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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Sudden. Ohmen jolts up. Light seeps through floorboards above him like stars in the void. Likewise his arms, legs… head… everything felt numb, unresponsive. A sensation that could be described as having their entire body turn to stone, yet it continuously attempts to shiver or twitch.

    Scraping himself upwards and onto stiff aching legs Ohmen snatched up his cloak made heavy and sodden with remains of the freezing water. Wrapping it around him he struggles his way down below deck and into the room in which he slept.

    Having entered his eyes now slowly drift over to where he kept his belongings. Silgisarr's words echoing back to him he looks toward the two outfits neatly piled on top of each other. One raged and covered in the toils of hard labour contrasting with the one above it, clean sophisticated, its every material spliced into a mosaic of sharp colour - A nobles outfit. Above the pair of outfits was a backpack filled with other items and jars. Luckily before he had left the ship a day earlier he had transferred most if not all of those beads, trinkets and charms, providing them with relief from his cloaks suffocation.

    Sitting down Ohmen reaches over and pulls out a small wrapped package from the organised clutter. Peeling away the material the changeling gently places it down. A single ration. He needed this meal. Savouring every bite of the dried food Ohmen doesnt waste a single crumb. And even if he did Wisdom would normally be here to pester him, pecking away for a bite…. Where was she… Curious… Curious indeed.
  2. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    It was, indeed, curious. Alas, like ravens everywhere, Wisdom had been distracted by shiny objects. Or, more to the point, by food. Birdseed was shiny, as were the bugs that feed off of it. While Ohmen was struggling to feed himself, Wisdom wasn't having that issue. He was still in the marketplace, happily pecking away at bugs and grain...
    Nazqua, Lizerd and TheCrazyKhorneGuy like this.
  3. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz begins heading to first the place to get the seed for his new little companion
  4. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk starts to explain the events of his first show. Tarkaz listened curiously before Drakk said "Anyways, I had a thought for a sort of comedy act! I could use a spell I know to make a small orb hover in the air. You would then try to grab it just to have it float out of reach, we could even have you charge at it horns first to be extra comedic.... Errrr..... Not to be rude of course, uh.... It has nothing to do with what you um..... Look like....". Drakk's voice trails off hoping he didn't offend the Minotaur by comparing him to a bull...
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Pausing Tarkaz snorts angrily and turns to Drakk and looks down on him, "You want me to be some amusement and laughed at? Some wild beast show, is that what you want? To do tricks at your command? No, I think not, my people did not break their servitude, slavery, where they were treated LESS than cattle to be some....." his eyes full of rage, the hallmark rage of the minotaur species now showing, grasping the handle of his battleaxe,"...some PET to be commanded...charge at something? Just to fail and be laughed at? ....." regaining some sort of composure but rage still flowing through him Tarkaz walks off before violent urges took over, until he was out of sight....

    While walking angrily memories began to flood back to Tarkaz...as a small Minotaur...before his tribe had battled for freedom...he had only been free for a handful of years...rage filled him...the memories...the memories were painful.
  6. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk froze for a moment, he had not meant to offend the Minotaur, though perhaps he did say it very poorly.... After a few moments he went to find Izema, they had had incidents like this in the past and hoped Izema could help him work things out with Tarkaz. Shortly after, Drakk spotted Izema in another smithy and went in. Izema was buying some sort of chained cuffs, they were quite intriguing, however Drakk remembered why he was here and said "Ummmmm... Izema, I may have offended Tarkaz, and I really don't know what to do now.". Then Drakk explained the situation to Izema as he finished his transaction.
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Walking up to the shop that was described for Him Tarkaz regained his composure before walking into tue shop for the feed and treats for his new little friend. Forcing a smile the minotaur greets the shop keeper, "Greetin's I am looking for feed and treats for my Mimmoth" *raises the cage ao the Shopkeeper can see*, "I was told by the kobold who sold me her that this would be the place to acquire them?"
  8. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Nodding, this shopkeep (female) smiles at you and looks into the mimmoth cage. "Oh, you've got one of those cuties! Don't overfeed it, or it'll wind up either a chubby chub chub or grow bigger than you might like!" She shows you several kinds of mimmoth-friendly food, ranging from 5gp a month to 20 gp a month. Treats, in turn, range from 1 gp for 20 to 10 gp for 20.

    Meanwhile, while Tarkaz is shopping for mimmoth food and Drakk is trying to figure out how to apologize to the minotaur, Ohmen is stuffing his face. But where is Wisdom? Over in the marketplace, a shadowy figure is sitting on a stall support. His little black eyes glance here and there, searching... searching... A gleam in the stands catches his eye, his beak clacks twice, and he's off! A quick beat of his wings and he flits across the street, landing on a perch above a jeweler's stall! He watches and waits until the shopkeep is busy, then hops down into a shadow. The raven is pretty sure he's hidden, and waits a moment longer. Darting in, his beak snaps shut, and then he's off again! Nobody seems to have noticed the bird, and he flies off with his prize...
  9. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Previously Within the relative shade and bustle of the market wisdom went unnoticed, jabbing away at the filthy cobbles with her beak. Twisting her head around to pick out a handful, or rather ‘Beakful’ of small items from underneath a market stall.

    Having withdrawn from poking about Wisdom gently places the items into a small leather pouch attached to their side.

    The batch of shiny’s she had managed to get before this prize were more generic. A couple of small chunks of unidentifiable, rusted and grimy metal scrap. Half a bootlace and what looked to be some smaller round ring, Most likely the metal loop from a keychain were all delicately placed in the pouch. All that was other than one item in particular. A small spherical looking stone with a slight green tint, Interesting… Nonetheless, Wisdom didn't dwell on it, Other more interesting neglected trinkets and bits awaited. And await they would no longer for the raven's keen eyes had landed on a whole host of shiny objects. Wisdom was feeling bold beforehand, quickly and discretely the raven flutters over to the jewellery shop, Their beak ready to pick out a small object or two.

    Their endeavour successful Wisdom gently flutters upwards, perching on a rooftop to sort through some of the trinkets they had collected, allowing those unworthy to tumble down onto the streets below. But more importantly, they would inspect whatever they had just retrieved in fast thinking blur!
  10. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Up on his rooftop perch, the raven digs through his prizes. Well, prize, really. His small beak couldn't hold more than one item at a time, but this was his best acquisition yet! It was a new ring - sparkly, shiny, it gleamed in the light, and had a trio of small stones set into the metal! One gleamed brighter than the other two, which seemed a little duller by comparison.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Tarkaz nods, "Well, I suppose ill get some of the better feed and treats for her, Want to get off on the right food!" He laughs loudly, "I will take your finest mid range food for her as well as treats, perhaps 12gp food and 6gp treats, 2 months worth of food and 1 month worth of treats. Not sure when I'll be in a town again that will have her likings!" His mood shifting back to the calm and friendly side he begins making small conversation with the shopkeeper asking about town and anything about mimmoths she could answer.
  12. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Eyes gleaming in a such a way that could only reflect that of the ring’s sheen Wisdom quickly pushes away any of the scrap she had managed to fit into her beak and pouch, allowing her full attention to be placed on such an item.

    ‘G-GLimMe… Glimmer g-Glitter Like S-Stars SoOn to be nO mOre Faint words slip out of the Raven's mouth as Wisdom studies their prize with fascination. Pecking at the smaller gems Wisdoms attention is drawn to that one within the centre… There was something about it, Its surface alive with reflection, basking in the sunlight as if its surface were the scales of some large reptilian beast… Hesitant to interrogate it with their beak the bird Instead watches, It whispered of enchantment, of conspiracy… Magic perhaps?

    Looking around the birds' eyes find their mark on a familiar sight, It was a pair of those which nested and shared the ship with Ohmen… It was the so-called ‘LiTtLe DraGon’ and the other one… ‘Sha-Shark… Strong.

    The little one was magic… Right? Fluttering down cautiously Wisdom holds the ring tightly within one talon before perching upon a small mound of crates.

    Waiting for the pair to finish talking as to not interrupt their conversation the bird almost clear’s her throat much like a human before croaking, their voice directed to the smaller one of the pair. LitTle Magic Dr-Rak, Poor ring LeFt abandoned, P-Put To REST on GrImy cobbles…FouNd Warmth under my Wing, Metal Smooth like beak. tells me of Magic, and You?

    Still partially bewildered Wisdoms words were more convoluted than normal, though they still conveyed a simple message highlighted by the fact she now lifted up one foot, showing the dangling ring which looped around a sharp talon, its centre gem continuing to gleam suspiciously. It was clear she wished for Drakk to settle the conspiracy that the Ring passed magic intent within.
  13. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks curiously at the Raven for a second trying to figure out what it meant. This was Ohmen's little "pet", although sometimes Drakk had suspicion it might be the other way around. Taking the ring, Drakk exclaims "I trust this wasn't stolen, but I will see if it's magic.". (Drakk casts detect Magic on the Ring)
  14. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk stares in awe at what he finds the ring possesses before gripping it tightly and turning to Wisdom. Drakk clears his throat before saying "Ummm Wisdom I'm going to need to borrow this, I have some serious research to conduct. I really hope you don't fight me on this, i swear to you I would not take it if I didn't need to.". After Drakk says this he gives Izema a grim look that says all Izema needs to know about the magnitude of this rings power.
  15. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As Drakk leans in to inspect the ring the Raven gently angles their head, the curvature of their beak somewhat representing an almost half smile in some twisted way. She did not necessarily ‘Trust’ Little dragon, but from watching him thus far he seemed rather innocent, naive even.

    Listening with intent the bird quickly processes Drakk’s words before quickly Snatching the ring within her beak and hissing, rearing back… He was a K-Kodragon, No.. Kobold. They make their nests out of treasure? He wanted it. Did he? Promises of trust, Swearing truth.

    Above all else, it was curiosity and an ever-present thirst for knowledge that drove Wisdom forward. Hopping forward almost impulsively the raven lets their tense beak open the tiniest fraction, allowing the small object to glide downwards into Drakk’s palm.

    Claws digging into the wooden surface Wisdom gripped to her eyes flicked around, looking the draconic figure over time and time again. It was in a situation like this that silence said more than words.
  16. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk looks to Wisdom and says "Thank you, and trust me I am not taking this for personal use or benefit, but I need counsel on what to do with this ring.". Drakk then motions for Izema to follow him for protection incase someone else heard their conversation. Drakk wraps the Ring with silk and stows it in his bag before holding the bag tight against his chest so as not to have a chance of losing it. After this, Drakk seeks out a guard to ask where to go to meet with the port inspector.
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    Finding the port inspector is fairly easy, but the inspector cannot help you with your needs. That is beyond his ability at this juncture in time.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and TheCrazyKhorneGuy like this.
  18. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Watching the Kobold begind to scuttle off, exchanging a few words with ‘Strong’ who stood beside him Wisdom instantly burst into a cloud of feathers.

    Slightly threatening yet clearly not done with aggressive intent the bird settles onto Drakk’s shoulder, With tightly gripping Talons. A clear sign of unease.
  19. TheCrazyKhorneGuy
    Chameleon Skink

    TheCrazyKhorneGuy Well-Known Member

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    Drew finished attuning to the weight and feel of his new daggers. After a sweaty training session and a few hours of intense maneuvers, he decides to go find Drakk to figure out his part in the little Kobold's act.
    Lizerd, Nazqua and Tk'ya'pyk like this.
  20. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Sighing with frustration, Drakk leaves for the Temple of Silgisarr. However Drakk pulls Izema into a secluded alley and looks around for any unwanted listeners before whispering to Izema and Wisdom "Ok, we have travelled together for a long time and I trust you so I will tell you what this ring is.... It is a ring of Wish, the most powerful spell ever created. I am taking this to Silgisarr to see what she wants done with this, such a ring has power so immense it could have dire consequences if misused.". Izema and Wisdom look at Drakk in shock before Drakk motions for them to proceed with haste to the Temple. Just before leaving the alley, Drakk says "I can't stress enough that this is of dire importance, if either of you try to stop me.... I will fight back. But I really hope it does not come to that.". After they walk out, Drakk notices Drew following and quickly pulls him close and says "Follow me, don't ask questions, and whatever you do, don't make a scene.". The look in Drakk's eyes is enough to give Drew the message.

    Once inside, Drakk asks if there is a way he can meet with Silgisarr as soon as possible, explaining that it is of great importance. He also inform the Priestess that Silgisarr should know who he is if she tells her that his name is Drakk.

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