I'm slowly working on my Warriors of Chaos Slaanesh Daemon Prince. I'm using the old Be'lakor model because I absolutely love that sculpt. As he is a smaller model, I've decided to give him a bit more grandeur by propping him up on a rock outcropping. I've carved two potential rocks out of wood and I'm wondering which you like best. Disregard the colour of the wood as both will be painted to look like a rock; judge it based purely on their shape. In both cases, the remainder of the base will be finished with some sort of blood effect or something else suitably Chaosy. Both pieces feature small holes that will contain skulls in them (though the skulls aren't shown in any of the pictures below). The question is simple, which do you think looks better?: option #1 (the one carved out of the light coloured wood) option #2 (the one carved out of the dark coloured wood) Option #1 Option #2 10 picture max reached. More pictures in the next post...
My vote is for rock 1, that one is less flattened on the top and to me looks a bit more natural than the other one.
Yes for option 1. What decided was that side by side picture. That light one just looks more natural.
I chose option 2. I feel like it is more natural looking as where option 1 leans more towards a caricature version of a rock. Also the Prince is pointing straight forward to the enemy Grrr, !mrahil
Oh boy... we're almost in a complete deadlock. 5-4 Thanks to @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl , @JTSleep , @Imrahil and to everyone who has voted so far. The poll is open for a couple of days more, hopefully we can get a few more votes cast in order to declare a clear and definitive winner!
Well the deadlock that @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER and I had (we had opposite opinions on which one was better) is sort of broken. After opening up a quick 4-0 lead, option #1 barely takes the popular vote by a thin margin of 5-4. I was really hoping for a landslide victory one way or the other, but I'll go with the results of the poll! Option #1 it is! Thanks to everyone who took part!
Sorry, I just dropped a vote and left without preamble. I was in a similar predicament as @Imrahil, but in the other direction. I also thought #2 looked good, maybe a bit more "realistic", and the Demon is pointing more ahead. But I enjoyed the visual asymmetry and the scene balance (demon and position of the woman) in #1. Plus, the rock had a bit more visual interest with the cuts and gouges.
Thank you for the vote and for the rationale. Much appreciated! I've already started working on it! (although I'm trying not to let it derail the painting project that I currently have in progress).