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Blog Lord Agragax's Making and Painting Blog - The Asur are reinforced...

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    It's been a while again, and I actually finished these a month or so back, but this is the first time I've had a chance to sit down and post about them.

    The Laurekh Dynasty has received reinforcements!

    First to awaken from the Stasis Crypts is Illuminor Tutepri, officially a Chronomancer but as I already kitbashed a Chronomancer aeons ago I will use him as a Geomancer as I still use the chad 5th Edition book in gigachad 6th Edition :cool::
    IMG_20230607_122445.jpg IMG_20230607_122307.jpg IMG_20230607_122318.jpg

    Following him are the Ancient Blades of Phoras, three Skorpekh Destroyers come to reave and cull:
    Imrahil, JTSleep and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  2. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Plus their accompanying Plasmacyte:

    Following are three of the new Warriors to add to Warrior Phalanx LW-05, who were undermanned with 7 models beforehand:

    And last but by no means least, the reanimated version of Vargard Kromm, Phaeron Mithihotep the Indomitable's personal bodyguard and greatest champion, having re-emerged from his Stasis Crypt as a Royal Warden:
    Imrahil, JTSleep and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  3. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    My goodness, did I really last post here over half a year ago? In which case I must amend that!

    I can’t remember when I started these to be honest, and, High Elves being especially detailed (and the least favourite of my armies to paint because of it), I can’t remember how long they took me either (especially with my job reducing me to painting at weekends), but at last they are done - 14 High Elf Archers:
    E63DC2C3-2EA8-4FB7-8247-5689D9A44AF3.jpeg 1FFF5515-3997-4E05-B531-8E53F9D01E08.jpeg 52097D62-2BEC-43CD-AFAB-40B4E013BF51.jpeg

    You’ll recognise the Champion from many years back - I kitbashed him from a spare pair of legs and a bow from the High Elf Chariot kit, a Wood Elf torso one of my best wargaming buddies let me scavenge from his bitz boxes, and a head from the Archmage/Mage double kit.

    He is joined by 11 of the monopose Archers from the ancient 4th Edition boxed game (one of which was missing his bow so I gave him a new one), and a Musician and Standard Bearer built from Spearman legs, torsos and heads and bows from the multipart Archer kit, all bought from one particular model shop I love bit hunting in. I’m pretty chuffed to see that I haven’t lost my touch in painting the Yvresse eagle motif of my army after painting it over 15 times on my Spearmen I posted a few years back. Indeed I think I made use of a better method this time - where before I painted the design on straight over the dark blue shields and painted the black outline around the white and blue eagle and wave shapes, this time I undercoated the banner white (along with the Elves themselves), outlined the shapes in black, painted the dark blue background around the black outlines and then filled in the Eagle and waves accordingly.

    One thing I have been doing before these and will be continuing with now that these are done, is something significantly smaller-scale - some of these will be coming next.

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