Blog Warden's Other Paint Log

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by Warden, Aug 17, 2016.

  1. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Ah! I checked the picture and wondered whole way to work how did I miss robo dinosaurs in 40k. Then I checked further posts. :)

    Edit: also really nice paintjob so far. It will be pain to do something interesting with those skulls, right now it looks like bland model.
    Warden and Imrahil like this.
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Jumping ship from my dino raptors I decided to paint a few more Deathwatch instead. I finished these five eliminators on the last day of May.

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    Lore wise, I decided to make this cobbled together squad Greyshields seconded to the Deathwatch direct from the Indomitus Crusade. Hence the use of grey chevrons for heraldry for these five.
    In the words of the Ultimaris Decree:

    “Once Guilliman learned of the Deathwatch, he decreed that every chapter of the Ultima Founding tithe a portion of their troops to the Deathwatch. In addition, he personally seconded several chapter’s worth of the newly-minted Primaris marines directly over to the Deathwatch, to serve amidst their ranks permanently.”

    Thanks to their service in the Indomitus Crusade, the former greyshields already had decades of experience working alongside their battle brothers of different gene-seed lineages.

    These marines retained the grey chevrons of the Unnumbered Sons on their armor plate, to mark them apart from those battle brothers who still retained the loyalty and heritage of their parent chapters.

    I also decided to give them all names that meant "gray" in different languages.

    Sergeant Abohan: name means "gray" in Cebuano, a language of the Phillipines.

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    I am happy with how the squad leader turned out, so here is a bonus pic.

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    Brother Kelabu; whose name means gray in Malay.

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    Brother Szary, whose name means gray in Polish:

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    Sister Dhusara, whose name means gray in Bengali:

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    And lastly Brother Nkri, whose name means gray in Greek. He also is the cyborg in the group, probably with gene-seed origin in the Iron Hands legion.

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    He also has a heretical xenos-gun.

    A few group shots, first of the three las-carbines:

    warden20230531_greyshield eliminators 17.jpg

    This was a good use of the rest of the guns from the Eliminators kit.

    The Sergeant used the instigator bold carbine, while Brother Nkri got his xenos-tech weapon:

    warden20230531_greyshield eliminators 18.jpg

    I am slowly getting better at the darker skin tones. I need more practice though, fortunately deathwatch is giving me plenty of opportunity.

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    Oh_Man, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I finished five incursors for my third Spectrus Kill Team:

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    These five marines are all members of the Astartes Praeses, around 20 chapters tasked to guard the Eye of Terror. From left to right: Black Consuls, Marines Exemplar, Brothers Penitent, Night Watch, and Sons of Malice.

    Sergeant Davok of the Black Consuls:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 15 black consul.jpg

    I converted her head with bits from Statueque Miniatures and a ripped-up Incursor head.

    Black Consul heraldry:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 16 black consul- heraldry.jpg

    Brother Gordwin of the Marines Exemplar:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 06 marines exemplar- knife.jpg

    Marines Exemplar heraldry:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 08 marines exemplar- heraldry.jpg
    This is one of the two marines who have magnetized options for a haywire mine:

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    Brother Crastus of the Brother's Penitent:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 12 brother's penitent.jpg

    This chapter heraldry is inspired by Brushcommando from Dakka Dakka who came up with a neat backstory for this blank-slate chapter. They are disgraced successors of the Ultramarines, hence their inverted chapter symbol:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 13 brother's penitent- heraldry.jpg
    Imrahil, JTSleep and Explodingzeb like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Last two marines, starting with Brother Norrad of the Night Watch.

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    While this chapter name predates Game of Thrones, I like to think this chapter bears similarities with the similarly named Nights Watch.
    I like the idea of their lore being based on the members of the Nights Watch from the books: stalwartly defending their icy fortress world alongside the chaotic wilderness of the Eye of Terror and the cold-depths of space. I think another interesting slant could be that their fortress-worlds are themselves nearly entirely deserted save for chapter serfs and menials, and they recruit from a host of far-off worlds that see the tax of recruits for the chapter as either a burden and/or a means to get rid of the scum and criminals of their worlds, with the pretenses and vague vestiges of this being an honorable duty or vocation having abandoned long ago for stark realism and the existential dread of guarding against an ultimately-impossible-to-defend-against foe. I could see plenty of avenues for corruption to be occuring too, or perhaps the marines of the chapter are taking a Lord Huron route to bolstering their defenses at the expense of Imperial Law, in which their excessive liberties in bending the Codex Astartes has only just recently drew the gaze of the Inquisition

    Night Watch Chapter heraldry:

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    Brother Lector of the Sons of Malice:

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    This marine is from a chapter that has turned traitor and fled into the Eye of Terror in the current lore. My 3-year-old has named him the "Bad Marine" on account of his good looks :D.

    Chapter heraldry:

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    All five new incursors along with my previously painted incursor from the Knights Unyielding:

    warden20230604_incursor squad 01.jpg
    Blastoize, Imrahil, JTSleep and 2 others like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Four more marines are complete!

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    These are my last four Phobos Infiltrators, so effectively I now have 3 complete Spectrus Kill Teams for Deathwatch. Just in time for 10th Ed to come around and likely make all the old Deathwatch kill team structures obsolete! :confused:

    Squad leader is Sergeant Fabian of the Subjugators:

    warden20230607_infiltrators 02 subjugator sergeant.jpg

    I was impressed how his skin turned out. Originally I was going to make it more tan but it looked great after a wash on the brown paint.

    His heraldry came out good too, did some work with an Imperial Fists transfer:

    warden20230607_infiltrators 06 subjugator sergeant.jpg

    The next marine is Brother Seben of the Iron Talons:

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    The Iron Talons are barbaric White Scars successors. The mini uses one of my last old Space Wolf heads I had in my bits box back from my old Storm Claws box.

    Iron Talons heraldry was supposed to be a transfer but it didn't work, but surprisingly my freehand turned out ok this time:

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    The third infiltrator is Brother Harrath of the White Consuls:

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    White Consuls heraldry (which for some reason is... blue? :cool:):

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    Sadly that transfer shows up really well in pictures, but it was easier than painting so I will take it!

    Fourth and final Infiltrator is Brother Astroval of the Angels Eradicant:

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    I envisioned the Angels Eradicant as Dark Angels successors stationed on the edge of the Eye of Terror to watch for signs of Fallen along the chaotic frontier. Not lore justified just my thoughts on another chapter with little lore.

    His heraldry was another freehand attempt:

    warden20230607_infiltrators 19 angels eradicant.jpg

    My notes told me I was supposed to add a red cross to his left kneepad so I did so. However when I went back to look at my source image I was in fact supposed to paint a red cross in the "saltire" style, like the flag of Scotland... not a St. Georges cross. :eek:

    At this point I am not going back to change it, I think he looks cool.

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  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Parting photos with my new Infiltrators along with their combat medic and communications specialist:

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    Chapter heraldry from left to right: Subjugators, Iron Talons, White Consuls, Angels Eradicant, Excoriators, and the Crimson Scythes.

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    Blastoize, Oh_Man, Imrahil and 3 others like this.
  7. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Got two Infinity models in the pipeline:

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  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Thanks @Imrahil for the like bomb!

    Things are super busy for me right now, I am hoping I can at least finish these last two infinity minis before the end of the month. I am mostly done with the Azra'il, but he needs a tiny bit more work before I can varnish him.

    warden20230623_infinity haqqislam_azra'il WIP.jpg
    JTSleep, Imrahil and Explodingzeb like this.
  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have finished my next two Infinity minis!

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    The dude in green with the blue head scarf is wearing Mobile Brigada armor; he belongs to a different faction than most of my Haqqislam, but he can show up in one faction as a single model. I figure he could be some sort of mercenary or bounty hunter too.

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    I didn't have a spare missile launcher from the Infinity range, so I gave him one from the Space Marines of the grimdark future instead!

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    My Azra'il conversion is from the O-12 infinity faction; here is the original model as I bought it online compared to my new paintjob:

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    Once again my matte varnish came out glossy :mad:

    Here he is with a Druze and a Nahab backup:

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    Realjuan, Explodingzeb and Imrahil like this.
  10. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I may be able to play some infinity or Stargrave in a few weeks, so I am working on getting some Aleph minis finished.

    I went ahead and finished these three Thorakites!

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    I painted some rough eyeball symbols on their shields... because Aleph is always watching :peeking:

    I am enjoying how the speed paint is turning out, especially this light gray stuff. Good test for future stormtroopers!
    I really love what one coat of the speed paint did on these minis!

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  11. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Greetings fellow lizards! It has been a while since last I posted. I am in the process of getting out of the army after almost a decade, and just finished moving to a new place! Things will be very busy with my new job over the next few months, but I am looking forward to getting back into hobby-mode during off time, and maybe getting some games in eventually!

    Earlier this month I stopped by and visited my uncle, and we got to play our first game of Infinity! We played Infinity Code One at a local game store; the game was slow because we were learning the rules on the fly, but we had fun!

    Here one of my skirmishers is about to get blown up by an alien heavy infantry trooper:

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    And here is a (rough) composite image of my Lasiq sniper about to decapitate an alien from the other side of the map!

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    The game was great fun, and the infinity terrain they had at the store was beautiful! We learned a lot too. I ultimately won the game, but I think that came down to me having eight troopers compared to his six.

    Great game, lots of back and forth decision making between both players, I enjoyed this game a great deal. It has been a while since I played kill team or necromunda, but I feel this game was easier to pick up. More games are required!
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Warden likes this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I have a few more painted Infinity minis to share!

    Two more remotes:

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    They bring the total number of Murafeq bots up to 4


    Also have two Hunzakuts, skirmisher-forward observers who are actually from a different Infinity faction, but I liked the minis:

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    I also painted... John Wick!

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    Kinda at least. I really liked this mini (Richard Quinn from the Pan-Oceania faction) but I wanted to use him in my force as a member of the Druze Shock Teams where he will be my sniper.

    All three of these dudes together:

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  14. JTSleep

    JTSleep Well-Known Member

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    Lovely work.
    Warden likes this.
  15. Imrahil

    Imrahil Thirtheenth Spawning

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    Nice work!
    I love the John Wick character, great work on his skin, looks real natural.

    Grrr, !mrahil
    Warden likes this.
  16. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    Very nice! They look wonderful
    Warden likes this.
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    It's been a few months! Time flies, happy new year everylizard!

    While I am dissappointed with the possibility that our humble Lizardmen may never be included in the latest version of WHF as an actual faction, I still have been painting a lot of Infinity recently. Here are a few samples!

    I finished a Monstrucker proxy (actually an O-12 Lambda doctor), and replaced my Ayyar's purplish hood with a green one and now he looks a lot better. Here they are with their drop bears! Those are basically throwable mines that you can toss over a wall or into a room without exposing yourself, and cause tons of problems for opponents to solve!

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    I finished another box of Druze Shock Teams giving me more weapons options. Love how this batch turned out, and I can't wait to play the faction once I paint a few more odds and ends for this army!

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    I completed these two dangerous ladies near the end of last year: the Nazorova sisters, who are essentially bike gang kingpins. Gotta love cyberpunk bikers!

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    My last project for 2023 was these three minis, proxies for a mercenary known as the Fiddler.

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    In game the Fiddler is a fast-moving engineer who can run up walls, and she has two attack bots equipped with what are essentially flamethrower shotguns. Sadly I didn't care for the actual model... and decided to proxy/convert up my own! The Fiddler herself is the Gata model from Aristeia,

    Her helper monekybots are converted up from O-12 Yudbots. I did not like either Fiddlers models nor the actual Yudbots, and I think they look way better now, if a bit janky.

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    Anyway, one of these days I will take a picture of all 98 minis I painted last year!
  18. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    There will still be PDF rules for Lizards on launch, and I'm planning to keep an eye on how TOW develops and write errata for the list to keep it on a similar power level to the others, along with an Arcane Journal, all of which will be hosted on this fine forum among others, so you'll still have plenty of options to use your Lizardmen in the new game. The only real caveat is GW don't want to see Lizardmen played in tournaments, but from what I've seen of your gaming experiences, you're not much of a tournament chap anyway ;).

    Not to mention you can't have missed the glorious renaissance of fair Bretonnia in the Warhammer World...
  19. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I completed a few Aleph minis from Infinity this month real fast with contrast paints:

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    Meet Helen of Troy, the voice of Aleph and chief diplomat of the Steel Phalanx.

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    Also scale wise this lady has got to be six almost seven feet tall, she towers over most of the regular-sized infantry of the game.

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    Next is a Thyreos Hacker; an amazonian infiltrator who can sneak up the field and cause issues for the enemies plans.

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    Last one and in my opinion weakest fast paintjob of the bunch is Trisha N33, engineer.

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    I was looking at the Bretonnian launch... its so expensive! As much as I love the Knights of the Realm box, and all the peasants, I am not as thrilled with the old quest knights and grail knights, and was hoping for a re-launch.
  20. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Still i like how the hexagons pattern on her sleeves matches the base
    Warden and Imrahil like this.

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