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A department store going out of business is good for minis collectors

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Scalenex, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    For those from the United States of Lustria, anyone near one of these places? Or some other store going out of business. If they are selling their fixtures, rejoice.

    This rotating fixture that used to display women's fashion accessories now showcases my minis, and the bottom and back shelves hold many of my awaiting sprues and WIP. Now that my minis aren't in disorganized piles or random boxes. I'm finding it easier to fit modeling into my weekly routine. Before I didn't want to do it, because I'd need to do an hour of tidying up and rearranging before doing two hours of hobby work.


  2. little-myth

    little-myth Well-Known Member

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    Looks like something I need haha, they somehow break when I store them carefully in boxes (mostly the skinks). Yet I am a UK lizard :(
    Then I should of asked a shop I was at yesterday if I could have one of their display cabinets as he was making the selection smaller for a lounge area. Same one I have now, it was used just for storing soft bears.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yeah my Chameleon Skinks (which were regular blow pipe Skinks painted with a camoflauge paint scheme) have had a lot of their blowpipes or limbs break. I do hope my improved storage container will reduce breakage but most of my breakage is going to and from game sites.

    I was kind of thinking I'd retire them and try a real conversion project to make them look more chameleon-y. I need to figure out poses to make them less fragile and better able to rank up.

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