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AoS Crafting my first ever 1k list, need some Skink advice

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by skinks_in_spaaace, Aug 4, 2018.

  1. skinks_in_spaaace
    Jungle Swarm

    skinks_in_spaaace New Member

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    Hello chaps!

    I've decided that I'm actually going to start playing the game (instead of just occasionally painting a model here and there), and I've begun to craft a 1k list. It's mostly thematic, and not really optimised because I'm still learning the rules, but I could use some advice on Skinks.

    For context, my current iteration of the list is as follows:
    • Skink Starpriest (General w/ Master of Star Rituals)
    • Saurus Oldblood
    • 30 Skinks
    • 40 Saurus
    • 2 Salamanders or Razordons (haven't decided yet) + Handlers
    • 3 Ripperdactyls
    Which comes to 1000 points exactly

    Now, the Saurus are going to be kept together as one big unit (my general plan is to use the Starpriest and Oldblood buffs to make them a wrecking ball) but when it comes to the Skinks I have two questions:
    • Is it better to have these 30 Skinks as one big unit, or as three small units? The buff that comes from them being in one big unit seems nice, but having three small units I can teleport around with Masters of Time and Space would mean more board control, right? Especially since it seems they're not really built for melee combat? Which comes to my second question...
    • I know that I want to give them blowpipes, but are shields or clubs better? The clubs really seem like they would be handy in melee, but on the other hand wouldn't I always want to run away and start shooting again in a fight, instead of fighting back? And the shields look great for making sure that they keep their saves, but it's a +6 save anyway so it's not really that useful, is it?
    I'd love to hear your input!
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Skinks aren't hard hitters, even in a group of 40. With 30 you lose 4hat bonus pretty quickly, so yeah I would probably split the units and use them for board control.

    Razordons vs Salamanders I would pick Razordons.

    And about the Skink armament:
    You should probably avoid melee and/or retreat using their special ability when you get into melee. So Javelins and shields or Boltspitters and shields are the best options in my opinion.
  3. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    I would consider dropping the Saurus Oldblood on foot and adding in a Saurus Sunblood. The 3" bonus movement of the Oldblood is nothing to scoff at, but being able to reroll failed hits against priority targets for your Skinks, Saurus Warriors, and artilery will likely serve you better. Skink Starpriest also pare well with Sunbloods due to the jaw's attack having a higher success rate.

    Shields are what I run on Skinks at the moment. Ninety percent of the time I choose to fall back with my Skinks in the combat phase.
  4. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The ability is Saurus only. Still useful though.
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  5. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    So it is, I hadn't noticed that. Thanks for the pointer.

    If a Sunblood is included in the list I would consider equipping him with the Ghyrstrike from the realm of life. Giving him +1 to hit and +1 to wound means your hits and wounds explodes on 5's & 6's.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
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