Scratch sculpted terradons 2.0

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by wappellious, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    Some of you might remember all the terradons that I had painted for the old army. Some of you might also remember that I was sculpting many more of them from scratch!

    I had abandoned that project long ago, but now it is coming back! Between all the new terrain I am making for the Lizards (and a bunch of extra terradon bits that are about to be freed up making rippers), I thought it woukd be a great time to give it a try again. ;)

    Here are a few images, the first of which shows a finished sculpt next to a batch of mostly finished terries:

    There is not too much to do on three of the sculpts... just some talons, teeth, and other work on the face, along with some scales and spines:

    There are three more in a lesser state of completion, which are perfect for left over terradon bits:

    I figured I would do the flaming bolas on this group of half sculpt, half bitz terradons:

    And the post with more info:

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