AoS Dracothians Tail.

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by skipperyoss, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. skipperyoss
    Cold One

    skipperyoss Active Member

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    Tried it out today vs my friends wood elves. We used the Open War cards but played with matched play rules. He got hosed as he had a strategy that isn't valid anymore due to bretonnians not being a wood elf ally (thanks GW). I was 20 points over the 2k list which he didn't care about.

    Slann Starmaster
    Firelance starhost
    1 Scar Vet on Carno (general) Had the extra -1 rend ability and the double command trait.
    10 Saurus Knight squad
    2x5 Saurus Knight Squad

    Shadowstrike starhost
    2x5 Cham Skinks
    Skink Priest

    40 Saurus Warriors

    We had 3 objectives, one in the middle and 2 on either side, deployments were he had the center and I could deploy on either of the length sides of the table. The twist was a +1 to casts but doubles did 1 mortal wound, and double 1s did D3 mortal wounds. Not sure if my deployment was legal (I had the firelance starhost start off the board so I could summon it. His ruse was an ambush which let him reset up 3 units which he moved closer to my line. I got first turn, turn 1 was me summoning the 10 man Saurus Knight squad and the Carnosaur on to the table, I put mystic shield on the blob of Saurus Warriors who I started on the table, and my Skink priest put the Priestly Rites bubble on them. I rolled the +1 to run and charge constellation (amazing consetllation since it means you only need an 8 to get in on the charge now).

    He stopped Arcane Bolt and light of the heavens, and wasn't able to auto unbind my free summoning per what the battalion says. My Slann actually miscast twice the whole game, irony. My Cham skinks and ripperdactyls landed behind his sisters of the thorn and spellweavers, and my warriors moved forward. In the shooting phase my cham skinks killed 7 sisters of the thorn (I marked them for death via the battalion rules for rerolling 1s to hit). I made the charge on my warriors and knights (charging the warriors into a blob of glade riders and the silver helms), and my knights (with a +4 to charge from the formation) into the silver helms and sisters of the thorn, Carnosaur failed the charge as he doesn't get his own aura for whatever reason. My ripperdactyls couldn't fail the charge (unless I'm wrong, even snake eyes is a 3 with the constellation). Stupidly I gave the Knights the Predatory Fighter buff and the warriors the Inspiring Presence buff.

    Struck with the knights first, did a whopping 3 wounds (with 1 proc of mortal wounds), as usual a gigantic dissapointment from the Saurus Knights. He struck back and killed 1 Knight, and failed to kill a warrior (4+ rerollable is good). Warriors struck killing 5 Silver helms, and the spellweavers fought back dealing 1 wound to my Rippers. The Ripper destroyed the spellweavers next and finally the sisters did 1 wound killing another knight who was wounded and that was the turn. 1 more Silver Helm fled, and the sisters of the thorn all fled on battleshock. His dragon flew up next to my rippers and he retreated the glade riders and moved towards my skink priest. He did 4 wounds to the skink and attempted 32 shots into the warriors, he did 0 wounds due to bad rolling and 4+ rerollable. He charged the skink and started combat off with the Silver helms, they did no damage to the warriors and killed another knight (seeing a pattern), I activated my skink priest and did nothing with him, he activated his forest dragon (making my rippers last in activation) and through bad rolling only killed 2 of them. My warriors killed 2 Silver Helms and the ripper failed to harm the dragon.

    He got the double turn, he moved around my warriors in an attempt to harm my slann and caused 1 wound via 32 shots (cover ftw), the warriors took 3 casualties from shooting and we were in the fight phase again. He piled in 3" towards my cham skinks and killed off my last ripper, my warriors finally managed to wipe out the Silver Helms and it was my turn. I recast my buffs (he couldn't deny now), and summoned in another unit of knights and moved the scar vet to the knights to face off the 16 man glade riders, I killed 1 glade rider via arcane bolt, and gave the warriors mystic shield again. I moved my warriors towards the top of the table to seperate his glade riders and my knights toward the dragon to cause some damage (or so I thought, Knights are still awful). The Cham skinks shot the dragon causing 2 wounds to him) I charged my warriors carnosaur and knights into the glade riders and he pulled them there saying why waste time (we were getting pressured by the store for some MTG tournament for table space). Charged the other knights into the Forest Dragon and they got the sulphuric breath making them go last, however he was able to pile the dragon in and get swings on my cham skinks, due to bad rolling he only killed 2 of them.

    At this point the game wound down, I put mystic shield on the cham skinks for a 2+ armor save and slowly whittled the dragon down and my Carnosaur caught the last glade rider squad out (they used their allegiance ability to run off the table edge towards the other side). Overall was fairly impressed with my skinks and rippers, I like the mobility of this battalion, and I like the free summoning. Saurus Knights are still garbage and it's depressing they taxed the new battalion with the firelance starhost. Saurus Warriors did well, they aren't as good as Saurus Guard or Stormvermin but better than how I previously felt (moving 40 models blows though, WTB movement trays). Carnosaur did next to nothing but they're pretty hit or miss IMO.

    Gonna try the Fangs of Sotek battalion next time with a Thunderquake starhost with a Troglodon I think and see how that goes. I really feel that the Shadowstrike is still one of our better battalions and almost needed for the huge mobility and alpha strike potential at killing key units (especially with the +1 charge bonus)
    Death-sticks, Crowsfoot and Seraphage like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Excellent battlereport, thank you very much ! Really good analysis !

    Well I had the same lack of luck with Carno * you can check my battlereports for more analytical information * until I realised he just needs support to shine. Buffed or with rerolls to hit from a Sunblood he truly shines !
    Everytime I used him on a more solo mission he just.. well did literally nothing.
    Crowsfoot and skipperyoss like this.
  3. skipperyoss
    Cold One

    skipperyoss Active Member

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    Oh no trust me, I have 2 Carnosaurs and a Dread Saurian. I know how unreliable our big dinos can be. The new Saurus command trait that lets them reroll a failed hit roll should be nice for Carnos, for whatever reason I always miss 1 and hit with the other even though it's 3's to hit. I was just trying out a Knight/Warrior heavy list because both units usually disappointed me before. The warriors have won a spot in my heart and I may regrettably need to buy more. I usually run a Bloodclaw starhost so I run with all the buffs I can.

    Next list will be trying out the Fangs of Sotek + a Thunderquake. Sadly no one but my buddy plays AoS and he wants to do some 40k vs my Grey Knights now.
    Buldi and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Ι ve been playing Sunclaw since GH1 just because it was easier for me to gather the models. Turned out that I rolled pretty well at tournaments actually, and now they got more upgraded than before.

    Definitely give it a try !

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