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AoS Tactics for other Armies

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Killer Angel, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I'm not far from Manchester about 40mins but like I said I'm a complete novice but yeah maybe we should meet up sometime.
  2. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    not UK based, but if you tag along with some Empire forum members to our annual meet in belgium then we can play! As I'm usually there.
    I'm based in the Netherlands. And 200 models orso is doable with my Empire
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  3. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, could be fun. You'd grossly outnumber me but defending terrain would even the odds, a Helm's Deep scenario.
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  4. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    mmm... given that we know jungle and that now also forests have been covered, to complete that kind of particular terrain, maybe I should do some woods (elves). ;)
  5. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    I was more thinking about Khorne Bloodbound as it's one of the current going armies. Fyreslayers might be a bit to soon to already explore?
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  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I agree. Fyreslayers can wait, khorne would be better.
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  7. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Well I'm currently building a Fyreslayer army in my free time so they can wait until I've finished mine. Night Goblins next, then Bloodbound.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  8. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Damn you were is my Gobbo army!

    Nearly sold all my Bloodbound and I have £200 in paypal burning a hole and the Fyreslayer look mighty fine :D
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Get in line you 2 :mad:

    Night gobbos first :D
  10. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    But it would inspire you to start an army?
  11. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    The starter box already made me start the army! I can't seperate from models... I still have the 5th ed starterbox bretonnians.. Knights sitting idle and the archers incorporated in my Empire..
  12. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Which army Bloodbound?
  13. StealthKnightSteg

    StealthKnightSteg Well-Known Member

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    Though it will probably stay at my lowest priority of the 4 I own now (not counting the few bretonnians)
  14. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Shame as I have Skarbrand, 10 Bloodwarriors and 10 Wrathmongers still to sell :D
  15. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    To add a bit more to the Gobbo's I've stuck to my guns and I'm not doing Forest goblins but it's my birthday in 2 weeks and I am getting the Greenskin starter army, a box of black orcs (will have 20) and 3 river trolls so If you could include some Orc units that would be great.
  16. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    I've been power-painting some choice models for a big thing coming up on Sunday, hence my slow pace here. I'll be up to proper form at the week's end, so that's when the Night Gobbo army will get posted.
  17. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Only joking but cheers :)
  18. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    as promised...


    Brief premise

    My experience with WE is basically limited to 8th ed.

    In AoS I’ve seen them in action only once (as watcher), against demons of Khorne, so they’re not exactly an army I know well. But I know what I want from an army, so let’s take a look, and keep in mind that the following list is meant only to be a sufficiently solid starting point, that can be developed.

    Army’s Overall impression

    I feel they can do many things, but master none.

    Elven shooting has always been good, and wood elves can field an impressive amount of shooting… but they are not so exceptional. The great majority of units have +4 to hit and +4 to wound. Not impressive, and not game changing.

    Close Combat: some units are though (tip: Durthu in a forest is deadly), and some builds can be efficient, but there are many armies that are stronger than you.

    Elven magic can give some nice buffs, but nothing really huge. Magic alone, won’t take you to victory.

    Sinergies… you’ve got plenty of them, but not all of your units mix well together. A notable example is the Sylvaneth wyldwood, that can mess a lot with enemy’s plans, BUT a good half of your army is not immune to its effects.

    In the end, it’s an army that requires some thinking.

    Army List & strategy

    You can have many possibilities with wood elves, and you can have totally different lists. To sum it up, the two great groups are: elves, and wood creatures. This is sufficiently clear even with a look at their only two formations.

    With guardian of the deepwoods, you can field a CC army, sufficiently strong and though, that can heal itself and can teleport within Sylvaneth wyldwood. Support them with Durthu, spam wyldwoods all across the battlefield and suffocate the enemy in branches. It should do well.

    I think Guardians can be very effective, but the other formation, wanderer host, is too good to not think to a list. “Instead of setting up the units in a Wanderer Host on the battlefield, you can place them to one side”.

    You don’t need to put a single unit of this formation on the battlefield, and you can place them all aside at once, thus ending before our opponent.

    Not only the enemy will have no points of reference to deploy its units, but you’ll have the first turn. So, here we go ( 125 wounds format )

    Wanderer Host (total 115 wounds):

    1 Glade Lord (the basic one on foot)

    1 Spellweaver (one automatic dispel and can restore to life dead wanderers)

    2 units of Gladeguards (24 each. I’m using 24 because it’s easier to predict the expected damage)

    1 units of Gladeriders (10)

    1 units of Eternal guards (20)

    1 units of Waywatchers (17)

    + 5 Sisters of the thorns (for a grand total of 125 wounds)

    How do you use this army?

    Obviously, your archers will appear exactly where do you want, keeping in mind that you must eliminate the targets that can be a long-range real threat (shooting, magic, summoning).

    Range should help you in this: gladeguards, gladeriders and waywatchers all have 20”, which is perfect to pincushion casters without risking a retaliation in the enemy’s hero phase, so are units of shooters with less range then yours, that need to stand still to have bonuses (Irondrakes and similar). 20” is also nice to avoid charges from other fast units. Don’t put your archers in dangerous positions: your army needs careful deployment.

    24 gladeguards will hit at +3 (being more than 20) and wound at 4+.

    This means the enemy will have to save 8 wounds for each unit. Nice, but not impressive.

    However, once per game, you can use arcan bodkins, for a rend -3. This means a sure kill against people you want to see dead (an Ogre’s butcher got 7 wounds and save at 5, for example)

    To use it with the Glade Lord ability to reroll 1s, it would be better, but you have 2 units of gladeguards.

    Gladeriders have range 20”, hit at 4+ and wound at 4+. 10 of them, without support, are pityful (we’re talking about 2-3 wounds to save for each volley), however, they have move 14 and can run and shoot. You shoud count on them all day long.

    Waywatchers shoot at 20”, at +3 / +4 and can use precise shot to double the damage. This means 6 saves, each one against 2 wounds. Plus, waywatchers gain bonuses in defence if in cover (it shouldn’t be a problem).

    The glade lord, on foot, will use his command ability in the next hero hase, but for now he’s got the bow… and a not little one. 3 shots at 20” at +3/+4 with rend -1 aren’t bad, but what’s better is the abillity of Hail of Doom: it’s once per game, but it’s 3d6 shots. We’re talking about 10-11 shots, which means 3-4 saves for your target.

    In the initial turn, you should be able to kill 2-3 targets (characters / warmachines or similar), thus making the enemy much easier to deal with.
    For example: It shouldn’t be a problem to kill even things as Slann + Eternity Warden. Or, if you're facing the list of goblin forest it was posted, you will kill one Arachnarok and the Goblin boss, which will reduce greatly the threat.

    In the next turns, your units have a nice move (6 is the slowest), and some things are faster than you, but you start at an optimal distance. You’ll shoot again with the support of Glade Lord’s command ability and the Spellweaver.

    However, sooner or later you must face CC, the work for your Eternal guards.

    I would lure the enemy into fighting in the place i want, probably fielding the Eternal Guards as frontline, to protect a juicy target (a block of gladeguards, with Lord and Spellweaver).

    At a first glance, they’re not so impressive (1 attack, +4/+4, no rend, save at 5).

    But with the right support, they can reserve some surprise. Here’s how I would use them:

    put them in cover (better if it’s a forest, just because). Now they’ll have a +1 to saves.

    Cast mystic shield: now it’s +2.

    With the ability “fortress of bought” they gain +1 to hit, wounds and save.

    Now, they hit at +3/+3 and have a save of +3. And they can reroll failed saves on 1 and 2, tnx to their ability “glade shields”.

    This means that you save at 2+, rerolling 1, and even facing an enemy with rend -1, you will save at 3, rerolling 1 and 2. Not bad, I’d say.

    But it can be even better. Much better.

    Sister of the Thorns is the only unit not included in the formation. You can easily put those 10 wounds into more Guards, or give a mount to your Lord.

    But the Sisters are wizards, so they can give the support of mystic shield / arcane bolt… and, most of all, they know also “shield of Thorns”.

    The spell let you reroll failed save (we don’t need it on Eternal Guards), but there’s also another effect, much more interesting: “each time you make a successful save roll of a 6 or more for that unit in the combat phase, the attacking unit suffers a mortal wound

    Tnx to buffs, our Eternal Guards have a +3 on saves. Each time you roll a save of 3, it means a mortal wound for your enemy… and you can reroll 1s and 2s. Come and take me, if you dare.

    Mortal wounds can deplete your unit, but the Spellweaver’s Blessing of Life, will restore d3 slain models.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  19. Bainbow

    Bainbow Well-Known Member

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    Can't let Angel show me up. Let's get those Night Goblins done as promised. 125 Wounds as normal.

    Gonna be frank, there's no reason not to take the Great Moonclan battalion. Literally everything required for is should be mandatory anyway. So let's take a look at our list. I hope you like fanatics.

    Skarsnik [warboss] (6)
    Night Goblin Shaman (10)
    Mangler Squig (20)
    50 Night Goblins [3 units] (70)
    55 Night Goblin Fanatics [3 units] (125)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the ultimate Glass Cannon in Age of Sigmar. No save of any kind and just one wound each, but the Fanatics can make D6 attacks each, those attacks Hit on 4 and Wound on 3, have a massive Rend -2, and do D3 Damage each. I rolled a test roll for 16 of them and they caused about 70+ wounds. 16 of them caused 70+ wounds! Imagine what 50 can do.
    Hide your Fanatics in each of your Night Goblin units to ensure that they can pop out anywhere at any time, making sure your enemy can't charge you safely at all without risking a horde of angry Fanatics jumping out at them to ruin their day. However, save your Fanatics for serious threats. If you're being charged by a small unit of peasants, don't waste your Fanatics on them. Take the charge, take the minor casualties, then retreat in your next phase. To this end, having several gobbos armed with Nets on your front row can be useful as the -1 To Hit they provide enemies with can really impact those weak units not worth unleashing the Fanatics on. In fact, try to never release the Fanatics in an enemy turn, the enemy will get the first hit and if the unit in question is worth sending Fanatics at then the Fanatics will take some major losses. Only send out the Fanatics in the enemy turn if you don't think the Night Goblin unit hiding them will survive a single round of combat. However, if you're within charging range in your turn, unleash away against worthy enemy units. Worth noting, do not have more than one unit of Fanatics in melee at the same time, they're such Glass Cannons that whichever one doesn't attack first is likely to get destroyed.
    The regular Night Goblins should be armed with bows. Weak as they are, they'll do a small amount of damage with some luck from a range, encouraging your enemy to move into Fanatic range. In addition, it gives your Fanatics some cover fire, a slight difference but more than what the pokin' spears will do at a range. Besides, keeping them at a range nets you a +2 Bravery with a Goblin Flag and a +1 Save vs Shooting attacks with the Bad Moon Icon, both useful for low Bravery and low Save gobbos. Remember you can take both in every unit, and a Mystic Shield can add a further +1 Save to make your Gobbos pretty tough in the shooting phase.
    Keep Skarsnik close by, as his entertainingly named Sneaky Schemes, Tricksy Traps ability will allow you to deal Mortal Wounds on a 4+ whenever your Night Goblin archers retreat, as they would when attacked by a weak unit or even a unit in general as the Mortal Wounds are probably more reliable than the bows. Alternatively when the enemy's weak units attack your Gobbos, you can have Mr Eight-Peaks himself step in to sort it all out. Between his shooting attack, melee attack, and Gobbla's potentially intense damage on a Wound roll of 6, Skarsnik can be pretty brutal. But do throw a Mystic Shield on him just in case, and keep those Netters nearby so he can benefit from the -1 To Hit against enemies too. Weak enemies should go down fast, especially as they often come with low Bravery. In addition, should you have a unit of Fanatics on the board in your Hero Phase, his Command Ability is just... just devastating on them. And either way, it doubles as a handy-dandy Inspiring Presence. Score.
    Alternatively: Mangler Squig. Really this big boy should be your trump card, if anyone gets past your Fanatics then this guy should sort them out. He's like the Fanatics themselves, a Glass Cannon by monster standards but he hits insanely hard. That's... really all there is to it. Just send him where you need reinforcements and boom, carnage.
    The Shaman's Curse of Da Bad Moon is alright against enemies in tight formation, good even, but I think basic Mystic Shields would be best for him to cast. Remember his Mushroom, it's brilliant.

    And there you have it, a Night Gobbo army. It's heavily reliant on predicting the enemy and leading them so you can make use of your Fanatics at exactly the right times, making them quite an advanced army as reading your opponent and predicting a couple of turns ahead is key, but they can be extremely rewarding if you can manage that.

    Strong Against: Everyone. Literally everyone. The only thing balancing them is the difficulty of use, but used properly they can dominate any enemy.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  20. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Sounds good, I tried mine yesterday against my Seraphon we played 85ish wounds, Gobbos won but we didn't take any monsters or magic just infantry.

    I had 30 archers to gain the +2 to wound and sat them behind 30 with stabbas and shields, 8 fanatics, 5 Squig hoppers and Boss on cave squig, Archie had 25 Guard, Eternity warden, 30 warriors, Sunblood and 8 cavalry.

    I just hit and run with the Archers while sending the 8 fanatics into the warriors with the Squigs, I got lucky with the rolls for turns, finished up I had 30 Archers left.

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