8th Ed. Camaign with the lizzies!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by skink chief, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    BATTLE 3:

    The battle for the town of Scarryvor. After my 1st army fought the giant, they were ordered to go south to the river Mourn and follow it to the west.
    They found this town on the river ( with a bridge aswell). Since I was there with the DM we decided to play this battle. I have to proxy some units since I did not know that this army was going to fight. A treeman proxies my salamander and a Mohawk warrior on horse represents my scar vet on cold one.

    Enemies: same as before: 20 warriors, 1 mage lvl 2 elemental, 16 bowmen, 10 special bowmen, 1 bolt thrower.

    Objective: Again the most points by the end of turn 5 near the well wins the town.

    Spells: I get Wind blast and Comet => I trade wind blast for iceshard blizzard.
    He gets the Stone spell again and another spell that does not come into effect ( and i forgot what it was)

    Set up:
    My sally is on the left side next to the house. My unit of 11 skirmishers with javs & shields + my lvl 2 priest are in the building ( you can see the priest close to the sally on the roof). My saurus warriors are in the center with the general on cold one in the unit. My right side skirmishers (10) move in to the house (you can see 1 of them in there).

    His 16 bowmen + lvl 2 elemental mage go in the building across my mage and skirmishers building ( you see them on the roof). The bolt thrower is placed on the bridge. The warriors next to the cemetary in the center of the map. His special bowmen in the woods next to the cemetary.


    Turn 1

    He gets first turn and immidiatly charges my saurus. I hold.
    No other movement.

    I can stop everything he throws at me.

    Bolt thrower misses. Bowmen kill some of my left sided skinks (think2). Special bowmen kill some of my right sided skinks (think 3) , they have to make a panic check and stay cold blooded with the general in range on exactly the 8 they needed to stick.

    Close Combat:
    The Berserkers come out. One goes short, the other one gets to go true my saurus and kills of 3 again...


    I charge my scar vet out of the unit and into his warriors. I move my sally up 6 inches.

    I get 10 power dice. Roll 5 for getting of the comet. Get irrisistable and take a wound on my priest (rolled an 8 again for the miscast table).
    I roll 5 for iceshard blizzard on the bowmen, get irrisistable ( we forgot the loss of D6 dice from the pool, apperantly). Roll an 8 again on the miscast table and my lvl 2 is dead. So with the last battle and this one combined, I have thrown 4-5 dice at 5 spells, getting irrisistable force on all 5... :eek:!

    I shoot for the berserker in front of my saurus with my right sided skink failing to kill him. I'm forced to target the same berserker with my right sided skirmishers, they kill him. I forgot to fire my sally :oops:.

    Close Combat:
    He can't touch my 1+ AS 4++ Ward save monster.
    My scar vet gets 4 attacks, predatory fighter gives him 2 extra, I do 5 wounds, he saves 1. The cold one kills 1 more.
    I win combat by 3, he loses frenzy but sticks.



    Turn 2

    The berserker that had gone true my saurus now has to go in a random direction... He rolls perfectly, going rue my saurus yet again, killing some more (2) and being in their front again! So I can't charge :mad:.

    The Comet comes down and I roll a 4 on 2D6 for range, only hitting his bowmen in the house, killing of 3 or 4.
    He wants to dispel iceshard blizzard, but failed to do so and lost concentration. ( We looked up is hex spells can be dispelled in his magic phase, but did not find the answer, we rolled it off on 4+ he coeld and he got a 4, being able to try and dispel. If any of you know the ruling on this, please let me know, a rulebook page is welcome asell ofcourse ;)).

    He kills off even more skink. The bolt thrower hits my saurus and kills 1.

    Close Combat:
    He fails yet again to hurt my scar vet. My scar vet kills 2, my cold one fails to hit, I lose by one but stick on cold blooded 7 with ease.

    I move my sally just a little bit. No other movement.

    None. (Priest dead).

    My right sided skink fail to kill the berserker blocking my saurus yet again. I need my left sided skinks to shoot at this target :(, but do end up killing him.
    The Sally kills off 3 bowmen in the building.

    Close Combat:
    He fails to wound my scar vet. My scar vet kills like 5 of them. They lose combat and break. I run them down.

    Turn 3

    No movement.

    He gets his throw stones spell off on my saurus and kills off 3.

    The bolt thrower kills one more saurus warrior, I +6 armour save the second hit. He kills even more skinks left and right side. ( yes my skink are getting really low on models).

    Close Combat:

    I charge my scar vet in his bolt thrower.


    After the picture, I also move my sally to get a better position. My right sided skink have suffered enough and go behind the woods next to the house they were in. My saurus move into the house that is no longer occupied by the right sided skinks.

    I kill some bowmen with the left sided skink, but not a whole lot.
    My sally gets a really nice flame attack off, and rolls like absolute crap.


    I only needed 3's mate! As you can see I rolled 3 3+ on 11 dice... He kills 3, no saves from the Strength 4.

    Close Combat:
    My scar Vet goed to town on the bolt thrower, killing it.

    From here on, not much happens, he shoots me some more, I take some more casualties, but nothing major.

    In the end I take control of the town of Scarryvor and keep it. It is located by the river mourn, has a bridga, AND a road leading to the south. So this is a very interesting positioned town, wich I will upgrade hopefully after I can get a lot of income from conquering a Tomb next week ;)!
    So what happens with this conquered town? I get 50 gold per week from it. If an enemy player assaults this town, I will get the models I just fought and be able to control them to defend this town. I can also place some of my own units in the town to defend, but a town cannot hold that much army. When we get Motte and Bailey and larger, we will be able to put in more of my army if it needs defending.

    We roll of my losses: I lose 3 saurus warriors and 5 skink skirmishers ( I can't be unhappy about that, especially the saurus had a pretty decent roll).

    Then we roll on the character chart: I roll a 36 on a D100. My Priest lives!! He does suffer -1 toughness for the rest of the campaign, but yeah, that doesn't relly do much, so I'm pleased with that result.

    Award goes to my scar vet for being an absolute monster. Killing of a group of 20 frenzied warriors by himself and then killing of the bolt thrower. He did great!

    Sorry I didn't take as many pictures this game. This is all somewhat new to me, and I'm always just too exited to think about it :oops:. I will really try my best to give you guys more content in the form of pictures.

    So there you go. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to figure out what I want to do start of week 4 and I will get back to you guys probably today still :cool:.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2016
    Warden, protector and DrMad like this.
  2. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    love reading the progress so far very exciting campaign. I look forward to the next updates.
    skink chief likes this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I really enjoyed your campaign as well. I haven't played a solid campaign for a long time, and this is making me want to start a new one up!

    Please continue to update your progress, maps, and plenty of pictures (and make sure the Lizzies win of course!)
    skink chief likes this.
  4. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Income, scouts & Armies 4


    Start week 3:
    Scout 1: Back day 7 week 3. He will follow the Road going south from Scarryvor.
    Scout 3: Not returned yet. Is walking between the Mornaigh Mountains and the river Mourn untill he finds income possibilities.
    Scout 4: Is running the North side of the Mornaigh mountains.

    During week 3:
    Scout 1: The road goes south untill the mountings of the "Highlands" (1.5 days walking for a scout). Here the road goes into the mountains heading south-west. After 1 day of following the road there is a bridge over the river "Ennis". The road splits in 2 right before the bridge. The bridge goes further south. The other road goes to the west next to the river, where the scout also spots a forest next to it ( unnamed).
    * He will venture on the road going West.
    Scout 3: Back day 1 week 4. Found a mine in the Mornaigh mountains in the north west of Scarryvor (3days travellling for an army). Also found a Tomb North of lake "Loch Morn" (2days travel for an army). Lastly he also found a Wyvern nest at the very end of the Mornaigh mountains. (3days travel from the mine he found for an army).
    * He will venture on the road going South ( over the bridge).
    Scout 4: Is back on day 4 of week 4. He spotted a Goblin Tribe, 1 day North of the Tomb scout 3 found.
    * He will go to the Goblin tribe to try and gather more information ( units quantaty, wich unit types, do they move and if yes what direction,..). He will watch them untill day 1 of week 5 is done. After that he can come and give me the informations ;).

    *** So yeah a lot of new things were found. Another Tomb, a Wyvern nest, a mine, and a Goblin encampement wich can ofcourse be another player.
    Very interesting weeks might be ahead of us indeed!

    I had 1 gold remaining. I got 300 gold from sacking the village of Glenbarr. I got a mine (100gold) and 2 villages ( 100gold).
    So I start week 4 with 501 gold pieces.

    Armies: 1) Casualties
    Army 1: casualties: 3 saurus warriors, 5 skink skirmishers. I buy 3 saurus warriors (33pts) and 3 skink skirmishers (21pts) for 54gold.
    Army 2: casualties: 3 saurus warriors, 2 skink skirmishers. I buy 3 saurus warriors (33pts) and 2 skink skirmishers (14pts) for 47gold.
    This is 101gold and leaves me with 400gold to spend.

    Armies: 2) Movement
    Army 1: Stays in Scarryvor untill the Tomb is claimed by army 2 ( want to build in this city).

    Army 2: Goes to Eaglesham, Gets their reinforcements and goes to the Tomb!!!

    Armies: 3) Extra Purchases
    Army 2:
    4 Ripperdactyl riders: 160 pts/gold.
    1 Stegadon Ancient: 230 pts/gold.
    Upgrade: Saurus warriors get a Standard Bearer for 10pts/gold.

    Everything added up = 160+230+10: 400gold. This leaves me with exactly 0 gold.

    Armies: 4) Armylists
    Army 1:
    Scar Vet, Armour of Destany, Great weapon, Cold One.
    Skink Priest LVL 2, Heavens, Dispel scroll, -1Toughness.
    Core: 19 saurus warriors, full cmd / 10 skink skirmishers, javs & shields / 9 skink skirmishers, javs & shields.
    Special: 7 Chameleon skinks
    Rare: 1 Salamander hunting pack, extra handler.

    Army 2:
    Scar Vet, light armour, shield.
    Skink Priest LVV 1, Beasts.
    Core: 19 Saurus warriors, standard bearer / 10 skink skirmishers, javs & shields / 10 skink skirmishers, blowpipes.
    Special: 4 Ripperdactyl Riders.
    Rare: 1 Stegadon Ancient.
    Warden likes this.
  5. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    BATTLE 4

    Army 2 raches the Tomb.
    Enemies: A group of 20 Grave Guard with a Whight King, 2 Spirit Hosts, 1 Banshee & 3 Wraiths.

    Most points in the Tomb by turn 5, wins.
    ***Extra: He gets 5+ regen save when he is in 8" from the Tomb ( center of the table)

    Nothing to special. Again I have to set up everything before he has to set up.
    Left flank will be 10 skinks with blowpipes. center will be saurus up front & behind them 4 rippers. On the saurus right flank is my Ancient steg and 10 skinks with blowpipes with a skink priest lvl 1 beasts.

    He places his Banshee with the Wraiths in the forest next to the Tomb. The Grave Guard go infront of the gate of the tomb. The Spirit hosts (proxies by 4 skeleton horsemen) go in the forest ( from my perspective) on the right side of the Tomb.

    Me: I get Transformation of Khadon, but I go for Wyssans instead ( might have been a mistake).
    Him: Death Magic: Soulblight & Spirit Leech.

    Turn 1:

    Let me start by saying that i have 0 playing experience against Undead & I played horrible & rolled as bad as I played.

    I get first turn and my thinking is: usually when the enemy general dies, the game is pretty much over. So I go for the full on charge with my Ancient Steg and saurus warriors into his Grave Guard, hoping to kill the general asap. The saurus however don't make the average charge :(.
    I move my rippers to flank the wights ( also my little frog ( blood toad) is in the generals unit).
    The skinkies move up to protect my flanks.

    I get 3 power dice vs 2 dispel dice wich is very nice! I get off Wyssans on my right sided skinks.

    Can't shoot Spirit Hosts, Wraiths, Banshee ( all of them can only be hit by magical attacks).



    Close Combat:
    I get 5 impact hits, killing 4 of the Grave Guard.His Wight king inflicts 2 wounds om my steg. My skink crew kill one more. His Grave Guard kill off my Ancient Steg ... :(. I didn't know they were this bad ass, but I played this very bad. I should have just played hammer and anvil and let him charge my saurus with a Steg on the countercharge. Live and learn :rolleyes:. ( The Grave Guard have WS 3 Strength 5 with Halberds, toughness 4 & killing blow... :eek:!

    He charges the Grave Guard into my saurus. He charges his Spirit hosts in my skinks on the right, but fails the easy charge. His Wraiths & Banshee go around my left sided skinks.

    I dispell everything.


    The Banshee screams at my saurus but fails.

    Close Combat:
    He challenges, I've got no champ, so I basically have to accept with my scar vet. He kills my scar vet and does exactly 2 wounds to him. ( this scar vet has no magical items btw). He kills only 1 more saurus, my saurus kill 3 Grave Guard. We tie Combat.

    (picture of my graveyard: with Ancients Steg and Scar Vet).

    Turn 2:

    I charge my Rippers in the rear of the Grave Guard. They make it. I turn my left sided skinks & my right sided skinks move out of the charge arc of the Spirit Hosts.


    I get off Wyssans on my saurus irrisitably. I roll an 8 in the miscast table, taking 1 wound on my skink priest.

    Close Combat:
    His Wight king goes first killing 2 of my buffed up saurus. My skinks do no damage. His Grave Guard in the rear kill 1 of my rippers. I roll for my Frenzy and roll a 6. Woot! My rippers get 6 attacks a piece! I roll pretty good to hit rolls, like say 16+/- out of 24. Then I roll to wound, and Oh ... my ... God! I only got 3 wounds, killing only 1 of the Wights! :mad: His Grave Guard all go into my saurus, killing of 2 more. My Strength 5 Saurus kill 2 Grave Guard. I've got a rear, a charge and a rank.
    In total he loses 7 Grave Guard (some crumbling) and I lose 4 Saurus and a ripper.



    He charges his wraiths in my left skinks. He charges his Spirit hosts in the flank of my rippers.


    He casts soulblight and gets it of irrisistably, so my saurus are now 4S/4T again. He also rolls an 8 on the miscast table, getting 1 wound.

    The Banshee screams, failing again to wound my saurus.

    Close Combat:

    His Wraiths with Strength 6 destroy my skinks. My skinks flee and he catches them overrunning into the flank of my rippers.
    His General kills 2 Saurus. My skinks kill nothing. My rippers roll a 5 on the frenzy again :p. This time getting 2 kills on the Grave Guard ( He regen saved like a boss this time). His Grave Guard kill 2 Saurus. His spirit hosts do nothing. My saurus kill off 2 more Grave Guard. His Wraiths kill 2 Rippers.


    Turn 3:

    I get 3 power dice again and he gets 2 dispel dice. I go for Wyssans on the Saurus getting it! ( Still countering the soulblight, so S4/T4).

    Close Combat:
    His Grave Guard kill 2 Saurus. My skink fails to hit. My ripper gets 1 wound... Killing blow!!!!! :):D:cool::p
    He does not save the wound. The Wight King dies and the other forces go back into the night!

    What a game!
    So as I said. I really played bad, not letting him come to me and charging my Ancient after he gets into combat with my saurus ( anvil/hammer). Also He would have been 8" away from the Tomb, losing his 5+ regen!
    Secondly, my Rippers wiffed hard as hell. It is lucky from me to get 6 attacks on them, but boy they missed hardcore...
    Thirdly: These Grave Guard are hard as F*ck!!

    In the end the biggest upset is yet to come: From conquering the Tomb I get a fixed amount ( So not the (2xD6+2)x100gold or something that was said in the beginning of the campaign). I get 350gold ( If I knew this, I honestly might not have fought the Tomb yet because I knew this was going to be a hard battle) and 75 gold magic item + 25 gold magic item. I mus say again, I was really bummed out by this. I wanted to attack this Tomb, hoping to get like 700gold or something, so I could start building Motte & Bailey, Roads, etc... This plan is no more.

    Then onto the dice rolls to see who really died:
    My Scar Vet has a cripled arm and Loses 1 WS and 1 Strength permanently ( so this guy is pretty useless now).
    3 skinks with blowpipes die.
    I roll for my Ancient Steg, wich to me was the only frigging thing I cared about in this whole list. I throw a f*cking 1 :eek:! The 230gold Ancient Steg dies and will NOT be returning anytime soon!!!! :mad:
    2 saurus warriors don't make it out either.

    I lost 273pts of army (not counting the now almost useless scar vet) and gained a whopping 350 gold +100 in magic items. Yeah, you could say I'm not feeling good about this.

    I hope you liked the battle. Battle 4 is yet another Tomb and I play like an idiot yet again ( same day, didn't realise my mistakes from the 1st game untill I did them again in this game).
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  6. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Small update on Income:
    After the last battle I got the news from my scouts, and the gold from my Tomb Conquering.
    I immidiatly spent 325 gold on a Slann (Light magic) + BSB, and march my army 1 up to the newly found Tomb + Mine.
    Income left: 25gold.
  7. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Battle 5

    Another Tomb!
    Same enemies & same objective.

    He gets Soulblight & Spirit Leech again.
    My skink gets: the comet and Thunderbolt. (the comet gets changed for Ice Shard Blizzard).
    My Slann gets: Shem's Burning Gaze, The speed of light, Banishment & Birona's timewarp. ( very good spells!)

    Set up:


    His wraiths are in the Tomb with his Banshee. The Spirit Hosts are right behind the building.
    The treeman is a proxy for my Slann Mage Priest. The rest is pretty obvious from the picture I think?

    Turn 1

    He gets first turn and charges his grave guard in my saurus, they fail the distance. Spirit hosts go true the building and move up. Wraiths & Banshee move infront of my left sided skinks.

    He gets soul Blight on my saurus.

    Banshee screams my sallamander into his early grave :(.

    I put my saurus 2 inches back. I want to missile him down. I move my skinks up. The skink priests goes out of the skirmisher unit? The Slann repositions ( really badly btw, I did not notice untill it was to late).

    I cast banishment on the Wraiths, causing 5 wounds (kills 2, wounds1).

    I shoot with in total +/-10 skinks at the grave guard, but he makes all saves. The chameleons do the same & he armour and regen saves all of them aswell.


    Turn 2

    He charges my skinks on the left with his Banshee & Wraith, I hold.
    He charges his spirit host in my right sided skinks, I hold ( and now I realise the bad positioning of my Slann...)
    The Grave Guard move up just a little ( 11" away from my saurus).

    He throws 3 dice at spirit leech, rolling a 6-5-4. I have 8 dispel dice so I throw 2 at it knowing it's pretty hopeless. He gets it off, but does not wound my Scar Vet.
    He throws his 6 remaining dice on Soulblight and gets it irrisistably, suffering 1 wound on his general, lowering 1str and 1 toughness on my right sided skinks. ( and this spell f*cks me hard).

    Scream fails to kill anything.

    Close Combat.
    The Wraiths kill 2 skinks, but my skinks hold.
    The spirit hosts kill 4 Toughness 1 skinks. My skinks run, he catches me ( again), and overruns into my Slann... Ugh :oops:.

    I go retard mode and charge his Grave Guard. ( why do I not think about his 5+ ward save is beyond me!).


    I roll 6 dice onto Birona's Timewarp, my roll: 5-4-3-1-1-1.... He dispells easely. ( I really needed to get this one of...).

    Close Combat:
    The Wraiths kill enoug skinks to make them panic. He catches me ( again, man my distances suck!).
    The spirit hosts fail to wound my Slann.
    I challange the Wight king ( basically my thinking after losing my Ancient Steg previous game = kill that general and get as few losses as possible).
    I knew this was dangerous, but he has not been rolling any killing blows this entire day, and this guy only has 3 attacks ( + hatred). He rolls, gets 2 hits. Rolls to wound, gets 2 killing blows. ARE YOU F*cking kidding me!!! THIS IS JUST NOT MY DAY IS IT???!!! I fail both the 4+ ward saves like a pro. My scar Vet is dead. :confused:.
    His Grave Guard kill a bunch of Saurus (+/-4), I kill like 4 grave guard. I lose but stick.

    Turn 3
    The Wraith & Banshee move up to my skink priest to scream :eek:.

    I scroll Soulblight and i dispell Spirit Leech irrisistably.

    The skink priest takes no wounds.

    Close Combat:
    I forget to challenge with my champ, ths King kills 2 Saurus. The Grave Guard another 3 or so.
    The saurus hit back and kill maybe 3 grave guard. I lose combat again, but stick ( my Slann is close enough).
    The Spirit hosts do 1 wound on my Slann.

    I move up my Skink priest ( don't scream at me!)

    I cast The Speed of Light and get it off.
    Also Birona's Timewarp is cast and this time with a nice high casting value. He goes for the irrisistable dispel, but fails and I get both spells! :)

    Close Combat:
    I start stying to go for his King, but he makes his regeneration saves. My saurus kill some more grave guard.
    His king & grave guard kill some more saurus. This time we draw combat.
    The Spirit hosts do 2 wounds onto my big frog :eek:! He has 2 wounds left now. ( I must say, in both battles I think I didn't make any armour saves accept for I think 1 on my Slann).

    Turn 4.
    The Wraith & Banshee go into the rear of my saurus.

    I dispel everything.

    Close Combat:
    I kill the last 4 grave guard and do 1 wound on his Wight King.
    He kills all but 1 saurus warrior with wraith, Banshee and King.
    I win combat by 1 and his King crumles his last remaining wound!


    WHAT WAS THIS GAME! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:!

    I should have challenged with my champ ( btw i forgot his extra attack every single round!) instead of my Scar Vet, knowing I didn't get Birona's or speed of light of. But the biggest mistake was putting the Slann in a position where he could get charged. Since he was in combat I couldn't use my awsome magic missiles and that was kind of my plan A. plan B was a horrible plan, try to get Birona's and challenge the King. I didn't even get the spell off and still challenged like a dumbass ( though he had some crazy rolls & I failed all my saves all the time).

    I don't blame dice a lot and I must say that we both had horrible rolling in game 1. But this game, he rolled his 5+ regen saves like an absolute monster and I kept rolling like crap. In the end I must admit bad generalship on my part made these games so hard. This was in total maybe my 10th game of WHFB and my first time against Undead, but I knew right after this games what I did wrong. This just made me feel worse. Why didn't I do it in game, use my wits... I always get too damn exited. I have a plan in my head, but when I make a mistake, I don't correct myself.

    In the end I we roll for casualties:
    My scar vet gets lucky and loses an eye: -1 balistic skill permanently, BS 0-1=0? :D
    I lose 5 saurus warriors & 7 skink skirmishers (104gold worth of troops).

    I gain again 350gold from conquering the Tomb & 75 gold for 1 magic item + 25gold for another.

    I'm really hoping this is the case for all Tombs now, because if I just got unlucky and other players get like 700gold out of a Tomb conquering, then I will be really far behind thx to these 2 tombs.

    Next up:
    My army that has conquered this Tomb also captured the mine ( gives me 100gold income per week), and is now headed towards the Wyvern nest. Monsters are handled a little better with my poisen shots actually being able to frigging hit something....

    The Goblins do give me some concerns, since my army is weakened and if this is another player, he might have put a lot more gold in army then me, have already scouted me, etc...
    So for what I'm about to do with the gold will be a long hard thought. I wanted so badly to build a Motte & Bailey + road (500gold), now I'm thinking yet again, I need me some army.... + I got a lot of casualties to repurchase.

    To be continued! ;)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  8. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    I have to say. I know I'm not the best painter, but it is always dark in the house where we play and I have to use my flash. Flash makes my models look like absolute crap :(:(:(:(. I'll ask him for some light next battles.




    (I still need to do some washes on the Steggy platform)
    I know it is not campaign related, but I just couldn't keep taking pictures of my models with flash and the outcome being absolute crap! :D:p
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  9. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    WOW That ripper horde!!
    Your campaing is looking awesome! I want to try one myself!!
    By the way, how often do you play?!?!
    skink chief and Warden like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I agree I also love that vivid red ripper horde, they look great as a giant group. I especially like your orange stegadon, that is the first time I have seen one with that color scheme. The skinks on top and the gold details on the howdah are done really nicely, you have a great piece of work right there!

    Also enjoying your battle reports, glad you won the second battle! I hope you win the next one (goblins?) and keep posting lots of pictures! Have you considered painting up your movement trays?
    skink chief likes this.
  11. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Hi there & thx :).
    If it is well organised, it is indeed very fun and if you have the amount of players you should definatly suggest it to them.
    2 things I do suggest: Make sure you have a DM that controls everything, that knows he will need to put a loooot of time in the campaign & secondly you'll have to make sure you take players that are active for it. 1/week 1 every 2 weeks, doesn't matter, but try and arrange this before starting the campaign.

    I started collecting 2014 March or something like that. Since then I have played like 6 games ( 5 vs my brother and 1 vs another opponent). I this Campaign that started February, we play 1/week, but as you noticed it can happen that you have more than 1 fight in 1 week. Sometimes like actually week 4 of the campaign, took 2 weeks instead of 1, because some players were not done with week 3 yet. I think now most of us are even in weeks.
    My battles in the Campaign so far: Week 1 no battles / W2 Giant / W3 Village & Village / W4 Tomb & Tomb.

    Hi, thx for those very kind words sir :)!
    I wanted to give you pictures of what they really look like ;).
    I'm pretty new to the hobby. I'm first trying my best to paint all my models ( still 35SW,40TG,2Stegs,2Carno's,1Trog,Slann, Tetto'Eko, Chakax, Gor-ok, BSB old blood,24skink to go). When they are finally all painted up, I will be doing the bases all at the same time ( it will be first time doing this). After that I will do my movement tray's, magnatizing + painting and flokking them ;).

    I'm glad aswell. I just seemed to have really bad luck 2nd game ( and really poor play aswell), but I'm happy that in the end I got a little lucky with 1 remaining saurus :cool:.

    Next one is the Wyvern actually. I have sent 1 of my scouts to check the goblin encampement out. I need to know the strength of his forces & what is there to gain for me from destroying it. I'm actually pretty worried about 1 thing and that is that there are mercenary Norsk warrior ( according to my map, wich can be horribly wrong) pretty close to his encampement. Altough I prefer to buy my own lizzies, I would not want him to get these mercs. Also I got 2 mines in the Mornaigh mountains ( 200gold per week). So yeah I think I'll need to go and fck him up :p!
    Army 1 that is headed towards the Wyvern nest has taken some casualties though. I can only replenish them when they are in a town or if I buy them in town and sent a character with them, wich I'm not planning on just yet. So it might take me some time before I meet these Gobbo's in battle ( another week or so). My 2nd army is also on their way to my 2nd town, so I will soon get a nice big force there to protect or attack ;).
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
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  12. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Magic Items

    Advice is allways welcome and that is why I'm stating this here.

    Magic items I got: 25pts Dispell scroll on skink priest in Army 1 / Armour of Destany on my Scar Vet in Army 1.
    Magic Items I found and are yet to be determined: 2 x 75 pts of macig items / 2 x 25 pts of magic items.

    Magic items I'll probably get now:
    75pts => 70 pts for Book of Ashur on my Slann in Army 1. Giving him wizard level 5 with 4 spells basically.
    25pts => 25 pts for a Dawnstone on my Scar Vet in Army 1. Giving him a 1up re-roll AS/4++ Ward. (my scar vet will be upgraded to an Old Blood)

    Items I like for the amount of points I got: ( I cannot make 1 x 75 pts of magic items into 2 or 3 lesser magic items, it really needs to be 1 item).
    1. Ruby Ring of Ruin (25pts). => for Army 2 that has no Slann yet & the Slann will be some time off before I get him ( so damn expensive).
    2. Glittering Scales (25pts). => For a new Scar Vet.
    3. Skavenpelt banner (65pts). => When I get some more Saurus + the points are pretty even for 75pts of magic item.

    These are all to be purchased now, or in the not to distant future. If you guys have any suggestions, or builds, you can allways suggest them ;).
    Do remember though that I don't have a lot to work with as of now ( I can't just go buy 2000pts of army :D).
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2016
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  13. DrMad

    DrMad Member

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    Your crippled scarvet can still be useful. Chuck him on a coldone and give im some cheap armor item (dragon helm, armor of fortune, gamblers armor,...) and he'll still be ws4 s6. Can still take out tough targets.
    skink chief likes this.
  14. protector
    Temple Guard

    protector Active Member

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    @skink chief

    I think you should spend your magic items on the following, pretty much what you had picked out:
    75pt - Skavenpelt Banner, the reason is that it works insanely well in building fights which you will possibly see more of as people build bigger towns, and once you can get some saurus calvary it gives frenzy to the mount and rider for a whopping 6 attacks per model.
    75pt - Cube of Darkness, honestly I have found that +1 to cast/dispel almost never pays off for me, book of ashur isn't a bad choice and it feels better to use more of the points allowed but personally I would rather have another dispel available
    25pt - Dawnstone, must have item for your scar vets
    25pt - Glittering Scales, combined with dawnstone
    Warden and skink chief like this.
  15. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Yeah you are right. It's not like I can trade him for a new one and his stats are still better than some other faction hero choices I guess :D. He could server for a few things, even just a flank charge bonus in combatres or something might help me out someday :).

    What you say about the skavenpelt banner is something I didn't even think of, but you are spot on. DM has made his own houses and keept etc.. So we see a lot of them, even vs NPC. Don't know if I like the idea of frenzy cold cav though. Cold blooded is very nice and all, but if I fail a frenzy check, I might lose a whole lot of points ( they is expensive) or not have them do much. They already have the stupid rule to get us into trouble :p. Or and this is an honest question: do you only need to roll one check? Just like in panic checks? when they are good they are good? Or is it like I think and I would have to roll stupidity test and frenzy test.

    I absolutely loooove the cube :D! But there are magic drops of 50pts. I hope I'll get one from the Wyvern nest. I really don't want to waste 75pts on just the 30 pts. (Also the Egg of Quango is on that 50pts list). I have actually never used book of asur. My brother allways does though. My Slann usually still outshines his little human wannabe-mage :cool:. The thing is however. I normally only play a Slann when he is at least like 450 pts or something. That is with not too much magic items, but 4 disciplines bumps it right up there. In this campaign however, if I use disciplines, I would have to pay gold for them. The magic items are basically free loot. That's my thinking on that ;).

    Dawnstone will momentarely go on to the new made old blood, just because indeed I love the item and I don't have enough gold to buy a new scar vet right away. It will however probably go to a newly made scar vet in the (I hope) not to distant future.

    Glittering scales is indeed a lovely item and I hope to pick it up!

    Thanx for the replies, they are noted down for sure :D!
    Warden likes this.
  16. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    BATTLE 6

    For The first time our brave Lizzies will try and defeat a Wyvern.

    1 Wyvern


    Army 1:
    Slann Mage Priest, Book of Ashur, BSB.
    Old Blood, Amrour of Destany, Dawnstone, GW, cold one.
    Skink Priest lvl 2 Heavens, Dispel Scroll.

    14 Saurus warriors
    12 Skink skirmishers
    7 Chameleon skinks
    1 Salamaner + snack

    Going into this game, my game plan is pretty easy. As far as I know a Wyvern only has 3 wounds. So I'm going to shoot poisen at it and give my Slann the lore of Beasts for the Amber Spear. Explenation: In the campaign you can change the Path of magic you choose for your wizards.

    Slann: Wyssens, The Amber Spear, The cure of Anraheir, The savage beast of Horros.
    Skink Priest: Ice shard Blizzard, Wind Blast.



    Old Blood protecting left flank, Saurus next to him, with the Slann in their. Sally in the middle and skirmishers on the right side with my priest behind them. The Wyvern is actually in the forest top right corner of the picture ( we did this for the picture).

    After he places the Wyvern I deploy my scouting chameleons, 12" directly behind the Wyvern.


    Turn 1:

    I win first turn and just move everybody up. I'm thinking I want to protect my Sally and my Skink Priest. screening them with the skirmishers.

    Curse of Anrahein goes true, the Wyvern suffers -1 to hit.
    I use Wyssans on my Saurus, he fails to dispel this one aswell.
    I throw the Amber Spear, only do 1 wound, he saves it.


    My Javelins wound twice, he saves both wounds.
    The chameleons double tap getting 2 wounds, he saves one and takes 1 wound.

    He charges my javelin wielding skinks. I opt to flee. Here is where we make a mistake that will have some impact :oops: ( already noted it to the GM for future games). I asked him: Do you redirect, he says no. He rolls, I roll, he does not catch my skinks. Measuring, he flies with his roll, into my Priest. Now normally, since he did not opt to redirect, he has a failed charge and can only move forward the highest D6 rolled. So yeah ....

    Close Combat:
    2 hits, 2 wounds, 1 of them is a killing blow, I got no armour save. Bye Bye Skink Priest lvl 2 with scroll...:(.


    He overruns into my Sally that fails his Terror check.
    My sally runs and gets away :p.

    Turn 2

    My Sally makes the Ld test.
    The Skinks fail the Ld test but luckely only run 2 inches!
    I go for the enclosing of the Wyvern.


    I get 3 powerdice. I use the big version of the Spear on the 3 dice. I get IRRISISTABLE again! Boy, my magic in this Campaign is redicouless!
    For the miscast I roll a 4.BIG TEMPLATE :eek:. Luckely I did put my Slann on the far right of his saurus bunker. Template hit 7 saurus, perfect timing for not rolling a single 1, 7 saurus die. My Slann Ward saves his wound, but gets sucked into the Warp :mad:! This is just getting frustrating tbh...

    The spell hits (Strength 10), does only 2 wounds (out of D6)!



    My Chameleons do 2 wounds. He does not wave these wounds and the game is ovah!


    I roll for Deaths:
    Slann: Gets Frenzy whenever he encounters Wyverns.
    Priest: Dead, Dispel scroll is lost. (100pts + 25 pts of magical items).
    3 Saurus warriors lose their lives thanks to Mr Frogg. (33pts).

    I gain 150 Gold and a Magic Item of 25pts.
    So... basically, I did this for nothing.......:confused:

    This isn't the first time and I must now say I'm getting annoyed by this in the Campaign.
    I feel like I'm not getting any loot at all.. I'm beginning to think "Why bother, trying to conquer shit?" If I would've had Motte and Bailey and roads, I would generate much more income weekly then I am conquering over months... ( concidering the losses I need to buy back ofcourse).. What do you think about this?

    Hope you liked the battle report. Though short, one mistake will not happen to me anymore this campaign, so I guess we learned something right?
    I'm into week 6 now. I will give you guys an update on scouts and income ;).
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
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  17. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Income, scouts & Armies 5

    I'm actually at the start of week 6 right now, but it has been a little hecktick.

    Week 5:

    Bank: 0 Gold.
    2 Towns = +100gold / 2 mines = +200gold.

    2 Tombs conquered: 700gold

    Purchased: 1 Slann Mage Priest 300gold + BSB upgrade for 25gold.
    Scar Vet became an Old Blood (60gold).
    GW +2gold, Cold One + 10gold.

    Bank: 603 gold.

    1 Scout for 100 gold ( scout 5/E)
    1 Motte & Bailey for Scarryvor, 300 gold.
    1 Road for Scarryvor, 200 gold.

    Bank: 3 gold.

    So clad I finally started building! in 2 weeks i'll get 75gold weekly extra from the road and in 6 weeks I'll get 100gold weekly from the Motte & Baily + I get more Defenders in the town of Scarryvor and ofcourse just a better wall defence in general. Later in the thread you will see this might be important ;).

    Week 6.

    Hoeraaay for the DM drawings! Yes we finally got a map of our surroundings (of what we scouted ofcourse) :D!

    Scout 1 (A): Following the road that goes besides the river Ennis and the unnamed forest ( to the west) = not back start week 6.
    Scout 2 (B): Dead
    Scout 3 (C): Day 6 week 5 send out to follow the south side of the river The Mourn, untill he finds a village or town = not back start week 6.
    Scout 4 (D): Day 7 week 6 back in Scarryvor, can be send out on day 2 week 6.
    Scout 5 (E): Day 1 week 5 zSend out from Scarryvor to the south-east untill he finds some source of income.

    So on my map you can see I found some new things:
    I now know that the Goblin tribe is an NPC. My scout had reported there were somewhat 100+ goblins at the encampement and that they guard a nice stack of loot. I'm pretty happy this isn't an enemy player, just because I got 2 mines in the mountains. I'm really hoping the loot is good, I kind of need that just for my state of mind right now :p. Some good loot for few losses... yes that would be very welcomed ( Though I'm expecting a real fight). Also some Trolls were spotted in the encampement...

    Under the Lake of Loch Mourn, a scout found a Tomb... that was already plundered.... :eek:!
    100% Confirmation a fellow player is nearby!

    In the South ( Highland Mountains), a scout found a third mine and a Manticor nest.

    My plan as of now: Merge my 2 Armies a bit, creating 1 strong force to go and conquer the Goblin encampement,leaving some troops behind to defend Scarryvor, should another player come for it...

    Wyvern +150gold / 2 Towns +100gold / 1 Mine +100gold.
    Bank: 353gold.

    Army 1:
    19 saurus warriors = 209 gold.
    8 skink skirmishers = 56 gold.
    1 salamander + snack = 84 gold.
    = -349gold.

    Bank: 4gold.
    (yet to collect => Mine in the West (Mornaigh Mountains).
    Explenation: Characters are the only ones that can collect from mines etc. Ones a Character has visited a mine you own, the gold is immidiatly transferred to your Bank. The reason is that when an enemy player sees your mine, he could possibly steal the gold you did not yet collect.
    Plan: I plan to buy 3 naked skink chiefs for 120 gold in the near future and just post these guys on the 3 mines I can see.
    Right now: In week 5 my army that returned from the Wyvern fight stopt at tha mine in the west to collect. My Wounded scar vet is actually currently standing on the mine to the east, untill I get me some chiefs.


    Army 1: ( will probabmy go face some gobbo's & trolls).
    Slann, BSB, Book of Ashur, Frenzy against Wyverns.
    Old Blood, Armour of Destany, Dawnstone, GW, Cold One.
    Skink Priest, LVL1, Dispel scroll. ( the dispell scroll was repurshased by me out of the 25 pts magic item loot I got from the Wyvern)

    30 Saurus Warriors, full cmd. (WS 4 => Explenation: start week 6 you can choose 1 original unit and give it +1WS :D, they are considered veterans!).
    10 skink skirmishers, javs & shields
    10 skink skirmishers, javs & shields

    7 chameleon skinks
    4 Ripperdactyl Riders

    1 salamander hunting pack + snack
    1 salamander hunting pack + snack

    Army 2: ( stationed in Scarryvor).
    17 Saurus Warriors, Standard Bearer
    10 skink skirmishers, javs & shields
    7 skink skirmishers, blowpipes

    Army 3: (Momentarely placed at the Eastern mine)
    Scar Vet, -1WS/-1STR (wounded arm)

    Magic Items:
    25pts left for 1 item / 75pts left for 1 item.

    I will ask the DM if the scout hat spotted the already emptied Tomb, if he noticed what corpses he found. So I might know what faction is nearby ;).

    Hope you guys liked the update!
    It will be somewhat quiet for 2 weeks now, since I'm at start week 6 (as the only person). All other players will start week 5 this next week.

    Cyou next update/battle ;)!

    picture of my Slann:

    Last edited: Mar 19, 2016
    Warden likes this.
  18. DrMad

    DrMad Member

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    2 mistakes regarding your Wyvern battle: No charge reaction for overrun = no terror check on Salamander. And your Slann must be in the first rank if with Saurus Warriors. He's only in the second with Temple Guard.

    Next time you fight a Monster send your Oldblood in. He would have chopped the Wyvern to bits ;)
    skink chief likes this.
  19. skink chief

    skink chief Active Member

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    Thx for the info on the no charge reaction. The DM is actually totally new to 8th ed. And myself, I do know a lot of rules, but in the heat of the game I seem to go absolutely numb-brained.
    Didn't know about the slann, so thx for that ☺.

    It wad my fullest intend to poisen and amber spear the Wyvern to death, and yes, as close combat option I wanted my Old Blood in there. I should not have moved up with anything but saurus and oldblood probably, but I did not know this Wyvern had 5 wounds... I was pretty sure they only have 3. After his charge, the Wyvern was outside of charge-arc of the saurus and old blood . Though I do not know about 1 thing, the Wyvern had killing blow. So unlucky armour save rolls could have been pretty bad xD. Though that is a very very small chance.

    Thx for the reply ☺.
  20. DrMad

    DrMad Member

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    You're right about the killing blow. But as it's les than a 10% chance I usually ignore it (which sometimes gets me killed ;) ).
    Also a good lore if you're up against a Wyvern is Heavens. Get him to reroll those killing blows ;)
    skink chief likes this.

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