So I cant really find anything about if a unit can be affected twice by basically the same Endless spell, and my experience in general is that abilities/rules stack, unless specifically stated otherwise. Basically, imagine bound Geminids on the table. We win priority roll and take the turn. We move them prior to a new battle round and affect unit X with -1 to hit. In our hero phase we dispell the Geminids, then cast it again and move the Light over unit X again, resulting in -1 to hit again. Is there anything that prevents this from stacking, so that unit X suffers both 2D3 MWs and -2 to hit?
this is the only Errata for Geminids: Geminids of Uhl-Gysh card, Tendrils of Shadow and Light Change the rules text to: ‘After the Shadow Geminid model has moved, each unit that has any models it passed across suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, subtract 1 (to a minimum of 1) from the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons used by each unit that has any models it passed across until the end of the battle round. A unit is not affected by the Shadow Geminid model if it has been passed across by the Light Geminid model earlier in the same battle round. After the Light Geminid model has moved, each unit that has any models it passed across suffers D3 mortal wounds. In addition, subtract 1 from hit rolls for each unit that has any models it passed across until the end of the battle round. A unit is not affected by the Light Geminid model if it has been passed across by the Shadow Geminind model earlier in the same battle round (a unit can be affected by one or other of the models each battle round, but not both).’ So it should stack.
I've read that errata a few times now, and I am confused. My initial reading of the spell was that if a unit got hit by both light and shadow then the unit doesn't receive any of the negatives. That errata reads like in that scenario the unit would receive the penalties of the one that hit it first. Which is the correct reading? Thanks.
The two effects can not stack together. However, the same effect could stack twice. So you couldn't make a unit suffer the -1 attack characteristic and -1 to hit. You could make each one -2 to attach characteristic and -2 to hit though. If you did are @Grotpunter has suggested where you move the models in the pre round phase and then dispel and resummon them provided that you don't cancel out the shadow and light geminids.
Ok, that part makes sense now, thanks. The part I'm still confused by isn't related to recasting. If I hit a unit with the light one that is -1 to hit. If I then hit it with shadow I know the unit doesn't get -1 attack but does the -1 to hit still apply?
If you hit a unit with both you would only apply the effects of which ever model passed across the unit first, this includes the d3 MWs.