Blog JORGIK´s work table

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Jorgik, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys one more question: I just added the tags scenery and tutorial. Is it correct? because I don´t know if this small tutorial is enough as to make this have the tutorial tag.
    n810 likes this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Of course it is, no matter how small you think your contribution is, if it helps one forum viewer it has done it's job.
  3. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys another update for you.
    It´s been a looong time since the last update and Im sorry for that, but as I said I went on holidays so didn´t get to continue the trees.:(

    I´ve added some clay on top of the trees armatures and right now they look like this:


    Huge change on them as you can see, still need to do branches on all of them and work a bit more on the buttresses of the big and medium tree. I really like how they are turning out. I realized that the big tree was tilt once the clay was dry, so I can't fix that now :(.

    To continue the mini tutorial:
    Once the armature was complete, I put PVA where the wires were inserted to the base. I discovered that PVA dries kind of rubbery (or at least the wood PVA I use), and as it is water-based the wood soaks it in and would also run in the holes I had drilled for the wires, so when it´d dried, they would be held very strongly to the wood.


    I left that dry overnight and then I inserted some aluminum foil/paper in the little wire cage to not waste a lot of clay. You can also see the dried PVA stuck to the wires.


    And so I commenced to add clay. First I started with the tree trunk. I made sure I din´t leave any fingerprint on it and also tried to make a texture by sliding my finger up and down the trunk. Once I t had dried I started to work upwards to the start of the branches. The problem with this is that it´s a very slow process as it is far better to sculpt up to a branch division, wait for it to dry and then continue until the next division, and so on with all the branches.


    So I got bored of doing the branches and started making the buttress roots. No special secret about these, just try to keep the texture,keep them thin, and vary them in hight. Some closeups for you:

    IMAG1434.jpg IMAG1435_1.jpg

    And the branches, didn't really do a lot...


    I hope the next update will be soon, but homework keeps me busy and the clay work is very time consuming and very very messy. One other thing, the paths will be on hold probably until I finish the first 3 trees, and then if Im not too excited about them I´ll continue the paths as i already got more stones.
    Feedback, doubt or anything same as always.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
    NIGHTBRINGER, Bowser, Warden and 2 others like this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    They look really good so far, any idea how your going to replicate bark?
    Jorgik likes this.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I remember hearing something about using a tinfoil ball,
    you kinda roll it over your mostly dry surface to add some texture..?
    could work...
    Jorgik likes this.
  6. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    @Crowsfoot, thanks :). About the painting I´ve no idea :p. I guess with base of brown, drybrushes and some (lots) of green :D
    Yeah, that could work and would be definitely faster. These tree trunks are already hard dry, but I can try that with the next ones :)
  7. shwaym

    shwaym Member

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    Very impressive!
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  8. MomoTheKiller

    MomoTheKiller Member

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    Amazing job :) I like their shape, I'm more into realistic trees but I like them.

    If you plan to do more, here is nice tutorial: you can make trees from real tree roots if you have any near you.

  9. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey guys an update here.

    So thinking while doing my trees I realized I would´t finish them soon and that being the idiot I am I had not yet shown you pictures of my army, so here you go:


    First of all sorry for the picture and lighting quality, as I t was taken with my phone :(. As you can see more than half of it is yet unpainted or half way, so sorry for that. Also, my painting scheme is not any wonder (I´m not really happy with it) so might change a bit ("a bit" meaning "I have no idea how much")

    My army:
    - Tetto´eko
    - Finished, although I will retouch him a bit in the future. I include him in every single battle.
    - Old Blood saurus - Finished, I may retouch him too. (He´s on the right side of the pyramid).
    - Cold one riders - 8 of them, finished, I probably will leave as they are, except for adding some green foliage.
    - Saurus - 50 of them, 20 need a heavy brush touch and the other 30 aren´t even primed.
    - Skinks - They are actually illegal (I built them before I got the army book), just placed them there for filling the space :D.
    - Bastilodon - Finished and I´m quite happy with its paint job, may just change the whole base (but still keep the square basing).
    - Troglodon - Finished but I´ll also change its base and maybe give it a light brush.
    - Stegadon - WIP, still building it, magnetized .
    - Skink Priest - Built. I made a feather cloak for him. (He's on the furthest tower to the left).
    - Ripperdactyl riders - One skink chief (weapon choice magnetized) and two normal riders.
    - Gor-Rok - Half way painted.
    - Jungle swarms - Half way sculpted (more like one quarter :(). (They are at the right of the spawning pool on the right).
    - The FW Dread Saurian - Half way painted but I don't like the painting scheme I chose for it, so likely to lose all its paint
    - A random temple guard - Built just for Mordheim fights, so his other 9 mates are still on the sprues.

    I know my army is on a VERY bad state, but I hope I´ll gradually get them looking nicer. I also have a slann, the other 9 TG, 48 skinks, 3 more ripperdactyl (or terradon) riders and a skink priest on their sprues, but they are not going to leave them any time soon, so...yeah.

    So that´s a brief overview of my army, still have to write the fluff, but i have it all thought. If you guys want any closer pics just tell me.

    I will probably take my time with the scenery as I don´t want to rush it and I have had a lazy end-half of the week and I am getting much more homework than usually, so until next time ;).

    Have a nice rest of the day

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Good looking army, :D
    :shifty: hmmm... that terrain looks like it was made by Melly (the terrain wench).
    Jorgik likes this.
  11. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Yep, inspired from her :D
    My army pieces have been inspired by a lot of people, like the terrain from terrain wench, my stegadon from @Rikard and for sure others that I don't remember. There´s actually little stuff that is original from me, I hope that will stop some day... :(
    If I think it looks cool I tend to copy get inspired from it...:oops:
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    Bracnos and n810 like this.
  12. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey @MomoTheKiller , sorry for not answering before. I really like the look of those trees, and I previously thought of buying that stuff for foliage, but the problem is that it is impossible for me to get so many branches sculpted and make that look nice. I still don't know what will I use as foliage. I have clump foliage, lichen and some green railroad grass, and I'm thinking about using the lichen to get some volume on the branches. I have seen jungle trees with lichen from other people and I think they look pretty decent, plus that stuff the guy is using is pretty expensive, and to make the forest I'm planning to do it would cost a lot. And also I have not yet found a proper modeling shop in the city I live in, so it would be very hard to buy that (or any hobby supply overall). I also thought about using actual dried leaves, but when I tried it out on the bases they ended up rotting and smelling, so I kinda prefer artificial. I also like making realistic trees but this is the best I could, I hope they turn out believable ;)
    But thanks for the idea. I think if I ever make some normal woodland trees, rather than jungle, I will probably use those leaves.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
  13. MomoTheKiller

    MomoTheKiller Member

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    @Jorgik then choose the Aquarium Plants :) Plastic ones, they are cheap, like 1-2$ for small one, I don't know your location, but search ebay or any local shop.

    Three which were made by this guy are quite expensive, thats true. Roots you can get by yourself for free ;) some digging and you have them but rest is expensive - thats right.

    here is tutorial how to make some from plastic plants:
    Jorgik likes this.
  14. khaine
    Jungle Swarm

    khaine New Member

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    Hi, i`d like to see better pics of all the conversions (stegadon, terradons) and of course of the dread saurian. Great work so far!
    Jorgik likes this.
  15. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    All of them, or the major ones? ;)
  16. Toltecatl

    Toltecatl Well-Known Member

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    Great work on the terrain mate! love the carved pillars :stig:
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  17. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    As I said they were inspired by the terrain wench, check her out on you tube. It´s a shame she doesn´t have time to do more stuff, because all she does is great!!
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  18. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey @MomoTheKiller, yeah, that´s what i use on the ground.
    But do you mean for the foliage on the trees??

    The tutorial from the terrain tutor :) I love the stuff he makes
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2016
  19. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    Hey @khaine here there are some close ups for the ripperdactyls I made. Out of the box of 3 I made a skink chief and 2 normal rippers, And when I want a unit I just say the chief is the campion


    Here are the bases of the skink chief and one of the ripperdactyls. The left one is the chief´s. As you can see i added little details of green stuff and made a small branch for the ripperdactyl to jump off.


    Here are the riders. Nothing special except I magnetized the weapon choice for the chief, a javelin, a spear, a hand weapon and still have to convert a blowpipe for him, and then he´ll have all possible weapon choices (in 8th).


    The skink chief´s ripperdactyl just some minor conversions: I repositioned the head and the wings to get the pose I wanted. For this one I used the two open wings that come in the kit and I guess I won't repeat it anymore as it took me soooo long to cut them off and then fill all the gaps, although I think it was worth it :). I also added the little crest and added extra finger claws to set him (or it) apart from the others and made it look like a special ripper for some reason. for the claws i used the ones that would be needed for the terradons.


    As I was already tired of green stuff when I got to this one I just modified its claws to give it a more dinamic look, instead of having it charging like they come in the kit.


    And with this one I decided to do something fun, so I made him carrying an ork head as trophy or food for later. I loved sculpting its neck and specially the tongue flying in the wind :D.

    So that´s my ripperdactyls. I had lots of fun building it because i love the look of them, plus they are pretty kickass too against monstrous infantry :p.
    And those who are more interested in the trees I´m advancing but very slowly as after the holidays we´ve gone in a flurry of homework and tests all of a sudden. I managed to get done just two branches of the big tree, I´m still missing the rest. I´ll post pics as soon as I finish them, together with some thoughts about foliage and painting.

    Same as always guys, comments welcome :)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    NIGHTBRINGER, Bowser, Warden and 2 others like this.
  20. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Excellent converting skills man. :D
    Jorgik likes this.

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