8th Ed. No Temple Guard in 2000pt battle

Discussion in 'Lizardmen & Saurian Ancients Tactics' started by Saldoravia, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Saldoravia
    Jungle Swarm

    Saldoravia New Member

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    G'day guys!

    First of all happy New Year to all, may the dice gods bless your hands.. or dice :meh:

    So on to my dilemma:

    I have built a without TG but there's about 400 to play with after all my other selections.
    Some possible choices are having a slann or tetto or tehheheaaon (lvl 3 beast dude).
    What I want to know is what my fellow Lustrians would do with 400pts?

    My list contains:
    Chief on Ripper - EoQ

    34 Saurus
    2 x 10 Skirmishers

    2 x 5 Chamos
    2 x 3 Rippers

    Ancient Steg

    Exactly 1600pts

    The aim is to get into the flanks and war-machines ASAP with the rippers and Chamos. While moving up the guts with the Saurus, Steg and Bastila who will be laser beaming along the merry way :astronaut:

    The chief on ripper has EoQ/Dragon helm and the Scarvet has 1+ AS and a 2+ vs Flaming (magic missiles etc), He has the Steg helm and potion of fool hardiness.

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