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Discussion The Story Of Acattopa'Cocotona-Cocoxqui - my first story - Chapter 3 (and 6 whoops) C&c apprrciated

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Sudsinabucket, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Chapter 3

    Thought to be long lost and forgotten to most, memories and stories depict Texcoco as a huge sprawling Temple City. From a glance now the temple city and its ziggurats seem overgrown by the jungle and swamp lands that surround it. When one looks closer movement can be found, though not able to fully see; a heavy mist sprawls out from the city into the surrounding areas much like Xlanhuapec.

    After a weeks march traversing through the mosquito and carnivorous plant infested swamps and what only could be considered claustrophobic jungle by lesser races was made easy by the work of Stegadons, Bastiladons, Kroxigors and Skinks clearing of the forest ahead of the main army; while Carnosaurs and Cold One Riders patrolled the flanks. Acattopa and what is left of his cohort emerge from the jungle at the edge of a great swamp lake, the great Temple City of his origin sat in the middle.

    A host of what was thought to be skinks and kroxigors stood atop a Xlantadon , a water reptilian used for transport, which glided through the lake. Upon reaching the lakes shore, Acattopa is greeted by Itzli who with many Skink Advisors seek many answers.

    "Welcome great one to your City, please come with us, your cohort may go around to the east side of the lake to the floating golden bridges to enter. We will take direct transport, and so we may speak privately" the priest says as extending a hand in greeting.
    With a nod Acattopa responds in a low tone, "There are still many making their way through the jungles and swamps, send word to our healing priests to be ready to receive them. We have much to discuss."

    After commanding his captains to take their forces to the east gate and the beast handlers to go west where Stegadon, Bastiladon, salamander and razordon herds roamed and were watched until they were needed, Acattopa joined Itzli onto the Xlantadons back. "Now is the time to plan" Acattopa thinks to himself "continue the plan told to me by the Slann Ka'Rapixca many mortal life times ago before the Great Consentration (Slumber?)." With the guidence and council of The Star Priest nothing is impossible, such as reclaiming his stolen weapon.

    As the small group wades across the swamp there can be heard faint talk amongst the two leaders.

    "What host was able to turn the Great cohort of poison and venom back?" Cautiously asked the skink. The Oldblood growls and gives a stern glance down towards the priest "It was no mere host or normal warmblood army, it was Clan Pestilence returned from the southlands and possibly allied with the few remaining Lustrian Clans that have also somehow found their way back to prominence. I fear they seek to reclaim their lost stronghold and start a new great war. What makes it worse is that my blessed weapon was lost in battle! I must go back for it and to purge the. Temple City once more"As the two talk more about the events that transpired they finally reach the great gates at a large dock of the Temple City. As their transport pulls along side the floating platforms, the large gem and gold adorned wood doors to the city are open. All that can be seen past the doors is the busy city life of skinks, Saurus Patrols and great beasts and Kroxigors carrying massive weight of stone and other materials for ongoing construction projects and the skyline of great pyramids.

    As the old blood, star priest and their small entourage walk down the cobbled streets through the skink district towards the highest Temples in the center of the grand plaza: The Temples of Sotek, Chotec and Quetzal. This mighty joint Temple serves as not only the central building in the city, but the only gathering place where War and and economic events are discussed and planned. Upon reaching the Temple they make their way up half way the flight of stairs and turn onto a side path that leads to the multiple chambers within the Pyramid before reaching the pinnacle where sacrifice is preformed. Before walking into the tall hallway, Acattopa sees a small band of Terradons returning from a scounting patrol; he wonders what news will be brought to him now that he has returned to the city that he was left in charge of.

    As they enter the hallway light from braziers show ancient markings and pictographs of ancient battles, golden statues of saurus and revered beasts line the hallway walls. They pass many side rooms which have multiple uses depending on the alignment of stars or of the seasons, when finally they come to a big opening that leads into the main chamber.

    Upon walking into the chamber the first thing that one notices is how much more lit it is compared it to the hallways and then the huge slab table in the middle of the Room that is adorned with precious gems, pearls, rare wood and gold. This table was once used to plan many battles against Chaos and Skaven and now once again to plan the war against Pestilence. Right as the group was about to start their meeting clammering feet and claws can be heard running through the hallways, but which? Surely an intruder could not get past the temple guard, let alome the many defenses of the city itself. Acattopa readies his weapons, lightning crackling can be heard behind him as the star priest readies his magic. As the Oldblood readies to charge a lone skink emerges gasping for breath with the markings of a terradon rider

    "Great ones I come before you from a great distance to share both sorrowful news about the remainder of your scattered forces and grand news about the Forces from The Monument of the Sun!" Acattopa growls at the skink "Come forward, lucky that your message is of great importance otherwise interrupting this gathering would prove to be ill for you. Now tell me your message quickly. What news from the Champion of the Sun?" As the skink draws closer the oldblood puts his weapon away and the electricity filled air slowly dwindles as the star priest lets down his defensive barrier.

    "The mighty Chief Daxikir-Kai’ataxaqua has made a great sacrifice to Chotec and has been blessed with a vision. In this vision many things came to pass but one place, one word stuck out most clearly: Quetza. He is now moving in force towards the city with divine purpose. As for your scatteted troops...." the skink quiets his speech to almost a whisper fearing the Oldbloods anger "from the sky we see many warriors and few beasts making their way back to the Mosquito Swamps. However, as they retreated skaven cut off a large number of saurus and skink regiments and slaughtered them. Even with our help from above there was no escape for them, there is a good chance that if I and my escort did not leave that this message never would have reached you as we were taking heavy fire" the skink waits patiently as the Saurus towering over him ponders in rage but with intelligence in his gaze. After alittle time the Oldblood finally speaks, "Go now from here with your scouts and find where the Chief is with his Army and tell him I wish join our forces to reclaim the lost city of Quetza and eradicate any Skaven who come between us and our sacred goal" After giving his orders Acattopa turns back to the large table and begins speaking to the group of Skinks behind him. The Oldblood looks down at the table which has maps of the surrounding area, tunnels, and pathways through the jungles "While we wait to find out where the Sun Gods Skink is, where are we at for our armies replenishment? Did you begin the spawning mechinism like I commanded before I left? We also must look to sending troops to bring in the last of those in the swamps and eradicate the skaven following them" speaking to the Star Priest

    The Star Priest covered in great vibrant colored feathers and with his Staff of the Heavenly Serpent "I did as WE decided as a precaution incase of the unforseeable. The spawning pools have been producing their specific kin for a week now, the numbers are great, though we have produced more Saurus than any other. I will send word to my one of my most capable skink commanders to secure the swamps. However, there is something we must discuss..." Itzli shakes with excitement of his news as he makes a loud chirp and then a click noise, soon after 6 Kroxigors carrying an Ancient Stegadon skull with exquiset decoration with a covered object between its horns enters the chamber. "While you were gone, I went on a journey with my personal guard deep into the Lustrian jungle to search for a long lost artifact of the old ones that I have been studying from ancient plaques. I finally found it South of Axlotl and north of The Mark of The Old Ones in long lost ruins...I present to you, The Sphere of Creation (Galaxies?)..."Acattopa stares in amazement, captivated by its beauty, all the while wondering how it can be harnessed to further the goals set before him."Do we know anything about it?" Asks the Oldblood

    "No, not yet. I need to do more research and read over the ancient plaques again. Much information may yet be found within them and at the ruins where I have lesser priests and workers still, I will let you know of my findings" replies the priest while continuing "Let us focus on our spawning and reforming our numbers, I will focus on this artifact with all haste soon. We should have enough numbers to march again in a few days, your kin have been speficially spawning fast, faster than the skinks and Kroxigors."

    "This is good, where we are going there will be many diseases and posions used, our enemy will run as they realize they are of no effect. With the possible joining with Chotecs Champion, Quetza will be ours again, and I will regain my sacred blade" Acattopa replies enthusiastically.

    After what was days of waiting for the spawn pools and more planning the Armies of the Lost City, the City of Poisoned Pools, The Great Floating City, The Cohort of Poisonous Mists were ready to march. A Massive Cohort capable of taking any large city had been formed, ranks of Saurus, Skink, Kroxigor all chanted, almost being drowned out by the roars and screeches from the large beasts behind and above them, in unison as Acattopa rode infront of them ontop of Metzlitlaco eyeing his kin.

    Raising his golden axe into the air the Oldblood gives out a loud hissing sound for silence, he then begins to speak "Finally the time has come for us to march on and reclaim Quetza! Our Great Ally Chief Dax and his army will meet us at the Ruins of Huanabic and together will purge any skaven or warmblood who stands in our way either in battle or on the sacrificial alters!" As he finishes his rallying cry, massive thunder like sounds erupt from the forrest. Acattopa looks around to find the source, to only see jungle birds flying out from the canopy of the jungle in his direction. Finally after listening and analyzing he realized it was not thunder in the distance, but it was the sound of crashing trees being slammed into the earth. There was only one thing that made that sound: Thunderlizards. Right as the realization hit him a terradon warrior flew down from the sky near the Oldblood and motioned in the direction of the noise "Great One, your Star Priest readies his great beheomoth and the living city ontop of it. At your word he is ready to march with you."

    Acattopa relieved that he would not have to give the word to evacuate the Temple city looked back at his Cohort and unleashes a bellowing roar "The Great Star Priest Itzli-Citlalli shall join us! He rides atop Tlanextic!" At the name of Tlanextic the army erupts with warrior prowess and blood lust. Chanting louder and louder "To Quetza! The Old Ones will it!" proclaims Acattopa. With that the cohort turns in unison and starts the march south towards the Ruins of Huanabic to join with Dax in the wake of Tlanextic. Carnosaurs and Cold Riders patrol the surrounding jungle, any trees in the way of the main force moved aside by Kroxigors and Stegadon crews. The Army moving in the humid jungle and tough terrain were making good time toward their destination on the southern outskirts of the Mosquito Swamps thanks to the Thunderlizard clearing a massive path in its wake.

    Chaoter 6 - After Quetzas fall

    After a few days march the Cohort reaches the lake shore, Texcoco is infront of them with the sun lighting up the gold covered city. Acattopa breathes in deep at the sight of his home, he prods Metzlitlaco with his heel and they and the cohort venture down the floating bridge into the Temple City. No advisors are there to greet him but one, a young skink still lesrning under a master skink.

    *The young skink bows infront of the general* "Great one, Acattopa'Cocotona-Cocoxqui, the counsil waits to speak with you of an urgent matter. A Terradon messanger flew in last night with a message"

    Acattopa looks down from Metzlitlaco and nods at the skink, he then turns to his 1st Commander

    "Take the army to the war district and have them rest and see that the spawning pools are ready. I am taking 3 Scar Veterans with me to see the coucil, when you are done come find me."

    The Saurus turns to the cohort and ushers them tiwards the war district as Acattopa and the Scar Veterans move towards the central joint temple

    Acattopa on Metzlitlaco and the Scar Veterans on their cold ones run towards the great joined temple where the council would be waiting for them. The oldblood pondered what the messanger had brought and from where. Would he need to move out again against any enemy? He would find out soon enough. Upon reaching the temple the four saurus dismount and climb the stairs up to the side path that lead to the chambers inside.

    Acattopa enters the main chamber, 8 skinks surrounding the giant stone table in the middle of the room.

    "Mighty Acattopa'Cocotona-Cocoxqui, so glad on your safe arrival, I heard of the great Victory at Quetza! Old Ones be praised, do many stay behind?" The head priest says to the Oldblood as he walks into the room, the other 7 skinks turn to greet and bow their crests in respect.

    "A great but costly victory, yes." Acattopa responds while walking to the head of the table, "Their numbers were far more than I anticipated, if it not for Chief Daxikir-Kai’ataxaqua and his army, we may not have won. But, we have and I have left High Star Priest Itzli-Citlalli in Quetza to rebuild it and to cleanse it. He believes with the Sphere of Galaxies that it possible where all others have failed before."

    The skinks now back at their spots around the square table look to both the head priest and Acattopa, the head priest pondering what was just said before replying.

    "That is both worrisome and a relief in the same breath, at least they are gone for now? Also, I am told by our latest patrols that a small savage orc incursion has been found in the north near the Pirahna swamps, we have been asked by a minor skink chief there to help as they have sacked a few small settlements."

    Acattopa visably angry at this news growls out an angry response "Damn those savage beings! I will send out a legion to take care of them, I stay in Texcoco to take care of a few things. Is there any other news?"

    "No sacred oldblood, there is not. The Temple City flourishes, and new temples and districts take shape. Sotek and Quetzal truly bless this city as they have blessed you, with new life." The skink says in a calming tone

    Acattopa leaves the chamber towards the hallway going out of the massive temple with his scar veterans in tow, he turns so he can see them.

    "You three will take an Army, Tor-La'Qui you will lead, you are to purge those swamps of any Savage Ork and then report back." Being said sternly "I have had enough of these small groups causing such problems" he then walks away from them as they turn towards the war district and he up towards the top of the temple towards the altars. Fresh captives were waiting from todays patrols and he planned to be apart of the sacrifical ritual today.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2019
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Upon reaching the top of the Temple, Acattopa walks towards the altar that joins the three temples that create the massive single temple. There waiting is a Priest of the Sun with a red hued obsidian sword pointed towards the sky, a captives cries in the background, a human from a coastal camp that had stolen from a ruined city.

    As Acattoppa approaches the priest he turns to face the Saurus,

    "Warbringer Acattopa'Cocotona-Cocoxqui, are you here to watch the ceremony of these Warmbloods giving their lives to the Old Ones?"

    "No, I am here to start it off with Soteks Blade, tie that one up on the altar."

    The priest motions for the captive to be brought forth, crying and screaming the skinks handling him hit him on the head, still awake he whimpers. Soon all his limbs are tied so he is lifted up on the ground, Acattopa walks up and hisses in the captives face,

    "You were found tresspassing on sacred soil, stealing ancient relics and gold that belong to our Slann and the Old Ones. You are sentenced to death....by a knick of my blade."

    Accattopa raises his great macuahuitl, it drips with the never ceasing venom of Sotek. The man squeals as he tries to fight his bonds, but to no avail,

    "Please, please! Spare me, I will tell you where the other human colonies on your shores are and where your gold and relics are! Please, let me go back to my family! Our Camp is near the Pirahna Swamps, all the treasure there! Another further North, I do not know where though!"

    He pleads desperately, tears running down his now red face. Acattopa ponders this a moment before placing his head closer to the humans almost speaking in a whisper, "No deal will be made...you should have stayed in your lands...and I have already sent a army north towards your camp to destroy the orks of the region....we will recover the gold you stole and drive your kind out of these lands if they do not heed our warnings..." slowly stepping away Acattopa grabs the captives hand before yelling to the sky,

    "Your blood will help replenish Sotek and make him strong!"

    He then takes his blade and barely cuts the palm of the hand making it bleed and begins to walk away.

    Minutes pass and the man begins to see figures that arnt there...Rat men treating to feast on him, he begins to scream. The screams begin to unsettle the other captives more as they panic. The priest motions for 3 captives to be brought forward.

    The 3 are placed infront of the first captive, below tens of thousands of reptilian bodies hiss up at the captives echoing into the jungle. The priest does a chant to the sky before placing a blood streak on their foreheads and then walks away. A second chant is then used and at the end, two of the captives fall into pits below removable slabs.

    The first drops into a pit of gigantic serpents, spawns of Sotek, they tear at him as they fight over the body, screams are heard but drown out soon after. The second falls into the pit of Quetzal, perched above buzzards and small flying reptilians (cousins of ripperdactyls) witth razor sharp teeth swarm down into the pit and begin ripping apart the captive, more screams. The third is placed on a speacial slab that is placed over a room where skinks heat the bottom with fire, and a large magnifying glass is above. The skinks below begin to light the fire as smoke seeps through the cracks, the magnifying glass moves into position as the sun is focused on the explorer. Soon heat from both below and above start to cook the man, his barefeet not able to escape the heat begin to sizzle and blister, his hair beginning to singe and smoke. Within minutes of anguish and undescribale pain the man lights on fire as the Saceifice to Chotec is finally complete. The screaming ends as his lips are melted together and he falls over the ledge down the steps as the metal around his legs and arms also melt under the heat. The sacrificial captive that Acattopa had used his blade on at this point had begun to swell up so large his skin began to crack, final screams of pain echo in the plaza over the hisses until finally he explodes.

    Acattopa and the priests do this for 100 captives until finally slitting the throat of 200 more at the top of the mighty staircase. At the end Acattopa simply cleans his blade and begins to walk down the temple staircase with blood and gore under foot while saying for all the hear,

    "My ritual for Sotek now complete, I now look to punish those in my jungle unless they give me reason not to."

    Upon reaching the bottom a skink runs after the Saurus, "great one! Urgent news has come from a messanger!" Catching up to Acattopa one word is whispered, "Chaos".

    (I am not 100% decided on the chaos part yet, but could be a later chapter as chaos invades Lustria)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Welp....i accidently posted chapter 6...and cant figure out how to delete the second half...so....sneak peak!
    Aginor and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.

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