This is a fun list I came up with. I have no idea if this works. I have not tried the list, dont have the models for it. The plan is simple, charge with all Bastiladons in your first turn. Hero Phase 1. Use the Skink Priests celestial rites abilities on the bastiladons to get re-roll charge/saves 2. Cast the Cogs (set it to speed up time, +2 move/charge) and the Bridge 3. LoSaT any Bastiladons that couldnt get in range of the bridge Movement Phase 4. Move the remaining Bastiladons over the bridge. Now all of them should be 9" from an enemy unit. Charge Phase 5. Charge!!! If you got the cogs up you should have +2 (+3 if you rolled "The Hunter's Steed" on the Slann) on the charge with re-roll. If you can get all four Bastiladons within 8" of an enemy unit they will on averege take 8 mortal wounds every combat phase (both yours and your opponents). Allegiance: Seraphon - Mortal Realm: Ghur LEADERS Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Command Trait : Great Rememberer - Artefact : Gryph-feather Charm - Spell : Stellar Tempest Skink Starpriest (80) - Spell : Celestial Apotheosis Skink Priest (80) - Priestly Trappings Skink Priest (80) - Priestly Trappings UNITS 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers BEHEMOTHS Bastiladon (280) - Weapon : Ark of Sotek Bastiladon (280) - Weapon : Ark of Sotek Bastiladon (280) - Weapon : Ark of Sotek Bastiladon (280) - Weapon : Ark of Sotek ENDLESS SPELLS / TERRAIN Chronomantic Cogs (80) Soulscream Bridge (80) TOTAL: 1990/2000 EXTRA COMMAND POINTS: 0 WOUNDS: 81 LEADERS: 4/6 BATTLELINES: 3 (3+) BEHEMOTHS: 4/4 ARTILLERY: 0/4 ARTEFACTS: 1/1 ALLIES: 0/400
Well its definitely gonna be a fun game for you. try it out in a casual environment, (use proxies) and let us know how it went.
I played a trimed down version of the list at 1000pts today. It was Duality of Death againt a shooty Stormcast Eternals list. It worked really well this game, the Bastiladons pinned down the majority of his army in his own territory, while my two skink units held both objectives the entire game without losing control of them. By the end of the game only one bastiladon was left standing with a couple of wounds left, the priest had 1 wound left and the skink units had taken quite some damage but still were alive. Allegiance: Seraphon Leaders Skink Priest (80) - General - Priestly Trappings - Trait: Master of Star Rituals - Artefact: Incandescent Rectrices Battleline 10 x Skinks (70) - Meteoric Javelins & Star Bucklers 40 x Skinks (280) - Boltspitters & Star Bucklers Behemoths Bastiladon (280) - Weapon: Ark of Sotek Bastiladon (280) - Weapon: Ark of Sotek Total: 990 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 70
Sounds like fun, do you have a bat rep list? If not that’s cool, and the ark list looks pretty enjoyable to use
what's the two models in the top right corner of the picture... the bridge thingy from forbidden power?
I lost quite horribly, Ogors have insane damage. I was pretty much wiped out in turn 3, the bastiladons lasted 2 turns. He had 3 stonehorns that all ignored most of my snake wounds, one had ignax scales and the few wounds that got through was just healed back up by the pot. But the plan worked otherwise, the Bastiladons reached combat and I managed to score quite some points turn one. But they died way quicker than I thought they would. Maybe against another faction this would have worked better
Probably Yes. Not fyreslayers that would be horrible, but for example against nighthaunt you should perform much better