AoS 2k Heavenswatch vs Nurgle Mortals

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Skinnyboy, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Had a tournament prep game the other day using this list:


    Priest w/ trappings

    Priest w/ trappings

    Astrolith bearer

    3x10 skinks

    2x5 chamoskinks

    3x bastilladon

    Heavenswatch starhost

    His list was

    Nurgle harbinger


    10 chosen

    20 warriors w/ shields

    10 warriors w/ extra hand weapons

    10 warriors w/ halberds

    War alter

    2 plague claw catapults

    3 jezzails

    Mission was take and hold. I set up first with the three bastis on the 12” line forming a line in front of all of my heroes. I want them on the line so they have range to stuff on the first turn. The skinks fanned out to the left and right of the bastis ready to run interference or go after the catapults or jezzails as they are the priority targets, I don’t want them sniping out my heroes!! The chamos set up off the board ready to hunt catapults or jump on an objective.

    He sets up the 20 shield warriors on his objective and then has his xtra weapon warriors in a single line on the 12” with the halberds behind them and the chosen to the left of them. The war alter and harbinger are slightly off to the right. The jezzails are also to the front on the 12” line just to the left of the warriors. The two catapults are pretty far out, one on each flank.

    I have the choice of first turn and I take it. I need to get my armor save rerolls up and I want a shot at taking out at least one of the catapults before he can shoot. I was up against it thoygh as he had cunning deceiver as his command trait. To make matters worse. my opponent wins the starseer guessing game and gets himself 4 rerolls. I get my buffs up and plant my banner. I drop all 10 chamo skinks on the right catapult and advance the bastis up in range of the chosen, jezzails and hand weapon warriors. The skinks also move up and over to screen the bastis, with one unit gunning toward the left catapult. The lasers fire up and take out the jezzails and a few chosen thanks to the astrolith reroll but the chamo skinks fail to take out the catapult. I charge them in and still fail to kill it but its hanging on with only 1 wound.

    On his turn he gets a mystic shield off on the hand weapon warriors and uses his nurgle command ability for the 5++ save. His shooting phase sees heavy casualties to one of my skink units and another one wiped entirely thanks to his stolen rerolls (drat!!). He attempts some long charges but fails them all. However, my glorious chamo skinks manage to fight off the last of the catapult crew!!

    I win the priority role for turn 2 and take it and this time I win 6 rerolls!! The chamos disappear and the priests get off their buff. The astrolith stays planted. On the left the full health unit of skinks move to get within 9” of the other catapult. Skink shooting does nothing to the catapult but the bastis open up on the herald which was marked with the heavenswatch battalion bonus. The rerolls here were clutch, turning 5/6 shots into 9/10 shots. Interestingly the herald has the demon keyword so the bastis were on damage 3!!He goes down and I still have 1 bastis left to shoot which absolutely savages the chosen. Combined with battleshock the chosen go down to 1. The skinks on the left go ahead and charge the catapult cause why not but it’s a slapfest.

    His turn 2 sees a mystic shield on the HW warriors with them positioning for an easy charge on my bastisand the halberd warriors close behind them. His lone chosen turns and goes after the skinks assaulting the catapult and long story short there my skinks eventually kill the catapult before getting wiped. The catapult wont do anything for the rest of the game. So here is where he makes a huge mistake, he charges the HW warriors in a single line from left to right against my three bastis but does it so that his halberd warriors can not then complete a charge by ending within ½” of them. So his warriors are up against 3 bastis…. He manages to put a wound on each of them but they’ll just heal that in my next hero phase anyway. Since his HW warriors are blocking his halberd warriors I elect not to fight with my bastis to stop him making gaps by removing models. This is all going down near the centre of the table and he still has the 20 shield warriors on his objective.

    We roll for turn 3 and he gets it but I force a reroll and win it but make him go first. My reasoning was that if he was in a bad position at the end of the last turn he’ll still be in a bad one as nothing had changed and I was right. He knew we was stuck up against a wall of bastis that he couldn’t hurt. He retreated them but due to how close the halberd warriors were behind them he didn’t have much room to maneuver and so in the resulting charge phase could only get a few halberds against a basti which was fine. Again I didn’t bother attacking.

    Bottom of 3 and I begin my end game plan. I grab a few rerolls and target the shield warriors with the heavenswatch. I drop 7 chamos down within 6” of his objective. Buffs go up and banner stays down. I put all my shooting into the shield warrior unit and after all is said and done with battleshock there is 3 remaining…. Not enough for me to claim it and win…. But I’m sneaky and kept 2 rerolls..

    Turn 4 priority and we tie on 5’s so I force his to reroll and win. Do the normal hero phase stuff and then the bastis warm up and fry the last three shield warriors so I can end the turn and claim his objective with the chamos for a major win!

    Overall it went down how I anticipated it although I was hoping to drop the catapults faster as they can be a real pain especially if they start targeting heroes. The bastis were just fantastic with a huge footprint and long reach. He really messed up with single long lines of warriors behind each other. The starseer is incredible, those rerolls gave me so much influence on the flow of the game and the extra shooting punch when I needed it.

    Hope you enjoyed!

    Shawry, m0gstar, Crowsfoot and 2 others like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Excellent battlerep, really good write up. Felt like I was watching the game when happened ! Well done for the victory and really well played on the kongo line of his warriors. You made some really fine moves there :cool:
    Shawry likes this.
  3. Skinnyboy

    Skinnyboy Member

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    Thanks Seraphage, glad you enjoyed it!
    Seraphage likes this.

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