Not exactly sure where to post this Was wondering if there would be any interest in doing an index of lizard men articles that have appeared in White Dwarf magazines over the years. They have something similar over at the Bretonnia site. An index of information might prove to be quite useful. Articles would be listed by Iss number, country of origin, page no and what the article is about. There was at one time or another a White Dwarf Iss being printed in the UK, USA and Australia. Any who just a thought.
So I will kick things of as I only have a handful of issues. At some point if we have enough items added we will have to put them into some sort of order. This is only a trial layout to see what others think. WD305, USA June 2005 p10 - The Wayfarer's Companion The Temple City of Itza The Chronicle of Itza The Leaders of Itza Background fluff p16 - The Hosts of Itza Ten Zlati, The Oracle of Lord Kroak, has a converted model and gaming stats p18 - Warhammer Chronicles The Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast Background fluff and army special rules Luthor Harkon and unit stats. p28 - March of The Dead Modelling and painting a Zombie pirates. p34 - Invasion of the New World Campaign of Lustria, various scenario's Also has some articles for making terrain p54 - Modelling Workshop Converting an Engine of The Gods Gives a small description of the items used to make the Arcanodon but no real description of how to, shows 2 other conversions instead p64 - Amazing Base Article about basing
WD33 Canada February 2009 Page 3-8 showing off the new releases of lizardmen models: Stegadon Temple Guard Chakax Kroxigor Terradon Tiktaq'to Hunting packs Battalion boxset Page 16 The rise of the Ancients An interview about the (then) new lizardmen army book, a little fluff and a little crunch. Page 58 Echoes of the Fall Battle report, Lizardmen v Chaos Daemons Page 82 Modelling Workshop: Jungle terrain Jungle trees Lustrian Foliage Spawning Pool Ancient Portal
WD308, Australia August 2005 Although neither of these entries are of a Lizardmen nature I have included them as both colonies reside in Lustria. p40 - The Wayfarer's Companion The Norse Colony of Skeggi. Background fluff, Artwork, model figures and gaming stats p46 - Warhammer Chronicles Hand Maidens of the Gods, Amazons Background fluff, model figures and gaming stats
WD300, Australia December 2004 p104 - Warhammer Chronicles Sacred Host Armies An article about armies with special rules for each Host army. Sacred Host of Chotec - The Solar God Sacred Host of Sotek - The Serpent God Sacred Host of Quetzl - The Protector God Sacred Host of Huanchi - The Jaguar God Sacred Host of Tzunki - The Water God Sacred Host of Tlazcotl - The Impassive Sacred Host of Tepok - The Inscrutable
WD305, UK May 2005 Jungle Fever p19 - Small article and drawing of a possible Arcanodon (by Dave Gallagher) p20 - Conquest of the New World Carve out an empire in the jungles of Lustria. Article on campaigning in the Lustrian jungle based on plunder points of temple cities and places of interest. p24..26 - Locations in the Forests of Lustria Gives some nice descriptions of the many locations in the jungle and their points value in the campaign. Such as Tomb of Gold and the Blood Pyramid. Map locations are shown on pages 18 and 23 p29 - Tichi Huichi's Raiders Background story, special rules and game stats p34 - The Folly of Prince Rodrik Battle report, Lizardmen v Bretonnian Knights p130 - In The Jungle 2 page parts list for metal saurus and some classic skinks/saurus p141 - Modelling Workshop Small article about Lizardmen beast colour schemes. (1/2 side page)
WD306, UK June 2005 p13 - New release's Skink Warchiefs and Tehenhauin Prophet of Sotek p60 - Warhammer Chronicles Dead in The Water Pirates on the shores of Lustria. Background fluff and army special rules Luthor Harkon and unit stats. p74 - The Wayfarer's Companion The First City of Lustria The Chronicle of Itza The Leaders of Itza Background fluff p80 - The Hosts of Itza Ten Zlati, The Oracle of Lord Kroak, has a converted model and gaming stats The above articles are almost the same as in (WD305, USA, June 2005) just some different pictures and a slightly different layout. There is also no Modelling Workshop on building a Arcanodon.
WD 293, Australia May 2004 p42 - Lord Mazdamundi One page of background fluff and one of Game stats and spells for Lord Mazdamundi p44..45 Modelling painting and basing Lord Mazdamundi and his stegadon S'laq. This is using the old metal stegadon kit
This looks like something that @Scalenex might be interested in tackling. Afterall, he is The Keeper of the Indexes.
I do not have special knowledge or access to WD articles but if someone wanted to gather all the links up, I would be willing to organize it and reformat it. When there is a general consensus or one confident expert on White Dwarf who thinks we got most/all of it, let me with know and I'll compile what you have.
First off my apologies but... I was trying to tackle this problem but quickly realized that White Dwarf magazine numbers are not consistent pending which country of origin they are published in. Case and point, WD #206 (UK), one of the books I am trying to get my hands on, published FEB 1997 in the UK: Jump ahead to WD #305 (UK), another magazine with Lizards on the cover, published in May 2005 in the UK. But this magazine is also WD #304 (US), WD #133 (France), WD #121 (Spain), WD #113 (Germany), and WD #75 (Italy). Not sure when the Australians get their own copies. Anyway, the WH40K Lexicanum has a great list of White Dwarf magazines based on when they are published, organized HERE by the WH40K edition. See HERE for WH40K stuff in these magazines and HERE for Chapter Approved A site called Hive World Terra also has a good listing of White Dwarf magazines in there collection, I especially like the list of 4th-5th edition Warhammer article listings. Also found this link at the Trove, which not only has a lot of GW/WD content, but also a treasure "trove" of RPG stuff in general like Shadowrun, D&D of every edition, even Frostgrave and Bushido. Hope some of these resources help!
WD202, UK October 1996 Front and Back cover Art of a battle between Lizardman and Bretionnians Inside of the front cover Picture of Bretionnian army in a standoff with a Lizardman army p10..11 - Lizardman A few paragraphs introducing the "new" Lizardman army p42 - 'eavy metal: Lizarman Sauruses Showcases the saurus models and a panorama in front of a pyramid temple with Sauruses, some skinks and a Slann p43 and 46 - Lords of Lustria Article about the origins and background of the Lizards and rules for them. Also has a army list entry for both Skins and Saurus Warriors p44 - 'eavy metal: Lizardman Skinks and Slann Mage Priest Showcases the skins models and a slann mage priest being carried by his templeguard p45 - Lustria: Empire of the Lizardman A map of Lustria with multiple cities on it. Contains a description of Itza, Quetza and Chaqua. Also has some text on a vampire landing in Lustria before even the Norse discovered Lustria and creating a new realm of undead in Lustria. p108..109 - Slann Mage Priest Mail order entry of the Slann Mage Priest p110 - Saurus Command Group Mail order entry of the Saurus Command Group p111 - Saurus Warriors with Hand Weapons Mail order entry of the Saurus Warriors with Hand Weapons p112 - Skink Command Group, Skink Archers Mail order entry of the Skink Command Group and of the Skins Archers
A quick question, would we archive/list every mention and every picture of lizardmen or only articles and pictures that focus on lizardmen?
I think only the latter, as only the latter would actually be of any use to Lizardmen players in terms of hobby