhere. I mostly use a mix of Vallejo and GW, but I've been trying a few ProAcryl paints out and I really like the ones I have tried.
Both Vallejo and ProAcryl are totally new brands for me, I definitely need to check them out! The only miniature paints I've known and used before are GW and Army Painter, so it's cool to learn there's more options to choose from!
I would paint them on a classic scheme and maybe add a little variation from there... albino armies end up looking too monochromatic Also I would forget about AoS and focus on ToW which will be here by next year, AoS is not going to be worth the time.
"ToW"? Like I said, I'm really out of touch from the Warhammer scene, so I have no idea what that stands for
The Old World. It's Gamesworkshop bringing back Warhammer but 500 or so years prior to the End Times (about the time of Magnus the Pious iirc.) It'll possibly be like the Horus Heresy tabletop game and run as a side thing to Age of Sigmar (unless it become more popular and supplants...who knows?) Anyway, your two schemes are very nice. I think something like the second to make it pop more may be better. Mayhaps some kind of flesh tone over a white (i'd be tempted with wraithbone or deepkin as a base, maybe cadian flesh with a very thinned reikland wash) and then build up with lighter colour drybrush/highlights up into a more pinkish albino?
Oh okay, thank you for the info! I'll keep my eyes peeled and try to get more into the news about the topic! I also really appreaciate the paint suggestions, I'll check each of those colors out!