We're playing a tag team of lizardmen and empire vs dwarves and ogres soonish. For Lizardmen I was thinking of going melee heavy with as many...
I bought 20 saurus warriors and got 7 cold one riders off eBay. I also purchased a slann starmaster a while back intending to get into aos but...
Heyo! ChapterAquila92 here! With the release of Warhammer: The Old World, it would probably be worthwhile for there to be a thread dedicated to...
So im going on a 6th edition tournament. Its a long, long, long time since i played 6th ed. so i wanted to ask some fellow lizard people for...
Hello this is my first time posting and I would like to ask what would be a good 500-point army, The last time I played was when the first...
Hey guys, I've been playing Fantasy (7th edition) recently with my Beastmen, but finally have a Lizardmen army (more or less) ready to play with....
Hi all, Hope this is the right place to ask this sort of thing. I have recently been convinced to play AOS by a friend I used to play fantasy...
Hi all, I have a game of 8th Edition scheduled for this weekend against a friends High Elves. I'm not sure for certain what he will be be...
Hey Guys, Im relatively new to Seraphon, i played a few games by now, but didnt try the new edition yet. I was always running Fangs of Sotek,...
HELLO SCALE COMMANDERS I'm Kroak 'n' Daghar, a small dicemaking business owner who who used to play Admech, but saw the new model for OUR LORD...
So I'm extremely new to the tabletop warhammer games. I'm pretty comfortable with any playstyle but my preferred are the either tempoing out on my...
Hi everyone. I haven't been on here for over a year o think. I kinda fell out of the hobby for awhile due to life stuff, but long story short I'm...
Alright time to unlearn what I have learned... Sooooo, Bastiladons are scary in thunder lizards! Thanks again LizardWizard for your guidance with...
Hey ya'll, I'm having a little get together with a few friends this weekend for some Age of Sigmar fun. We're gonna be playing some 1v1 and some...
Hello all, I have just joined the forum :) and my first post is this list that I'm working on. If any of the wise Slann on this forum can give...
Hey guys! I wanted to make a 1000p Skink list: Leaders: Skink Starseer 140p Skink Starpriest 120p Skink Priest 70p Battleline: 20x Skinks...
++ **Pitched Battle** 2,000 (Order - Seraphon) [1,980pts] ++ + Leader + Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur [210pts]: [Koatl's Claw] Dominant...
Hello! Just thought I'd get started posting my lists here. Some are fluffy, some are more competitive (and mostly based on the suggestions from...
Hey everyone, i wrote this list and was interested in your opinions and ideas. coalesced thunder lizard Leaders skink priest (general) slann...
Hey all, I've got a straight Seraphon army. I've played against my buddy's Skaven army a few times now and get trounced each time, partly because...