TOW Kroxigor tactics/ statergy & understanding

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Awfulcomet, Mar 17, 2024.

  1. Awfulcomet
    Jungle Swarm

    Awfulcomet New Member

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    Is someone able to explain the best use of the kroxigor please...
    I have tried using them several times and never seem to have any luck.
    How many is recommended in a unit also?
    Equally the purpose of the skirmish screen rule, is this just a case of attempting to bait a charge for the skinks to flee, to create a failed charge situation and then kroxigors to follow up with a charge on their turn?
  2. Kalisto
    Temple Guard

    Kalisto Active Member

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    Well I have always used kroxigor in a line 3/4 models. 6 on 2 ranks cost too much to are worth it. Before we’re really good charging 12” and always attacking first.

    Now with GW rules and charge +1d6 and weaker fear I am not sure they are worth it anymore.
    especially with GW giving only -2 in armour save

    The skirmish screen works exactly how you say, you can protect them from arrows and at the same time potentially charge.
    Awfulcomet likes this.

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