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Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    And bases to redo!!!

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Itepixcauh, Ritual and Warden like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    yup... :argh:

    So glad the main four units of knights are actually done though, that felt good when it was finished :cigar:

    Now on to the grail knights :lurking:
    Ritual and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    So I already showed this model over in my Lizardmen blog, but she isn't exactly a "lizard" so I decided to put the rest of her pictures up here.

    Amazon Warrior


    Not 100% done, still need to redo the base and her mane of black hair.

    I need to start by saying that this model was a joy to paint, and I am very pleased with how my color experiments turned out, my attempts at drybrushing, and bringing her up to (barely) "tabletop quality" by my standards.


    THAT being said, I learned a ton while painting her, mostly what not to do in the future.

    This model was my first attempt at trying to thin my paints. I did a lot more mixing that I normally do, and though the colors turned out well, the thinning did not at all. As you can clearly see from the pictures (and the next two), her skin is not smooth. At all. By the time I realized that I hadn't thinned my paints enough, it was way too late. :hurting:

    Though the model didn't turn out too well, I am very happy I at least tried to put it together. I am going to try and practice "thinning" more on some future models (its already too late on most of the skeletons I am doing), but next time I do some roughly human-like models I will try again. Eventually I hope to come back to this lovely model, strip off the old paint job, and start over again. Until then I have a beautiful model that looks much better from a distance :meh::D

    Two more pics to show her off, and my mistakes :bag:


    Yep... that thigh :banghead:

  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I painted these guys this weekend too, my first batch of skeletons. I bought them mostly to use as enemies for Mordheim games.

    warden201801_fright knights_WIP 03.jpg

    They were fun to put together, the Kings of War skeleton sculpts are a bit goofy but super easy. Mostly snap-fit.

    They were also a great dry-brushing practice. The GW "wight-king" is by far my favorite model of the bunch. Like the other skeletons he isn't done yet, I am thinking of drybrushing his cape an eerie glowy-green.

    warden201801_fright knights_WIP 09.jpg

    Of course my other favorite is this little thing that came in the KOW box:

    warden201801_fright knights_WIP 04.jpg

    Before the painting I actually decided to base them this time!

    warden201801_fright knights_WIP 01.jpg

    Some of the skellies themselves:

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    "headache" guy in the center is another favorite.

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  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Along with the skellies I started painting the zombie-dragon a while back.

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    warden201801_zombie dragon_WIP 02.jpg

    The rider has a KOW skeleton head, plus some cast/regular Bretonnian bits to make up his body. Works for now, I might replace the head later if I get a better one, he is a tad goofy.

    warden201801_fright knights_WIP 02.jpg
  7. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    The axe head guy is so cool!
    Warden, Ritual and Aginor like this.
  8. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I also like the Mantic skeletons a lot, half of my Deathrattle army consists of those. Some very fun models in there, like Axe-in-head guy, Crow-on-head dude, the one coming out of the ground, and the dog.

    As for your Wight King: Drybrushing the coat is a good idea, the structure is perfect for that.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Nice skellys ;),

    Easiest way to do the Wight King cape is,

    Base coat it light grey (celestra) then drybrush it pure white then apply a coat of Nihilakh oxide
    Warden and Ritual like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Agreed, they are very characterful. They remind me of the Bretonnian men-at-arms (hence me using some spare helmets).

    I didn't realize that the little rat-thing was actually a dog... :eek:

    I just looked up Nihilakh oxide, I never realized there was a specific ghostly paint. I feel like it looks too blue though? Is there a way to make it a bit more "green" ?
  11. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    For ghostly green I recommend either using thinned down turquoise or a green glaze.
    Depending on the color of the base coat you can get really nice effects.

    If you want to make Nihilakh Oxide more green just add a tiny drop of green color to it.
    Warden and Ritual like this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Spent the evening working on the undead some more, specifically experimenting with the Wight King's cape:

    warden201802_wight king_01.jpg

    Apologies for the pictures, my light source must have been too bright when I took these and I didn't notice at the time.

    I didn't get around to getting any Nihilakh oxide, but I took some of your suggestions. I did a very light white drybrush, then another one with white mixed with light green (a bit more yellow than goblin green, I don't remember the name). It looks pretty nice, but I am thinking to further the experiment by giving it a dark wash, maybe black? I don't want to remove all the color but I want the cape to be a little shinier.

    warden201802_wight king_02.jpg

    The rest of the skeletons are done enough now, so the Wight King has his henchmen. :vamp:

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    After the King himself is finished I will grab some more pictures of them.
    Captaniser, Crowsfoot, Aginor and 2 others like this.
  13. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I like the Wight King model a lot. I think GW did a great job on that one.

    Are you going to make the crown gold or will you keep it a bit darker (bronze or so)?

    Also: that bat on the shield, was it painted freehand?
    Warden likes this.
  14. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I liked the model a lot too, the GW skeleton line is really nice (just expensive per model). I was originally going to make it gold/yellow but I think a more bronzed/muted crown will look better.

    All the bat-shields are freehand. Some of them came out a little wonky, but I have had some practice making the heraldry for my Bretonnians :D
    Aginor likes this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Started a new project while working on my jungle platforms!

    I posted these old totem poles the other day, but it is time to do some work on the broken one.

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    After some sanding and some black paint he is looking a bit different...

    warden201803_samurai jack and aku WIP_02.jpg

    Here is a hint to what he is going to become... @NIGHTBRINGER might be able to get the hint:

    warden201803_samurai jack and aku WIP_03.jpg
    Captaniser, NIGHTBRINGER and Aginor like this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Mini project is done!

    Samurai Jack: could use a little more work but he is mostly finished

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    With the Amazon:

    warden201803_samurai jack and aku WIP_06.jpg

    Aku: his face didn't turn out quite like I wanted (eyes too small, nose too big) but he gets the point across!

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    His face before the final paint coats:

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    warden201803_samurai jack and aku WIP_10.jpg
  17. Huanata'Kor

    Huanata'Kor Active Member

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    I love all the scenery you make and how thematic it is! I bet it’s great to play games on!
    Warden likes this.
  18. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Progress on the Luftwaaaagh continues!

    Casting the pieces:

    warden201802_ork triplanes assembly.jpg

    Initial assembly:

    warden201802_ork triplanes assembly 2.jpg
    Primer added:

    warden201802_ork triplanes.jpg

    I already had the first triplane mostly done, and I actually cast these guys over a month ago and never got around to painting them :eggonface:

    Inspiration took hold this afternoon however and I got a couple hours of base-coating them done.

    warden201803_ork triplanes 01.jpg
    The first triplane was in "Evil Sunz" colors (Red with Yellow FLAMEZ), here is my list for the rest of them:

    • Goff- Red with black/white markings
    • Goff- Black with checkerboard trim, red markings
    • Bad Moonz- Yellow with black flame
    • Bad Moonz- Black with yellow details
    warden201803_ork triplanes 02.jpg
    Captaniser, Crowsfoot and tom ndege like this.
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    In other news one of my projects has taken a turn for the dark side!

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 05.jpg

    Putting together a flat Star Destroyer for the Star Wars X-Wing miniatures game.

    You can see some of the paper pieces in the triplanes pictures. Since I have to wait a while for this guy to dry I am kinda doing two at once. Got a bunch of WIP photos too:
    Step 1: Figure out the correct size. Did some sizing using some scrap paper and some math, and a tiny cutout of the Milenium Falcon. My brother has the actual model so I just made a tiny paper one based on his measurements.

    warden201803_star destroyer size 1.jpg
    warden201803_star destroyer size 2.jpg
    Star Destroyer Plans Image Chart.png

    Step 2: Print out the star destroyer plans.

    We wound up deciding on size 5 for now. I used microsoft Excel to scale up the image of the star destroyer (found online) and printed it out onto multiple pieces of paper.

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 01.jpg

    It was then a simple matter of cutting out the design with a paper cutter and some scissors:

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 02.jpg
    Step 3: cut out a foam board the same size as the picture. Pretty simple, though my foam board was a bit too cheap.

    If you want something more durable I would suggest wood.

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 03.jpg

    Also as you can see I kept the foam star destroyer in three pieces. This was for easier storage, so that it fits neatly into my largest storage container.

    Step 4: start painting!

    I kept the scale papers not taped together so I could easily check the details as I went along.

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 04.jpg

    And here is where it is at now! I got a ton more detail to do.

    warden201803_star destroyer WIP 06.jpg
    One of the side effects of using crappy foam is that the entire structure "curves" when the paint dries. This can be counteracted by painting the opposite side, or avoided entirely by using something more solid.

    Looking forward to finishing this guy, and getting some X-wings and Tie Fighters to fight over it!
  20. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    :::warning... heresy inbound:::

    Moar painting was done on the Ork Luftwaaaagh, I had a lot of fun this weekend painting ork clan heraldry on my small triplane fleet. The planes themselves are mostly done.

    Goff Clan Triplane #1 (Black)

    warden201803_ork triplanes 03 goff.jpg

    The symbol looks more Chicago Bulls than Ork Goff Clan sadly :confused:

    Goff Clan Triplane #2 (Red)

    warden201803_ork triplanes 04 goff.jpg

    This triplane was similar enough in color-scheme to the legendary RED BARON of WWI, so I added extra Ork glyphs on the hull to represent the ork pilot's ace "kills."

    warden201803_ork triplanes 05 goff.jpg

    Evil Sunz Clan Triplane (Red with Yellow Stripes)

    The prototype triplane just needed some extra details/highlighting work to clean/dirty him up.

    warden201803_ork triplanes 06 evil sunz.jpg

    Bad Moonz Clan Triplane #1 (Yellow with Black Stripes)

    warden201803_ork triplanes 07 bad moonz.jpg

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    Bad Moonz Clan Triplane #2 (Black)

    warden201803_ork triplanes 09 bad moonz.jpg

    More glyphs!

    warden201803_ork triplanes 10 bad moonz.jpg

    Next on the list is the pilots and the bases. I have been procrastinating on these guys, and though it took the entire weekend to get to this point they were enjoyable to paint! :artist::D
    Captaniser, Aginor, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.

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