Where did you get those models? They're awesome! loving the paint job by the way. Especially the green on the weapons
Just finished my first 3 out of 6. What 2 days of from work isn't good for huh . I really like the colors. Scales: loren forest + nuln oil shade + loren forest dry. Skin: warboss green + biel tan green shade + (belly) nurgling green dry. I'm going to do all bases when army is fully painted up. Just getting in the hobby instead of only playing the game and I ll have to figure out how to do basing properly.
Here is my unit of Krox. I really like how they stand out in a unit of Skinks. They show up well on the table top.
Wow, those look great. Love the colour scheme and the execution. What caught my eye immediately was the marble in the weapons, it looks incredible. Any tips about how you did it? Woogity's Kroxs really look awesome, I'll probably have to get some off him too.
Thanks! The marble was really simple, just a Ulthuan Grey base coat and a very dark grey lining around the shaft. Make sure you keep a sharp tip on your paint brush and don't let the paint glob up on the end of the tip. You'll have to keep re-dipping your brush over and over, but you'll eventually get there! Just don't get frustrated and rush the job. It'll be over before you know it. You can visit my thread that has all of my stuff on it. I have a few more pieces that I've done that effect on. Not much, but a little. That's not really something that you want to do over a large surface area. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/chicken-lips-lizardmen-army.15785/page-18
Thanks for the tips, I really appreciate it. Will start painting my first miniatures ever in the next months (when I find the time/money) and I am constantly looking for inspiration. Will definitely work through your blog because I love the way you paint. Also the dark green on your Kroxs looks insane, I might try my hand at that sometimes
Hey guys I am new to this forum but pretty active on Dakkadakka. Starting a Lizardmen army so thougth this forum would be perfect! Here are some Kroxigor's I finished yesterday!
They were custom made by some dude on the forum but i dont think he does them anymore.... last i read he said his work doesnt let him... that was a couple years ago and im trying to find out if he ever started making them again.
Leave a request here, Matt aka Woogity may make some in the future, be warned the waiting list is long. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/first-post-custom-model-kroxigor.15419/