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AoS NEW *rumor*

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Logan8054, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Logan8054
    Cold One

    Logan8054 Well-Known Member

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    Well its basically a done deal now, Seraphon in February. Let's post a wish list of things we expect and hope to see with new battle tome.
    Dr.Doom and Seraphandy like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thanks for the help! :)
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  3. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    We are not forgotten. We've got GHB updates and decent FAQs. As a Grey Knights player in 40k, I assure you - Seraphon are far from forgotten.

    They'd better did save the best for the last. By my two Carnos, they'd better did it.

    We are doing this since March rumors. But if you insisnt:

    - new constellation battle traits. At least 3, but I'd like to see at teast 6;
    - updated magic lore from GHB. The one we've got is pretty meh. Or two magic lores - one for Slann and one for Skinks;
    - 6 command traits for each subfaction;
    - at least 3 celestial rituals for priests to chose from. But again, I'd like to see 6;
    - mount traits for Carnosaurs. Mount traits for EotG are on wishlist;
    - 6 basic artefacts updated (no, this is just ridiculous. Roll a die and you can reroll saves on given turn. I won't even comment on it) and 3 more artefacts for slann, saurus and skinks each;
    - battalions updated and not being poor;
    - slann become real gods of magic. They really should know all the lore of seraphon and not just shift between spells. Also they could know one realm spell of their choice like CoS mages;
    - I don't want our summoning or teleportation to be reworked. Yes, they are not perfect but they have good external balance. I can live with it;
    - Kroak updated to Nagash level of power with aprorpiate cost;
    - saurus warriors and heroes getting updated stats. +1 to-hit and 2 wounds or scaly skin save are up to modern standarts;
    - skinks getting more killy. Probably should be devided in cohorts and skirmishers. Cohorts can benifit from better combat stats and skirmishers keep wary fighters. Boltspitters should auto-wound on 6+ hit;
    - Starseers completely reworked;
    - big beasts should be updated too, tbh. Bastiladons are not as scary as they used to be with plenty of mortal wounds, -1 to save spells or ignore save spells. I'd give more wounds to bastiladon and change solar engine to 3d6 or 4d3. Ark of sotek has to be something like d3 mortal wounds on 2+ to all units in range. Stegadon should get d6 damage on skystreak bow and goads of sunfire should work like warpfire projectors. Also he has to have more attacks or damage on horns at least on charge. Trog should be a hero and a wizard or priest. He has Ok stats for 140 points. He can benifit greatly from +1 to-hit and/or rend on jaws. Carnos should have better to-hit or better rend or better damage;
    - I want to have more control on EotG. They are so random;
    - But what I want most of all is our battletome being completely OP broken. I mean slaanesh or ossiarch level broken, so we can feel for once how does it feel to destroy opponent psychologically just because they know they are playing against us.

    But what I want most of all is our battletome preserving its deep gameplay style, where you must outsmat your opponent most of time instead of engaging them head on. Complete control over movement, striking where it hurst most, sacrificing important units to win games and so on. This is the second reason I love our factions (first reason is obvious: they are aztec lizarmen riding dinosaurs).

    Oops, I did it again.
  4. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    do you mean the faqs and ghb that keep making us weaker? yup totally not forgotten although it is nice that they gave us a bad spell lore ill give them credit for that
    Dr.Doom likes this.
  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Certain games, like TW, also have a cloud-save functionality so you can even bring your safe-games along.

    just make sure not to lose your password and such. And preferably set up two-tier login. Makes it easier to retrieve if anything goes wrong.
    Dr.Doom and NIGHTBRINGER like this.
  6. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    How faq and spell lore made us weaker? Only real nerf is Kroak's casting. Other were edition-shift holes or small fixes. And how a poor lore makes us weaker? We've got at least two decent spells and LoSaT got better. EotG, Skinks and Razordons got nerfed but all kinds of saurus got buffed.

    In general, seraphon got better afte GHB 2019, but not enough to stay in meta.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    we have lost (for good reason but still) rippers bights cascading, eotg double turn, peragon of order doesn't stack, cosmic herald was nerfed into the ground, chamelions skinks can no longer be summoned in ambush and the above mentioned kroak nerf. in exchange our astrolith got easier to use so a net nerf.
    it doesn't witch is why i gave them credit
    one descent spell thats a 8 to cast and no good ones
    no it got more consistent which works against us the only way we win fights is by stealing them with clever movement being able to move after a teleport is how we won adepticon and since it changed we have yet to clame even a second place win in the recorded tournaments
    are we using saurus? maybe knights but over all no so a miner buff does not undo the magor nerfs that salamanders EotG, Skinks and Razordons got

    or at all. we got spells that we don't use and cheeper units that we still don't use and in exchange a solid nerf to 2/3ds of our best stuff. in the neutral zone a change to LoSaT that makes it less swingy but also a lot worse so it depends on what you value it surtenly didn't make us stronger
    ChapterAquila92 and Skained like this.
  8. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    Most of this are interedition fixes and unwanted interactions:

    1) Infinite rippers attacks would make them autochoice. Just max rippers and destory anything they touch. I remember a story of people giving up after 70 attacks generated. And d3 instead of one bonus attack like in 1st ed is statistically better;
    2) Double turn was very rare and it was almost always an auto-win. Imagine getting 18 roll after getting a double turn. We could roll over any opponent. Double movement and double attacks are still very-very potent;
    3) Paragon of Order didn't impact game that much. It is still useful for several units. Stacking it on one unit would bring wierd interactions, where saurus unit moves across the board by reforming around different models. In first edition any CA was usable only once, so this is another inter-edition hole;
    4) Summoning something on the table was very strange by itself. FAQ just confirmed it wasn't intended;
    5) Astrolith with 12" wholly within aura and movement with full rerolls is better than static astolith with 10" within aura and failed rerolls. I consider it a buff;
    6) I agree on cosmic herald, however. Unfortunately, this was a part of Kroak nerf. But getting a CP on 2+ every turn could be still decent, but: a) we don't have enough good command abilities; b) we don't starve on CP anyway; c) starseer is underwhelming and overcosted. I don't think he had a lot of use even before 2nd edition.

    Generally, this nerfs didn't affect our main strategies. They didn't nerfed some important questionable stuff like placing toad when rippers are not on table or using LoSaT+Balewind.

    We have at least two ways of getting bonuses to casts, so it easy can be 6+. It helped me a lot in several games, since it have almost infinite range with proper set up.

    One never could be sure that 5 or 6 is rolled, so it was just a pretty bonus. Rolling 1 or 2, on the other hand, could easily ruin the game. It forced taking Great Rememberer and you still could fail to jump onto an objective or save an importnant unit. Now I can freely keep in mind two teleports per turn and once in a while consider not taking GR. If they give us more good command traits for Slann, I'm sure, this one will stop being auto-include. We still can steal objectives if enemy unit doesn't sit atop of it (they could run and barely get in range, for example) and we still can try to charge them with skinks and that WF out of combat. Consistency is always a buff to me.

    There are enough people who run fangs of sotek according to list forum. And Dracothion's tail is top competitive list - got a lot better. Finally, we didn't start to run saurus but didn't stop to run EotG, skinks or razordons either.

    Personaly, I use meteoric concovation and stellar tempest almost every game. And being assured that my slann won't be decimated just because I failed 3+ rerollable is worth losing random point grabs. I am assured that I can teleport a unit and a character to buff them. Also new ghb gave us 3 nice command abilities which can be used with our abundant CPs.

    The buffs are not huge, but they are useful once in a while. Nerfs are negligeable and hurts mostly spam lists like 4 EotGs or 16 razordons. I still absolutley don't get how this make us worse.
    Erta Wanderer likes this.
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    i disagree but thats ok
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
    Nart and Carnikang like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Thank you kindly. Much appreciated!
    Canas likes this.
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Yeah, that change is a bit of a weird one. On the one hand the greater consistency is amazing, and will regularly save your ass. But on the other, the lack of movement makes it far less of game-changing move as we have very few models that can actually do something from a 9" distance. We kinda need some sort of effect there to allow us to move or charge with (some) reliability after teleporting so the teleported unit doesn't essentially spend it's entire turn just on being teleported. It's of course still usefull, even without follow-up movement. But it does rather limit the amount of clever things you can do with it...
    Erta Wanderer and Carnikang like this.
  12. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    knave, Womboski, Tk'ya'pyk and 5 others like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The classic GW retconn. Makes sense though!
  14. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    This is a joyous day.

    I can see it not being called a Retcon, since they could just say it looked like the Slann were remembering warriors from a long ago age to the battlefield. But whatever, just glad that we still have a purpose, drive, and that the Old Ones still guide us in a way.
    Captaniser, Imrahil and Erta Wanderer like this.
  15. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    or the spawning pools weren't working yet we just survived a apocolips it's not hard to imagine that some of our tech got damaged in the escape
  16. Nart

    Nart Well-Known Member

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    I managed to peek into our campaign too. It really looks like fluff about remembering is gone. The slann and emerging from the starlight are still there though. Also seraphon can become savage if detached from their kin for some time.
    Womboski, Tk'ya'pyk, Imrahil and 3 others like this.
  17. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    Seems likely. Wasn't there a hint at the spawning pools potentially starting up again as far back as the Malign Portents?
  18. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    as of now we have 2 instances of spawning pools the original short story and we have confirmation here. when it was just a short it could have been a misinformed writer but it's in a rule book now so done deal
  19. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    it's not a retcon, there've been physical seraphon from the beginning. Sunbloods (and obviously the slann themselves) are survivors from the old world. And the "remembered" seraphon became physical if they survived for an extended period of time.

    The only thing that's really changed now is that spawning pools have re-emerged proper again.
    knave, Womboski, Tk'ya'pyk and 5 others like this.
  20. Togetic
    Temple Guard

    Togetic Well-Known Member

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    I thought it always sort of made sense that the (seemingly?) single spawning pools in each temple ship didn’t produce enough warriors to fight the infinite forces of chaos, especially if each ship is one of the cities/landmarks that took off from the old world (I mean, they’d be what, single digits of them? Maybe low double digits?).

    Slann being on a much higher level of power in AoS, and having their debilitating factor here be effectively PTSD from the end times, it feels thematic that they’d summon up their favored warriors from the memories they’re so heavily trapped by, to lead and bolster the living seraphon that carry on the day-to-day of life, free of the mental burdens on the slann.

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