8th Ed. Crazy good & bad luck

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by borkbork, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Not really a full report here....just a story of really good and bad luck.

    was facing dwarfs with my lizards....and he really messed up my plans with his vanguarding hammerers with very tough dwarf lord. So he was allready threatening my Slann bunker from turn one. So I decided to try to move out of the way with my Slann bunker and speed bump his unit with some sacrificial skinks. I failed to cast "walk between worlds" so I did not manage to get out of the way completely.

    Now the skinks prevented the unit charging my slann unit so the dwarf lord charged out on his own. And i decided to flee. However in the following turn, after rallying, I again failed to cast walk between worlds so i could not out run his single lord anymore.

    However, i decided to take a the risk to challenge his lord with my Slann (in the hope the ward save would stop a number of wounds so i could win the combat with static combat res.

    So he does 3 wounds to the Slann, Which means the combat is a draw (Charge + 3 wounds vs 3 ranks & banner), so my muso make me win combat.

    And he rolls a 11 for his Break test and a 10 for his flee roll.......and i roll 11 :)

    However, because of this long pursuit his hammerers can now charge my Slann bunker. And now it exactly the opposite scenario.....1 lose by one.....rolling a 5, 6, 6 for the break test (No bsb on the slann)....and a 10 for my flee roll............and the hammerers an 11.

    aaargh.....still won the game though by a small margin, simply because he did not manage to kill off some of my depleted units (there was a single terradon, a single chamo skink, and a 2 man skrimish unit still running around).
    Killer Angel likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    A weird battle, I have to say... :p

    Impressive how his Lord charged alone your bunkered Slann... that was nearly suicidal (was it a TG bunker?)
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Given that we're talking about bad and good luck in the same game, I would like to share my anectotal evidence...

    My lizards Vs WoC (nurgle): Blood and Glory scenario.

    The chaos gods decided to have fun with my block of 6 razordons.
    In the first turn, thanks to random effects of wind of magic, they killed one razordon without breaking a sweat.
    In my first shooting fase, 2 razordons rolled misfire.
    In my second shooting fase, all the artillery dices of the 5 razordons managed to roll a pityful total of 14 shots (2, 2, 2, 4, 4), doing just 1 wound... :confused:

    But indeed, the Old Ones favor their children.

    My saurus block with the Slann (not TG, simple saurus warriors), backed up by 2 oldbloods, charged their Deathstar.
    with the winds of magic, I rolled a double 2. Trying to channel other dices, i rolled a 6 with Tetto and 5, 5 and 6 with the Slann (Harmonic Convergence and Channeling Staff). I have 8 dices, and my opponent 2!
    Hand of Glory and Harmonic Convergence on my saurus, and Curse of the Midnight Wind on WoC (he failed his only dispel attempt). I killed his general and the BSB, winning the battle. :D

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