AoS Gul'rok Starhost battalion tips needed.

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by MerciaBear, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Hello folks,

    Ive only just started with AoS and joining a starter box only league in my local store. The special battalion thing that comes with the Seraphon starer box is this:

    "Gul'Rok's Starhost - 1 Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnousaur, 1 unit of Saurus Warriors, 1 unit of Saurus Knights. Abilties: Reforum Ranks: In Each of your hero phases, a Starhost unit within 10" of their Scar-Veteran can reform. To do so, choose one model in the unit to be the lyncpin. Remove all other models in the unit from the battlefield and then set them up again within 5" of the lynchpin. The unit can move normally in the same turn."

    I have several questions!

    1. With the Carnosaur ability to make Saurus Knights hit even harder on the charge ill want to use this to get out of combat and charge again. Will they survive a round of hits coming back from most average stuff? Anything to avoid?

    2. Are there any other sneaky ways to use this battalion that anyone can see?

    I'll have: 8 Saurus Knights, Scar Vet on Carno, 12 Saurus Warriors.

    Thanks for any help!
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This would be extremely useful for the knights, and they should survive of you're playing others straight out of a starter kit. I would still convert the oracle and use him as a starpriest to give the knights mystic shield, but you would have to talk to the league organizer beforehand about doing that.

    But even using it to get 5 extra inches of movement is brilliant. Or to get them within charging distance of something you need to kill.
  3. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Bowser I hadn't even thought of using it to get closer to stuff! Ive not even played a game yet, so I imagine it might go something like this:

    Move lynchpin model forward, deploy all models within 5 inches of him (the other models could still be further forward than the initial lynchpin?) thus gain maybe 8 inches before moving. Then move 7", then charge.

    Most deployments are I imagine 24" apart so you are looking to set up a turn 2 charge at the least. Just need to keep them out of harms way til then.

    At what point do you tell your opponent what is going on? Id normally say before we set up, but ive noticed people dont pay a lot of attention to this sort of thing, so do i need to do more explaining?

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  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Bring the card with you, you will still need to announce you are using this starhost and that you are using the ability in your hero phase. So at the start of your turn you will only be able to gain 5 inches, but if you spread out your unit so there is a 1 in space between them youcan cover a lot of ground and take advantage of the 5 inches by choosing the right lynchpin. But they must be within 5 inches of the lynchpin.
    MerciaBear likes this.
  5. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Interesting ability, but I'd take the Saurus Oldblood's command ability over this, it's pretty much the same except all units with 10" of the old blood can do this, so you could have 3 units of Knights in a Firelance Starhost all doing this. I guess the argument is how much do you need other command abilities, I'd probably use this if the knights were my only battleline units (avoiding needing inspiring presence) and take a Thunderquake Starhost too, this would be good against an army like the Sylvaneth who need a lot of mortal wounds to take down.
    MerciaBear and Bowser like this.
  6. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    At the moment we are restricted to the starter sets contents only, ill certainly look elsewhere when we expand.Luckily there is only one sylvaneth player in the league, lots of sigmarines.
    Bowser likes this.

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