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Tongue Tied

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by jamierk, Mar 25, 2019.

  1. jamierk

    jamierk Member

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    Sorry about the thread title but it was the best i could come up with.

    I was hoping for some pointers/tutorials or even better a 'so simple i can't muck it up and won't require more than 3-4 coats' type of guide for painting mouths teeth and tongue for our lizard friends. Tried a few things and i swear i can't find something that looks decently realistic for saurus level, skink level and dino level mouths. Do you just go all black first, then some sort of orange/pink on the gums/tongue and bone coloured teeth then wash with agrax?


    Warden, Crowsfoot and LizardWizard like this.
  2. LizardWizard

    LizardWizard Grand Skink Handler Staff Member

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    Yep, paint it all black then hit only the high points with color.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  3. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    The recipe that works decently for me is this one:
    - paint the teeth white or bone
    - shade dark
    - if necessary give them a highlight using white or bone unshaded.

    If I want to get fancy I paint the gums first, using purple shade (on blue Saurus at least, but it also worked for my Bastiladon which is sand colored)
    tom ndege, LizardWizard and Crowsfoot like this.
  4. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Infantry and small models

    Khorne red with a spot of black paint everything, teeth the lot, shade with Druchi violet or Carroburg crimson.

    Repaint the teeth Zandri dust but leave a gum line, then Ushabti bone leave about 1/2mm of Zandri dust showing at the base of the tooth, spot of Screaming skull on tips.

    Open mouths, more detail

    Khorne red with a spot of black paint everything, teeth the lot, shade with Druchi violet or Carroburg crimson.

    Paint the tongue Khorne red then Squig orange apply towards the end and edges then finish with a fine highlight of Kislev flesh.

    Repaint the teeth Zandri dust but leave a gum line, then Ushabti bone leave abount 1/2mm of Zandri dust showing at the base base of the tooth, spot of screaming skull on tips. Go back to the base of the tooth and with a 50/50 mix of Rhinox hide and medium line the base of the tooth (works best on large teeth)
    tom ndege and LizardWizard like this.

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