Historical References of the Iron Warriors The themes of the Iron Warriors in Warhammer 40'000 revolve around the drudgery, hardship and...
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, as the saying goes. And these beholders tend to be biological creatures. One thing that I have noticed...
[img] Åskland Longhouse A colourful and rather shoddily crafted acrylic painting of an Åskland longhouse for the Ninth Age fantasy world. Overt...
Liber Chaotica: Hashut (Grimstonefire) Chaos Dwarfs Army Book (ThommyH) Chaos Dwarf Quest (Nicodemus) Khaozalid Dictionary (MadHatter) [img]...
[img] Sorcerer-Prophet Balhutti-Zhurekar the Decrepit: Art by Hunter Chaos Dwarf Songs In their mystic rituals, in monotone labour and in the...
[img] Mordrek's Night Clubbers The Story of the Night Clubbers The goat-legged Chaos Dwarf champion Mordrek Wightsbane had long been known for...
Instructions for replicating the hats seen here, sculpted for a friend's Astro-Ungarian Imperial Army force in Warhammer 40'000. [img] [img]...
Original thread start from here. First posts are copy-paste, the rest will be running updates. Welcome! This is the log where I'll post anything...
Taken from this lecture by Jennifer Mace (part 2 of a 2-part series on ancient Greek art): Here is a chart with human proportions, ranging from...
Lothern Infiltrator 00L [img] [img] [img] Flaming light flickered between colonnaded shadows. The ruddy light was cast not only by torches and...
Here is a translation of a Swedish song from 2016, on the topic of the national speech defect known as the Danish language. ;) 40k version can be...
[img] "Seven rings for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone." Zirak Zagul Colonists Greetings, wanderer! Welcome, by blasts of horn and...
Why are you here? Mortal, birthed in pain and blood. Plaything of capricious gods. Mortal, raised on hardship and toil. Worshipper and sacrificer....
The 1980s were characterized by a wild plethora of all manner of miniature releases, many of which were niche to boot, and which has later been...
Not relevant to vibrant Lustria, but to many other sites. Please spread the word: The reason old forums are dying is because of their lack of...
While reading up on jokes across the world and from all over human history for 40k work, I stumbled upon a delightful surprise: Egyptian humour....
Oxymandias over on Chaos Dwarfs Online has laboured lovingly to craft a webzine to touch on some highlights in the world of short, angry and...
G'day! With my father having run a carpentry firm for as long as I have existed (founded the same year I was born, in fact), working with tree...