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Discussion Help needed for Narrative event

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Lippy, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. Lippy
    Jungle Swarm

    Lippy New Member

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    Even though I’m extremely new to AoS and Seraphon Ive been invited to an invitational narrative event.
    Here’s the preamble:
    “Unexplained, eldritch globes have materialised in scattered locations across the realm of Shyish. They appear as a perfect glass sphere, within which can be seen vast star-scapes and half-formed glimpses of monolithic beings. Those who approach the Spheres find themselves beset by visions and whispers from their gods. With enough controlled exposure it is believed possible to converse directly with a deity; enabling those bold enough to ask for the answers to great questions of the age, seek divine guidance for their cause, or perhaps ask to be bestowed with blessings of great power.

    However, communing with Gods holds great danger. Those seeking power through the Oblivion Spheres balance upon a knife edge of power and destruction. Already across Shyish, tales abound of dozens of aspirants who have been brought low in horrific ways.

    Despite the risks, these potentially great rewards are much prized, having been foretold by seer, priest, shaman and sorcerer alike across the realms. Warlords raise their banners and lead their forces upon Shyish, striving for whatever divine intervention they hold dear within their shining soul or their rotten heart…"

    Part of the entry requirement is to prepare the following:
    Each player must write 3 narrative statements for their army. These will be read aloud to the group at various points over the weekend. The statement should last approximately 30-60 seconds:
    • At the start of the event, what are they seeking from their deity? Some great insight? Daemonhood? To grant the power to enact an act of sorcery to aid their people? To ask their deity to destroy a foe?
    • At the end of the event, if they win the event, what happens? Does their deity grant what they want? What is the result?
    • At the end of the event, if they lose the event, what happens? Note – it should be suitably bad…

    Being new to the fluff (and finding it pretty vague) I’ve not much idea of what to write... any ideas? I’ll be playing various lists (there’s five games) that will feature Slann, saurus and skink in various form.
    Aginor and Paradoxical Pacifism like this.
  2. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Well, let's see...

    Of course the Slann and/or their Starpriests/Starseers have seen the necessity of going there and doing that.
    Keep in mind that Slann are ancient and know a lot that others don't.
    They work very coordinated and guided by logic and plans.

    Possible reasons for communicating with Gods:
    - the Slann hope to find the Old Ones (their creators they lost long ago) and talk to them
    - the Slann hope to improve communications with the other Order factions via their Gods.
    - the Slann don't want to use the Orbs, they just want to prevent others from using them
    This could be especially important if they know that some demon dudes plan to use the orbs to summon a greater demon or something.

    Hope that helps you a bit.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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