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Pathfinder-ish Campaign...

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Tk'ya'pyk, Apr 10, 2020.

  1. DeathBringer125

    DeathBringer125 Well-Known Member

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    Drakk addresses the group and says "Well, as much as I would love to come, I think someone ought to stay back here and manage the workforce. I promise that by the time you are back we will have significant progress done! If it's alright with you, I would like to have one of the towers to serve as an arcane study of sorts.... Ooh and perhaps an Orrery... AND LIBRARY!"
  2. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    As the scroll lights up, first runes and characters lock into place, next the magical apparition of some wisened man appears… Whilst Wisdom leaps backwards in surprise, the bird's instincts kicking in as it takes flight and aggressively lands onto the ceiling rafters, Ohmen instead leans in. His reaction, his seriousness is in the eyes, Not the body.

    Staying silent, deep breaths saying more than words, Ohmen is quiet, standing back as the group does as the man says. A tingling sensation in the base of his stomach, he looks to Shiro as he places the scroll against the door with an unearthly stare.

    And as the light, or rather darkness flashes into the room the doorway opening to the scene of some moonlit winter.

    The snow is dense, the cold even denser, and far beyond the rolling white hills a city dimly glows. Its light promising warmth and respite to the weary, those left out in the cold, left out in the dark.

    Moving his glare to Shiro’s glowing hand. Ohmen speaks gently, his breaths heavy only partially because of the wave of cold air. “Think of the horrors we could have just unleashed through that one simple action. A possible portal to some damnable realm of ancient evil..”

    Looking at the scroll, then the doorway, Wisdom chimes in.

    “Those forgotten by all men, by even the light, prey on the foolish. Carelessness finds no clemency in this world”

    “And I have learnt that the hard way, We needn’t be so impatient, but I understand Shiro, I understand.”

    Ohmen gestures to the door. “If we are entering, We need equipment, we need gear.” With those words, Ohmen begins pacing before gesturing to the rest of the group “Does anyone have resist elements amongst their magic? No?”

    “Alright. Extra layers, dry firewood and rations, lots of rations. The night air is cold, that full of snow even colder. Prepare for the worst, Hope for the best, or so they say”

    As Ohmen turns to the Raven and nods, the bird takes flight once more perching onto his wrist before peering beyond the door's threshold. ‘Keep moving your wings. Don't let them freeze up, Come back to me and I will warm them.’

    Before the changeling could even hope to finish his sentence, the bird enters, Wisdoms eyes, colder than the snow, brighter than the moon, scan the bleak landscape once more. This time embracing its crisp bitter air, accepting the howling winds chilling caress.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2020
  3. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    wisdom takes off thru the door giving the vale they are in a fly over he sees that the door he passed thru seems to be part of a ruined farm house not much standing beyond the doorway and the chimney.
    the new territory seems to be in a mountain valley a now frozen river running down the middle supports the farm houses sprinkled around. the city about 2 miles distant is quite large truly deserving of the tittle smoke rises from many of the houses and hovels with a large keep keeping watch over all. 2 rodes leave the city passing out of both ends of the valley. last it the tower on the next hill standing quit tall it stands out with no trees near it and on closer inspection no windows or doors.
    all signs point to this being the material plain but beyond that you are unsure it might be another planet or just the other side of this one
  4. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    The party gathers back at the portal. Shiro glances over everyone's bundles to verify that each has food, sufficient clothing and cooking implements (Big Bang's pack makes curious clinking and clanging noises and Shiro decides it's better not to ask). He shifts his own pack which also contains a tent for worst case scenarios.

    Nodding his assent with the others, he turns, waves a farewell to Izema and Drakk and ploughs into the snowy landscape of the new realm.

    He is immediately assaulted by the extreme cold. He conjures a fire ball and uses this to melt his way through the snow and create a path for the others, as well as warm himself. Looking up and seeing the city's twinkling lights ahead, he sets his shoulders and marches towards it.
  5. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    your trip to the city is hard but uneventful on your way there you see most of the farms abandoned whether this is due to the cold or some unknown threat you do not know. when reaching the gate you are halted by the guards. "halt we don't get travelers out hear this time of year the passes are closed who and how are you hear?"
  6. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro steps forwards. "My name is Shiro and we have been summoned here to assist one of your worthy lords in a matter most urgent. I believe that this will answer your question."

    He holds up the back of his hand, where the rune still pulses light even after all of the time that has passed.
  7. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the guard looks startled and quickly retreats ack to the main guard post walking up to what looks like a oficer and starts whispering to him
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    (I can't get to Discord, so rolled a dice on my app)

    12 +4 = 16 total
  9. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    despite the hushed tones you can over hear them talking. "but sur it can't be them we just sent that letter out last week Steffen isn't even back yet and eh was the one delivering it."
    "doesn't matter that's the Barons sign right there. you know what strange things been going on whats to say this isn't one of them. if the baron wants them then that's is what we must do."
    the officer comes back your way. im sorry for the delay sirs if you can follow me i can get you where you are going
  10. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro looks at the man and tells him to lead on while casting detect magic, thrusting his magical senses out in all directions as well as being on high-alert for any traps.
  11. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Whoah whoah whoah I need to read these posts and make my own lol, ill edit this one since its a place holder
  12. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    As they walk throw through the snow covered streets, the lamplight heightening the illusion of a fairy-tale land, Shiro asks the guard:

    "My friend, what town and country is this? On what soil do we step?"
  13. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the guard seems quizzical "this is the last bastion. you are in baron Evermarch's realm."
  14. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the city seems far more lively then the walk hear was the city is bustling with both common people and far more soldiers then you would expect. the guard takes you up to the keep where he has a quik conversation with those at the gate a runner is sent off while you are all taken to what looks like a meeting room.
    the wait is not long as you are soon joined by a tall man. dark hair and short cut beard he sets a imposing figure large and well muscled this is not a noble who has let his position soften him. he gives you a long look sizing you up he gives very little away.
    "so i am told by my staff that you can help me... well we shall see."
  15. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro looks around the castle room slightly disbelieving and turns back to the man, who he takes to be the Duke that the soldiers spoke of.

    Speaking evenly and with a slight smile on his face to rob his words of any sting, he addressed the Duke: “Good sir, we have arrived here to a place and land we do not recognize, we mean no disrespect but we have no information or insight as to who you are, what city we are in or why we have been summoned. Verily, we have no knowledge or wisdom leading us to know how you or your scholars managed to locate us or even know who we are!”

    Shiro splayed his hands before him.

    “We are but soldiers in a never ending battle against the darkness and, having surmised a pure intent behind your words, we came in good faith to your keep. Can you please fill in our gaping holes of knowledge?”
  16. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    the Baron lips twitch maybe a smile? you are not sure. "prudent i see. good i broke no fools, it does not suppress me that Nazaric didn't tell you much he serves out of obligation and his sect has better things to do then aid me.
    to make a very long story short you are in the last bastion in the earldom of Mistvail and I am Lord Evermarch warden and gate keeper to the end of the world and the verdant waists that lie beyond. but that has very little to do with why i asked you to come hear. to be frank the best of my people are currently fighting at the Gate and i am short of capable people. when i consulted my diviners i was told that you and yours would be the best suited for the task at hand. My Barany is under attack by a powerful specter it haunts the Lords manor up in the mountains and makes ever wider forays into the lowlands attacking farmers and the like and accosting all travelers. at a time when some of our more potent Magical safe guards have failed us i can spare no one for this task in fact i myself must return to the gate tomorrow you where lucky to catch me or Nazaric timed it well."
    "the spirit appeared 2 months ago around the time when..." the barons face changes it's as if the mask he has had on up until now has slipped showing a deep sadness beneath but it lasts only a second and again he is the hard man you saw at first. "you will not be alone in this" as he talks he takes a piece of paper out and begins to wright.
    "i have found another person capable of helping a Kobold by the name of Threespears he has been in my lands for some time now and knows his way around he can guide and help you as he may. beyond that this will give you access to all places in my realm my warden and steward are at your disposal to a point if you need access to my libraries or even the mage tower this will get you in." he drips wax on the parchment and stamps it. "although do not bother the Magi without great need our relationship is strained and they have their work to do." he hands you the parchment with only the words "by my leave" on it along with the seal from the scroll. "if you have questions for me i will do my best to accommodate you now other wise my steward will take you to your rooms."
  17. Tk'ya'pyk

    Tk'ya'pyk Well-Known Member

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    *waits for the players to go to their rooms...*
  18. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    "Thank you for the outline of the problems being faced my lord."

    Shiro bows slightly.

    "Firstly, can you tell us who has been in contact with the spirit so that we may glean as much information about it as possible and thus correctly prepare?

    "Secondly, with whom would you like us to settle the question of our recompense for this endeavour?"
  19. Erta Wanderer

    Erta Wanderer Well-Known Member

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    " for the most part the van to side with my servants in the staff of the manor three Spears should have a full list of people of Interest. As for reward its standard you have full Salvage rights and" at this point he looks meaningfully at Omen and shiros tomes of magic " you have complete access to my library."
  20. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    Shiro bows.

    "Thank you, my Lord. On the morrow we shall take up your offer of hospitality in the tower library and will search out this Threespears to begin out preparations."

    Shiro faced the Baron, the look in his eyes both determined and empathetic.

    "If you will be leaving, then I am afraid I must insist on getting all questions resolved tonight. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it is most necessary.

    "What planet are we on? And in what system?

    "Can you briefly describe your realm, the creatures in it and specifically any areas where the spectre has been seen?

    "Was there any event that happened before the first sightng of the spectre? Anything untoward that occurred?

    "Who are those that assault your realm? Is there any way that they could be connected to the spectre?

    "Is there anything else that you can think of that would be relevant? Or that only you would know?"
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2020
    TheCrazyKhorneGuy and Nazqua like this.

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