Hi, I want some opinions about an army using new point system. I'm going for a defensive army as follow: Heroes: Lord Kroak (540) Saurus Astrolith Bearer (160) Saurus Eternity Warden (140) Total: 840 Units: Temple Guards x5 (100) Temple Guards x5 (100) Temple Guards x5 (100) Kroxigor x3 (180) (later can add +1 EoG and get Thunderquake Starhost for 2500pt matches, and have 140 saved for summon or extra troops) Total: 480 Monsters: Bastiladon x2 (600) Total: 600 Formation: Eternal Starhost (80) Total: 80 TOTAL: 2000 Any tips, coments? Maybe leave Kroxigors and add +5 T.Guards? With new rules, summoned units will be counted with the 2000cap right?
In my opinion this is a really good build. But. It could be quite hard to face 2000pts army of stormcasts with a deep strike. On the other hand- this formation is a Nagash's Nightmare. High ranged damage, great defense, one of the best casters. Very solid. I'm not sure about kroxi. Imho it would be a good idea to add 5 TG to one of the units.
Using +5 TG instead Krox, it will be 1920 points, In this case i can add +10 Skinks for 80pt. and use their ranged attacks or +9TG (if they cost 20pt per model), so 7TG+7TG+10TG.
It doesn't work like this. You pay full price for the unit. 100pts for 5 guards, but it's still 100pts if you want to use just 3 guards. So, yeah, skinks. edit: btw. check this: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/aos-google-calculator-points.18073/
Oh, nice to know that. About the Point Calc. I am already using: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R07Y5sRADv9LjzTGa26CsRB0KaNfSP_Jy45cgXlSSkg/edit?usp=sharing I'll go for the skinks . Thanks
About Kroxi choice, they could be good to face strong units like stormcasts and ogres, and soften them
Before judging, we should learn how many things can field the other armies, but it sounds really solid. I agree that you shouldn't field the kroxies. possible alternatives: - keep points in reserve: if they kill the warden, you can summon another one - squeeze 120 points for 5 chama skinks Doubt: I suppose you're counting saurus guards as "battleline" I know they count as Battleline only if your army has "Seraphon Allegiance". Do you know what they exactly mean with "Allegiance" ? because it's not the warscroll battalion...
I believe that seraphon allegiance is strictly seraphon. If you do a mixed order army you would not get the Seraphon allegiance.
OK, after some research, i can tell that: You decide with "Allegiance" your army has. If you choose "Allegiance Seraphon", all your models must have the keyword "Seraphon", and (at that point) saurus guards are a battleline unit. if you choose "Allegiance Order", all your models must have the keyword "Order": this means that you can have a mixed army (Seraphon / Stormcast / Duardin), OR even a Seraphon only army. A Seraphon only army that has "Allegiance Order", doesn't have the guards as battleline, BUT will have the goodies of the Allegiance order (aka the Battletraits, the Command Traits and the Artefacts). "Allegiance Seraphon" won't let you play with the new Order toys.
Honestly I don't know much about battlelines and about what they can do. but I saw about hoy much of them I must have: 2000pts 1-6 Leaders 3+ Battleline 0-4 Artillery 0-4 Behemoths any other units Using Allegiance Order, I can't count my TG as battlelines right? In this case if I choose for Order, I'll have 0 battlelines, but I need 3+ in a 2000 match. Battletraits, Command Traits and Artefacts are limited to Order-Death-Chaos-Destruction only or Seraphon,Stormcast,Khorne, ... have it too? Thanks You all
At this moment we only know about Order-Chaos-Death-Destruction traits/artefacts, but there will be separate traits/artefacts for Stormcast/Seraphon/etc Allegiance for sure.
Exactly: you can field your list as "Seraphon Allegiance" (Guards count as battleline - aka "core troops"), but if you field it as "Order Allegiance", guards are no more battleline, and you'd need 3 battleline units of Skinks or Saurus warriors. Battletraits, Command Traits and Artefacts are made for the Order-Death-Chaos-Destruction factions. Seraphon and Stormcast are also armies of Order, Khorne is Chaos, Tomb Kings is Death, Orcs and Goblins is Destruction, and so on. It all boils down to: what is the prevalent "personality" of my army? Seraphon or Order? Khorne or Chaos? the Race or the Faction? If you choose the Race, you will have the advantage of strong elite units that can be used as "battleline". If you choose the Faction, you will have the advantage of free battletraits and artefacts. At least, this is how I'm understanding the thing. That's certainly possible!
Oh, thats nice, coz I want to use Seraphon Only army. About army, I just ordered 1 bastiladon, astolith bearer and eternity warden.. so I have all army but execpt for that 180pt for kroxigors.. Hope I can decide soon
You're welcome. When you want to play formations that don't include "basic" battleline units as skinks or saurus warriors, and you're short on points, then "Seraphon Allegiance" is probably the best way to go, to avoid that kind of tax.
Very similar army to the one I normally play although I go with Chameleon Skinks > Kroxigor for their ability to steal objectives. Unfortunately though Lord Kroak has been nerfed by the Rule of 1.