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What are your top 3 favourite models released in 2021?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by NIGHTBRINGER, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. Sudsinabucket

    Sudsinabucket Well-Known Member

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    So, there have been a lot of awesome releases this year across a lot of game systems and 3D printing studios. And honestly this list could easily change the more I look at models from 2021. However, these 3 really stuck out to me, and they themselves for so many different reasons could be 1,2 or 3 at any given time; so the numbering is subjective for sure.

    "1". Engine of the Gods by Archviillian 3D studio. I just absolutely love this model, and am hoping to get it sometime. My idea is to upscale it to use as a Dread Saurian potentially. And honestly it just looks awesome to paint.

    wadrhun-apex-predator.jpg 20211211_155107.jpg
    "2". The Apex Predator/Matriarch for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings by Para Bellum Wargames. Its just a gorgeous model, and it has been a joy to paint, and the building was nearky flawless. I love that it is a feathered Rex-like creature and not another scaley boy. The detail is just awesome tbh.

    Shamelessly showing my WIP one to give a better idea of it. And yes, atm it is on a Carno Base lol

    "3". The new Stormcast Dragon Bros. Am I the only one getting MAJOR Dragon Heart vibes? Blue boy is DEFINITELY Draco. So aside from using nostalgia, the dragons themselves just look awesome and fun to paint. Plus, this reentry of real dragons, or more fantasy like dragons, into Warhammer is perfect in my opinion and I love that the Seraphon had a hand in it.
    Warden, Noxolotl, bOdziO Wolf and 3 others like this.
  2. Noxolotl
    Cold One

    Noxolotl Well-Known Member

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    Since it's only been my first year of the hobby, this list may be biased and little generic. But that dosen't stop me from showing 3 of my favourites

    #1 Otapatl
    I can advocate for our current chameleon skinks, I think they have their charm, but this guy is everything I would ever want from a chameleon based model. I love the attention to details like the small frog that holds his darts or the tree that he's holding on to. If that's how the future chameleon skinks will look like then I may have to find a way to include 2 units of them in my army.

    #2 New Kroak
    f00932c60af96c76e2183ec19c2c9cb1.png what can I say about him that haven't been said alrwady. He looks the part of a powerful acient frog wizard. I love that he has the design elements of the original kroak model mixed with his early artwork, I also appreciate that they made him look like he's floating wihout using the clear flying stands. Overall he's an amazing model that i can't wait to paint someday once I feel that i can take him on

    #3 Kixi-taka
    I don't have too much to say about him. This is simply a nice model, it has a great sculpt, cool pose and looks very fun to paint.
  3. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I have to say that I agree with Noxotol here, but for me Kroak is first. Fantastic model (even though I'd never use it for 8th Edition, can you image trying to get him to fit in a unit?!?!?)
    Noxolotl, Imrahil and Sudsinabucket like this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I totally agree with the chameleon from the Starblood Stalkers.

    So glad to see a really well done chameleon skink done by GW, hope they get a full unit someday.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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  6. Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl

    Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl Eleventh Spawning

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    Not the models I would have chosen, but at least they’re not Vampires.

    I read a PDF of the 4th Edition Black Templars Codex not that long ago, and they’ve certainly done a good job copying a certain iconic piece of art on Helbrecht’s Primaris-ified miniature, so I can see why that reached Third Place. Indeed I’m more surprised at the idea of dedicated Templar @Warden using him as a generic Deathwatch character instead of fielding him as great man he was designed to represent.

    The crab... I really don’t understand all the hype behind it. It’s OK, but at the end of the day it’s just a crab. If it was a giant Carcinos monster crab as part of possible Idoneth reinforcements, I’d understand, but a crab the size of a dog... pretty meh. I wouldn’t say it’s second-place worthy, but on the other hand it’s not bad, so to each their own.

    And finally... the first place entry. Shame to see Chaos retake the top spot, but at least it’s a pretty darn spectacular model, and in my writing of a Warhammer Fantasy army list representing Be’lakor’s forces on Albion, I’ve come to appreciate the Dark Master a bit more in recent times, so I’m fine with his model being top. Indeed most of the winners over the years are at least worthy of first place due to their size and spectacle alone, even if the only one of those I would have picked to win would have been Gazghkull last year (I can’t remember my exact choice last year, might have been him, might have been another even better model). The only winner really undeserving of the honour was that horrible solitary Noise Marine the year before last. I wonder if the Warhammer community had had rather too much Mulled Wine in 2019...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
  7. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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    I don't understand the Crab.

    Surely Kroak was a much better model? This one, all personal bias aside, has very little details or definition to it...
  8. Lizards of Renown

    Lizards of Renown Herald of Creation

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  9. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    It is true, I have committed grave heresy :bag:

    I was in the market for a Watch Master and really do not like the current model, size or design, and was looking for an epic dude with a sword in that exact pose to convert up. I was originally going to use the Dark Angels Captain Lazarus model but that one really didn't fit. The fact that Helbrecht has his sword firmly planted in a dead xenos is only the cherry on top!

    I do love the model... so much I will probably buy it a second time in the future to paint him up as the Templar he truly is :pompus:. Glad the model made it onto the chart, the crab is underwhelming and as much as bigger-ized Be'lakor is neat he doesn't measure up to Helbrecht in my opinion, or the new Kroak model! I bet he would make an excellent Daemon Prince convesion though.
  10. Kilvakar

    Kilvakar Well-Known Member

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    The crab was voted for purely for the meme factor. There was a big push on reddit forums to vote for the crab as mini of the year. Mostly for the lols, but some people seemed to think that would somehow be their way of sending a message to GW for the Cursed City debacle. I guess by voting for a joke rather than a good mini? I don't really know, lol!
    Warden and Noxolotl like this.

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