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Blog Suds 2021 Catch Up Blog!

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Sudsinabucket, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Agree about the blue.
    Maybe it would look better if it was darker, only with bright highlights on the edges or something.

    Like a Necron weapon but dark blue instead of dark green? And then the flames coming from there.
    ...not sure.
    Sudsinabucket likes this.
  2. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, slowly changing it to more of a jade, or what will hopefully look close to jade. Likely going to also change the shaft of the weapon to birch wood, I think. Still undecided on the flames, I'll likely do them last 20211111_101301.jpg
  3. Explodingzeb

    Explodingzeb Well-Known Member

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    Maybe make the blade of the weapon itself look more mundane and do the flames as blue magical flames?
    Noxolotl and Imrahil like this.
  4. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That is an awsome shde of blue, what have you used so far?

    I agree with this.

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Noxolotl and Sudsinabucket like this.
  5. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks :) definitely getting there

    Corax White > Aethermatic Blue > Dark Reaper + Thunderhawk blue (very watered down) > Coelia Greenshade

    These are the colors so far, with some greens maybe to be added
  6. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    WIP on Ti'lanka's Axe!

    So this is what I have so far, blade isnt done but I wanted to get the flames to a better spot.

    I don't have a name for the alloy yet, but the idea is that the metal is cold; as in freeze a person in place instantly cold, and then think of something even colder.

    With the blade being so cold it even freezes, or slow downs magic from a magic user to the point that the blade begins to absorb the magic (unsure how yet), or if coming at Ti'lanka he can cut through a spell and breaking it in its track and absorbing its energy.

    The blade begins to flame as it fills up on magic and has to expunge some, this creates a Magic Burn. When a Magic Burn begins the blade is so enfused with magic that the blade can unleash a powerful outward burst, harming enemies around but also rendering lesser magic users worthless for a time (think EMP, but for magic).

    While some magic burns away, some seeps into Ti'lanka, giving him magical abilities; even if unreliable in strength at times, still a weapon in his arsenal for a short time.

    This weapon was an issue for Haset during their ancient fued.

    This is my headcanon so far. IMG_20211113_101144_447.jpg IMG_20211113_101144_419.jpg
  7. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Alloy that makes the Axe: Epirváum Ore, when refined Epirváum Steel; although not a type of steel as the name suggests.
    Imrahil and Noxolotl like this.
  8. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    As I begin working on Hathorian stuff I also begin rounding back to some old Lumineth stuff, namely my Hippogryph :). Began this during Animosity III but was sadly not able to finish it due to getting distracted, which then turned into procrastination. Slowly but surely we are getting there.

    Not a lot added, but I did begin to add a little more red to some of the feathers and to the hair sections on the Kragnos horse half. The plan is to focus on the head and then move on from there, I feel the wings are at a good spot that I can call them done for now.

    Gems and such on the shields is another priority, but that'll come after the body is close to finished. 20211113_185600.jpg 20211113_192601.jpg
  9. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Been working on more Hathorians the past day or so, tomorrow is supposed to be on of the last warm days (in the 60sF) and hoping to prime a few things; including a Howdah.

    This Hathorian just needs some fur done on the wrists/upper hands and should be done. His mace has been an issue for me for awhile, was always unsure how to do the top: Do I fill it in? Leave it open? Or put something on top? So I decided to add another blade that can be used as a pike or just added slicing power. May be over the top, but meh, I like it - plus its a world of war... can never have too many weapons.
    20211116_170920.jpg 20211116_170931.jpg

    And then just a fun black and white of some Hathorians & Lumineth

  10. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Those flames look very cool :cool:
    I also like his ears a lot, lovely woolly mammoth friend

    MORE FUR, MOAR!!! :p
    great looking Hathorians! Do these have a tail as well?

    Yeah what a mighty hippogryph :wideyed: I like the colorscheme.
    I like to see what you will do with the face as it is a very expresive feature of this creature.

    Keep up the great (and a lot of) work

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Noxolotl likes this.
  11. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I absolutely love how he came out, the fur looks so good with the paint on (though not done). The Ears... so glad I tried 4 times lol they look super good now. The flames are definitely coming together, should look cool once done!

    Haha, so much fur... and even more coming! I am adding a new unit to the Hathorian Roster, Hathorian Beserkers. This new unit is essentially Hathorians who are devoted to the craft of war & battle, losing themselves in the carnage while not hiding behind a mask in shame when they do so (lose themselves).

    And yes, they have tails ;) though, I'm beginning to run out of tail bits... lol

    Thanks man, definitely trying, lots of stuff i wanna attempt to get done by January 1st.

    Yeah, the face has me soeta stumped atm, definitely the most difficult part, but it'll get there. Maybe I should do the eyes first and go from there....
  12. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Current Progress on Ti'lanka's shield :)

    I am at stage 6 so far, and still going. I am not sure how much I want to push it, but I am definitely trying to challenge myself a bit. Going for almost a painting on a shield look, with the design abstractly being Ti'lanka himself (yes, I know it's actually Kragnos), for Homebrew reasons.

    Steps so far, after being primed Chaos Black:

    1. Watered down Celestra Grey and White Scar. Applied separately on the shield, and while still wet swirling them together, allowing pooling to happen.

    2. Aethermatic Blue Contrast

    3. Watered down Dark Reaper & Thunderhawk Blue, in the same way that Celestra Grey and White Scar were applied. Once dried another light wash of Aethermatic Blue

    4. Adding Watered down Silver and Gold to the outside, Silver on the inside and Gold on the outside. On the inner section I did a very light coast of SpaceWolves Contrast over the flat surfaces. I also added pure waterd down white scar to the tops of the Mountain Peaks, highlighting the Edges with Celestra Grey. Added greys to give depth to the rest of the mountains.

    5. Coelia Greenshade to all flat surfaces

    6. Begin Highlighting Ti'lanka's (Kragnos) depiction in Wild Rider Red, Tusks (Horns) in Rakarth Fleshshade, while also building the mountain color up with a small wash of Space Wolves Grey.

    In all of these steps it is important to not get into the cracks or to cover up the bright blue sections you see left over from the Aethermatic Blue. These parts give a good pop, and will want them in the end.

    Few more steps, mainly adding more Coelia Greenshade and such, and I'm looking forward to sharing that soon :)

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    I also may begin working on this Lady soon again...

    She keeps staring at me, its getting uncomfortable haha 20211121_235342.jpg
    EFHILT 167, Aginor, Warden and 4 others like this.
  13. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    That one looks awesome, dude!
    The color matches that of the Pendulum very good. I love the accentuated shapes on the shield, subtle but strong.

    Looking great:artist:

    Grrr, Imrahil
    Sudsinabucket and Noxolotl like this.
  14. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Thanks man, the colors of the two are now exactly the same, shield might be slightly darker with the lighter colors at play though!

    And thank you, exactly what I'm going for, like a cave painting
    Imrahil likes this.
  15. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Sneak peak at this ;)

    Working on Tyreniah's cape with a littlr freehand Bull symbol and the colors matching the side armor of her bull, as shown in the third picture 20211122_184920.jpg 20211122_214029.jpg
    Aginor, Warden, Explodingzeb and 3 others like this.
  16. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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  17. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    These are the Hathorian Warscrolls ill be using along with a small force of Lumineth for a Narrative Path of Glory I'll be joining, pretty excited to see how they do and adjust as necessary! The Mountain Guardians and Warchief have been playtested once so far, both preformed real well and pretty balanced. HathorianBerserkersFinished.jpg HathorianWarchiefFinished.jpg MountainGuardiansFinished.jpg Screenshot_20211125-103007_Discord.jpg
  18. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    The freehand was fun to do, but I want to try and improve on it! We'll see, haven't painted much the past few days in preparation for Thanksgiving lol
  19. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    When I first began my Lumineth Realm Lords I chose a theme of Rebirth/Rejuvenation & Destruction/Revenge. This first began to materialize with my Spirit of the Mountain & Avalenor, my Avalenor being a Volcanic spirit and my Spirit of the Mountain being a dormant Volcano that has new trees and such growing from it.

    I am finally growing that out to my Vanari Wardens. I am making good progress on the Rebirth theme which takes a bit from my Alarith scheme and from the original Warden scheme, and I'm loving the colors together. Keeping the cloth and some other spots black to make the greens, yellows and white pop all the more.

    I also, as you can probably tell, gave this High Warden a weapon swap with an extra Pike I had. This way when I have a block of 20 it will blend in better with the other wardens and differentiate from the other High Warden.

    Partly why I am doing Wardens now is due to the Path of Glory I'll be doing, bringing 20 wardens, so I am trying to paint up the army I'm using. Also means I'll be painting another Cathallar! But in the Destruction theme this time ;)

    Here is my list:

    Army Name: Will of the Matriarchs
    Faction: Lumineth Realm Lords
    Subfaction: Ilithia
    Grand Strat: Hold the Line!
    Triumph: Bloodthirsty

    Hathorian: 920 pts

    • Warchief (1) - 150pts
    • Mountain Guardians (3) - 170pts
    • Hathorian Beserkers (3) - 180pts
    • Living Mountain Shrine (1) - 420 pts

    Lumineth: 560 pts

    • Scinarai Cathallar (General - Loremaster Command Trait, Spells: Protection of Hysh & Solar Flare, Artefact: Simucara Amulet) 145pts
    • Vanari Auralan Wardens x20 290pts (1 reinforcement, Spell: Lambent Light)
    • Vanari Ballistas x1 125pts
    • Shrine Luminor - 0 pts

    Total: 1,480 pts
    IMG_20211203_094902_090.jpg IMG_20211203_094902_071.jpg
    Noxolotl, Imrahil, Warden and 3 others like this.
  20. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    A look at the shield currently 20211203_122350.jpg
    Noxolotl, Imrahil, Warden and 3 others like this.

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