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AoS How 2 Actually Win

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Nun-pak, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Nun-pak

    Nun-pak Active Member

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    So I have recently joined this forum and have realized that the most ESSENTIAL AND BEST unit is the Razordons, (sometimes) the Ripperdactyl riders and Saurus Astrolith Bearers. So I have made a 1500pt list that orbits around those three units.

    2x Saurus Astrolith Bearer - 320, one on both sides for optimal assistance to razordons and or any other unit

    12x Razordons - 480, for the sake of having them

    12x Rippers - 560, for being up close, to push objectives and to let the razordons range attack the enemy

    9x Skink Handlers - 120, buffs the razordons, this unit is useless and I thought it just goes well with the razordon theme

    If I were to take this list semi seriously though, I would probably drop the handlers and some surplus models in other units and add more meat shields for the razordons like skinks and have a unit which would push objectives. Another area of improvement would be with the use of magic so I would add some Slann, priests, or endless spells.

    I am obviously not taking this list seriously but I was wondering on what areas would this list need improvement on and what would happen in a real game.
    LizardWizard likes this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    This is a decent core. However, the double Saurus Astrolith might be superfluous. Additionally, Skink Handlers won't provide you any benefit if you have the Razordons near an Astrolith Bearer. Their buffs over lap each other and you can never re-roll a re-roll in AoS. Lastly, you really want to have a Slann Starmaster. They aren't stickly mandatory, but they are the fulcrum of the army.

    Currently your list is not match play legal because you have no battleline units. At 1500 points you will need either 2 or 3 battleline units. This will depend on if your playgroup decides to play Vanguard +500 or Battlehost -500.

    Welcome to the Seraphon! Play the objective game. We do it better than just about any other army:D
    Nun-pak likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    As said, that's a list with a high enough threat level.
    But you can discard handlers and need a Slann and skinks as battleline (which would help in the "grab objective" part).

    If you have all those models, you can work around it and build a serious list
    LizardWizard and Nun-pak like this.

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